
Play 1.4.4

Model.action – Queries

Query query = JPA.em().createQuery("jpql_query");
Access the persistence manager

Post post = Post.findById(id);
List posts = Post.findAll();
Finder methods;
Save the object to the persistent store

boolean post.validateAndSave();
true if object validates and saved, see validation annotations

List posts = Post.all().from(50).fetch(100);
Read records 50 to 100, if any

Post.find("select p from Post p, Comment c where
= p and c.subject like ?", "%hop%");
Parametrized lookup using a join

long userCount = Post.count("author=?", connectedUser);
long postCount = Post.count();
Counting records

JPAPlugin.startTx(boolean readonly);
JPAPlugin.closeTx(boolean rollback);
Custom transaction control methods

Forces a transaction rollback

Model – Basics

@Entity(name="sql_tbl") public class Post extends Model
Specifies that the class is persistent

Defines this field as being embedded

Defines this field as being (part of) the identity for the class, and being embedded into this class

Specifies that the class is persistent embedded in another persistent class

Specifies that this class contains persistent information to be mapped in a subclass

Model – Generators

@GeneratedValue(strategy = [NONE, TABLE, SEQUENCE,
Used to generate auto indexes

Defines a generator of values using sequences in the datastore for use with persistent entities

Defines a generator of sequences using a table in the datastore for use with persistent entities

Model – Relational mapping

@Table(name="sql_tbl", catalog="", schema="")
Defines the table where this class will be stored

Defines this field as being (part of) the identity for the class

Defines this field as storing the version for the class

Defines this field as being persistent, can be omitted

Defines this field as being transient (not persisted)

@Lob(fetch=[LAZY, EAGER], type=[BLOB,CLOB])
Defines this field as being stored as a large object

@UniqueConstraint(primary=false, String columns[])
Used to define secondary indexes

Should only be used on java.util.Date and Calendar fields

@Enumerated(ORDINAL, STRING)
Defines this field as storing an enumerated class

Defines a table column name that is different to the field name

Model – Callbacks

Convenient ways to implement database-independent triggers.

Defines this method as being a callback for pre-persist events

Defines this method as being a callback for post-persist events

Defines this method as being a callback for pre-remove events

Defines this method as being a callback for post-remove events

Defines this method as being a callback for pre-update events

Defines this method as being a callback for post-load events

Model – Relations

@OneToOne(entity, fetch=[LAZY,EAGER], nullable=true)
Defines this field as being a 1-1 relation with another persistent entity

Defines this field as being a 1-N relation with other persistent entities

@ManyToMany(cascade=[ALL, PERSIST, MERGE,
Defines this field as being a M-N relation with other persistent entities

Defines this field as being a N-1 relation with another persistent entity

@JoinColumn(name = "id_connector")
Defines a column for joining to either a join table or foreign key relation.

@JoinTable(name = "nm_table", joinColumns =
{ @JoinColumn(name = "id_coupon", nullable = false) },
inverseJoinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name =
"id_campaign", nullable = false) })
Used to map ManyToMany relationships

Model – JPA Queries

@NamedQuery(name="q1", "jpql_query");
Defines a named JPQL query to use in the persistence unit

Defines a native SQL query for use in the persistence unit

Used to map a native SQL query result to the object model

This is only a subset of the JPA2 annotations, Hibernate also has its own non standard set.