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absolute() - Method in class play.mvc.Router.ActionDefinition
AbstractMailSystemFactory - Class in play.libs.mail
AbstractMailSystemFactory() - Constructor for class play.libs.mail.AbstractMailSystemFactory
accept(Resource) - Method in class play.deps.YamlParser
ACCEPTED - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http.StatusCode
acceptLanguage() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Request
Return the languages requested by the browser, ordered by preference (preferred first).
accepts(HttpRequest) - Static method in class play.server.FileService.ByteRangeInput
acceptsURL(String) - Method in class play.db.DBPlugin.ProxyDriver
accessControl(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Add headers to allow cross-domain requests.
accessControl(String, boolean) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Add headers to allow cross-domain requests.
accessControl(String, String, boolean) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Add headers to allow cross-domain requests.
accessToken - Variable in class play.libs.OAuth2.Response
accessTokenURL - Variable in class play.libs.OAuth.ServiceInfo
accessTokenURL - Variable in class play.libs.OAuth2
action - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
Full action (ex: Application.index)
action - Variable in class play.mvc.Router.ActionDefinition
action - Variable in class play.mvc.Router.Route
action(boolean) - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplateCompiler
action(boolean) - Method in class play.templates.TemplateCompiler
Action<T> - Interface in play.utils
ActionDefinition() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Router.ActionDefinition
ActionInvoker - Class in play.mvc
Invoke an action after an HTTP request.
ActionInvoker() - Constructor for class play.mvc.ActionInvoker
actionMethod - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
Action method name
ActionNotFoundException - Exception in play.exceptions
ActionNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.ActionNotFoundException
add(String, Object, String) - Static method in class play.cache.Cache
Add an element only if it doesn't exist.
add(String, Object) - Static method in class play.cache.Cache
Add an element only if it doesn't exist and store it indefinitely.
add(String, Object, int) - Method in interface play.cache.CacheImpl
add(String, Object, int) - Method in class play.cache.EhCacheImpl
add(String, Object, int) - Method in class play.cache.MemcachedImpl
add(ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass) - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses
Put a new class to the cache.
add(String...) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlQuery.Concat
add(String, Object) - Method in class play.mvc.Router.ActionDefinition
add(String[], String) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
add(TestEngine.TestResult) - Method in class play.test.TestEngine.TestResults
addAttachment(EmailAttachment...) - Static method in class play.mvc.Mailer
addBcc(String...) - Static method in class play.mvc.Mailer
addCc(String...) - Static method in class play.mvc.Mailer
addChild(ParamNode) - Method in class
addError(String, String, String...) - Static method in class
Add an error
addFormat(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Router.Route
addHeader(String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Mailer
addMimeTypes() - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Override to provide additional mime types from your plugin.
addModule(String, File) - Static method in class play.Play
Add a play application (as plugin)
addModule(VirtualFile, String, File) - Static method in class play.Play
Add a play application (as plugin)
addNoise() - Method in class play.libs.Images.Captcha
Add noise to the captcha.
addNoise(String) - Method in class play.libs.Images.Captcha
Add noise to the captcha.
addParam(String, String, String) - Static method in class play.libs.URLs
addParams(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Router.Route
addPlugin(PlayPlugin) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
Adds one plugin and enables it
addQueryString(AsyncHttpClient.BoundRequestBuilder) - Method in class
Adds the queryString-part of the url to the BoundRequestBuilder
addRecipient(String...) - Static method in class play.mvc.Mailer
addRecipient(Object...) - Static method in class play.mvc.Mailer
addRef(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Router.ActionDefinition
addRoute(int, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Router
Add a route at the given position
addRoute(int, String, String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Router
Add a route at the given position
addRoute(int, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Router
Add a route at the given position
addRoute(String, String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Router
Add a new route.
addRoute(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Router
Add a route at the given position
addRoute(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Router
Add a route
addSlashes(Object) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
addTemplateExtensions() - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
addTemplateExtensions() - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
addToResponse(Http.Response, HttpResponse) - Static method in class play.server.PlayHandler
addToSet(int, int, int, int) - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
addVariable(String, Object) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesNamesTracer
addVariable(String, boolean) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesNamesTracer
addVariable(String, char) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesNamesTracer
addVariable(String, byte) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesNamesTracer
addVariable(String, double) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesNamesTracer
addVariable(String, float) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesNamesTracer
addVariable(String, int) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesNamesTracer
addVariable(String, long) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesNamesTracer
addVariable(String, short) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesNamesTracer
after() - Method in class play.Invoker.Invocation
Things to do after an Invocation.
After - Annotation Type in play.mvc
Mark this method as @After interceptor
afterActionInvocation() - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Called at the end of the action invocation.
afterActionInvocation() - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
afterApplicationStart() - Method in class
afterApplicationStart() - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Called after the application start.
afterApplicationStart() - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
afterFixtureLoad() - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin
afterFixtureLoad() - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
afterFixtureLoad() - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
afterInvocation() - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin
afterInvocation() - Method in class
afterInvocation() - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Called after an invocation.
afterInvocation() - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
afterRequest() - Method in class
If is called in a 'HttpRequest' invocation context, waits until request is served and schedules job then.
afterTransactionCompletion(Transaction) - Method in class play.db.jpa.HibernateInterceptor
all() - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses
All loaded classes.
all() - Static method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel
Prepare a query to find *all* entities.
all(String) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
all(String, String) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
all(String) - Static method in class play.i18n.Messages
return all messages for a locale
all() - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Params
all() - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Session
ALL_SPEC - Static variable in class play.libs.CronExpression
ALL_SPEC_INT - Static variable in class play.libs.CronExpression
allFunctionalTests() - Static method in class play.test.TestEngine
allPlugins - Variable in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
List that holds all loaded plugins, enabled or disabled
allPlugins_readOnlyCopy - Variable in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
Readonly copy of allPlugins - updated each time allPlugins is updated.
allSeleniumTests() - Static method in class play.test.TestEngine
allSimple() - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Params
allUnitTests() - Static method in class play.test.TestEngine
alterForModuleSupport(String, Connection) - Static method in class play.db.evolutions.EvolutionQuery
AlternativeDateFormat(Locale, String...) - Constructor for class play.utils.Utils.AlternativeDateFormat
and(F.Matcher<R, NR>) - Method in class play.libs.F.Matcher
andWhere(String...) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect
andWhere(SqlSelect.Where...) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect
andWhere(String...) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect.Where
annotation - Variable in class
AnnotationHelper - Class in
AnnotationHelper() - Constructor for class
annotations - Variable in class
ANSIConsoleAppender - Class in play.utils
Colour-coded console appender for Log4J.
ANSIConsoleAppender() - Constructor for class play.utils.ANSIConsoleAppender
ApacheMultipartParser - Class in
From Apache commons fileupload.
ApacheMultipartParser() - Constructor for class
ApacheMultipartParser.AutoFileItem - Class in
ApacheMultipartParser.SizeException - Exception in
This exception is thrown, if a requests permitted size is exceeded.
append(Object) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlQuery.Concat
appendRoute(String, String, String, String, String, String, int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Router
This is used internally when reading the route file.
APPLICATION_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED - Static variable in class play.test.FunctionalTest
ApplicationClass() - Constructor for class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass
ApplicationClass(String) - Constructor for class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass
ApplicationClass(String, VirtualFile) - Constructor for class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass
ApplicationClasses - Class in play.classloading
Application classes container.
ApplicationClasses() - Constructor for class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses
ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass - Class in play.classloading
Represent a application class
ApplicationClassesClasspath() - Constructor for class play.classloading.enhancers.Enhancer.ApplicationClassesClasspath
ApplicationClassloader - Class in play.classloading
The application classLoader.
ApplicationClassloader() - Constructor for class play.classloading.ApplicationClassloader
ApplicationClassloaderState - Class in play.classloading
Each unique instance of this class represent a State of the ApplicationClassloader.
ApplicationClassloaderState() - Constructor for class play.classloading.ApplicationClassloaderState
ApplicationCompiler - Class in play.classloading
Java compiler (uses eclipse JDT)
ApplicationCompiler(ApplicationClasses) - Constructor for class play.classloading.ApplicationCompiler
Try to guess the magic configuration options
applicationPath - Static variable in class play.Play
The application root
apply(Connection, boolean, Evolution, String) - Static method in class play.db.evolutions.EvolutionQuery
apply() - Method in interface play.libs.F.Function0
apply(Http.Request, Http.Response) - Method in exception play.mvc.results.Error
apply(Http.Request, Http.Response) - Method in exception play.mvc.results.NoResult
apply(Http.Request, Http.Response) - Method in exception play.mvc.results.NotFound
apply(Http.Request, Http.Response) - Method in exception play.mvc.results.NotModified
apply(Http.Request, Http.Response) - Method in exception play.mvc.results.Ok
apply(Http.Request, Http.Response) - Method in exception play.mvc.results.Redirect
apply(Http.Request, Http.Response) - Method in exception play.mvc.results.RedirectToStatic
apply(Http.Request, Http.Response) - Method in exception play.mvc.results.RenderBinary
apply(Http.Request, Http.Response) - Method in exception play.mvc.results.RenderHtml
apply(Http.Request, Http.Response) - Method in exception play.mvc.results.RenderJson
apply(Http.Request, Http.Response) - Method in exception play.mvc.results.RenderStatic
apply(Http.Request, Http.Response) - Method in exception play.mvc.results.RenderTemplate
apply(Http.Request, Http.Response) - Method in exception play.mvc.results.RenderText
apply(Http.Request, Http.Response) - Method in exception play.mvc.results.RenderXml
apply(Http.Request, Http.Response) - Method in exception play.mvc.results.Result
apply(Http.Request, Http.Response) - Method in exception play.mvc.results.Status
apply(Http.Request, Http.Response) - Method in exception play.mvc.results.Unauthorized
apply(Http.Request, Http.Inbound, Http.Outbound) - Method in exception play.mvc.results.WebSocketDisconnect
apply(Http.Request, Http.Inbound, Http.Outbound) - Method in exception play.mvc.results.WebSocketResult
apply(Http.Request, Http.Response) - Method in exception play.mvc.results.WebSocketResult
apply(I) - Method in interface play.PlayPlugin.Filter.Function1
applyScript(boolean, String, VirtualFile) - Static method in class play.db.Evolutions
applyScript(String, boolean, String, VirtualFile) - Static method in class play.db.Evolutions
applyUp - Variable in class play.db.evolutions.Evolution
archive() - Method in class play.libs.F.ArchivedEventStream
ArchivedEventStream(int) - Constructor for class play.libs.F.ArchivedEventStream
args - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
Free space to store your request specific data
args - Variable in class play.mvc.Router.ActionDefinition
array() - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
arrayequals(byte[], byte[], int) - Static method in class
Compares count first bytes in the arrays a and b.
arrayOffset() - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
As - Annotation Type in
As.DEFAULT - Class in
asAttr(Map, Object) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
asAttr(Map) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
asBytes() - Method in class
asBytes() - Method in class
asBytes() - Method in interface
asdate(Long) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
asdate(Long, String) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
asdate(Long, String, String) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
asdate(Long, String, String, String) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
asFile() - Method in class
asFile(File) - Method in class
asFile(String) - Method in class
asFile() - Method in class
asFile() - Method in interface
asFunction() - Method in class play.PlayPlugin.Filter
assemble(Serializable, Object) - Method in class play.db.jpa.Blob
assertCharset(String, Http.Response) - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
Verify response charset encoding, as returned by the server in the Content-Type header.
assertContentEquals(String, Http.Response) - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
Exact equality assertion on response body
assertContentMatch(String, Http.Response) - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
Asserts response body matched a pattern or contains some text.
assertContentType(String, Http.Response) - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
Verify the response content-type
assertHeaderEquals(String, String, Http.Response) - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
Exact equality assertion on a response header value
assertIsNotFound(Http.Response) - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
Asserts a 404 (not found) response
assertIsOk(Http.Response) - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
Asserts a 2OO Success response
assertStatus(int, Http.Response) - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
Asserts response status code
asStream() - Method in class
asStream() - Method in class
asStream() - Method in interface
asXml(String) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
asynchronousSend - Static variable in class play.libs.Mail
attachDataSource(DataSource, String, String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Mailer
attachDataSource(DataSource, String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Mailer
attachInlineEmbed(DataSource, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Mailer
authenticate(String, String, WS.Scheme) - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
define client authentication for a server host provided credentials will be used during the request
authenticate(String, String) - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
define client authentication for a server host provided credentials will be used during the request the basic scheme will be used
authorizationInit() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Request
authorizationURL - Variable in class play.libs.OAuth.ServiceInfo
authorizationURL - Variable in class play.libs.OAuth2
autoCommit() - Static method in class play.db.Evolutions
autoCommit - Variable in class play.db.jpa.JPA.JPAContext
AutoFileItem(FileItemStream) - Constructor for class
autoTxs - Static variable in class play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin
available() - Method in class
Returns the number of bytes, which are currently available, without blocking.
availableEvents(long) - Method in class play.libs.F.ArchivedEventStream
await(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
await(String, F.Action0) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
await(int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
await(int, F.Action0) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
await(Future<T>) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
await(Future<T>, F.Action<T>) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
await(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.WebSocketController
await(String, F.Action0) - Static method in class play.mvc.WebSocketController
await(int) - Static method in class play.mvc.WebSocketController
await(int, F.Action0) - Static method in class play.mvc.WebSocketController
await(Future<T>) - Static method in class play.mvc.WebSocketController
await(Future<T>, F.Action<T>) - Static method in class play.mvc.WebSocketController


background - Variable in class play.libs.Images.Captcha
BAD_REQUEST - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http.StatusCode
badRequest(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Send a 400 Bad request
badRequest() - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Send a 400 Bad request
BadRequest - Exception in play.mvc.results
400 Bad Request
BadRequest(String) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.BadRequest
BaseTemplate - Class in play.templates
BaseTemplate(String, String) - Constructor for class play.templates.BaseTemplate
BaseTemplate(String) - Constructor for class play.templates.BaseTemplate
BaseTemplate.RawData - Class in play.templates
BaseTest - Class in play.test
BaseTest() - Constructor for class play.test.BaseTest
basicAuthHeader() - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
BeanSource - Interface in play.inject
BeanWrapper - Class in
Parameters map to POJO binder.
BeanWrapper(Class<?>) - Constructor for class
BeanWrapper.Property - Class in
before() - Method in class play.Invoker.Invocation
Things to do before an Invocation
Before - Annotation Type in play.mvc
Mark this method as @Before interceptor
beforeActionInvocation(Method) - Method in class
beforeActionInvocation(Method) - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Called before an 'action' invocation, ie an HTTP request processing.
beforeActionInvocation(Method) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
beforeDetectingChanges() - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
beforeDetectingChanges() - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
beforeInvocation() - Method in class
beforeInvocation() - Method in class play.db.Evolutions
beforeInvocation() - Method in class
beforeInvocation() - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Called before a Play! invocation.
beforeInvocation() - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
BinaryBinder - Class in
BinaryBinder() - Constructor for class
binaryData - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.WebSocketFrame
BinaryFrame - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http.WebSocketEvent
bind(String, Annotation[], String, Class, Type) - Method in class
bind(String, Type, Map<String, String[]>, String, Annotation[]) - Method in class
bind(String, Type, Map<String, String[]>, String, Object, Annotation[]) - Method in class
bind(Object, String, Map<String, String[]>) - Static method in class
bind(String, Class<?>, Type, Annotation[], Map<String, String[]>) - Static method in class
bind(RootParamNode, String, Class<?>, Type, Annotation[]) - Static method in class
bind(RootParamNode, String, Class<?>, Type, Annotation[], Binder.MethodAndParamInfo) - Static method in class
bind(String, Annotation[], String, Class, Type) - Method in interface
Called when your parameter needs to be bound.
bind(String, Annotation[], String, Class, Type) - Method in class
bind(String, Annotation[], String, Class, Type) - Method in class
bind(String, Annotation[], String, Class, Type) - Method in class
bind(String, Annotation[], String, Class, Type) - Method in class
bind(String, Annotation[], String, Class, Type) - Method in class
bind(String, Annotation[], String, Class, Type) - Method in class
bind(String, Annotation[], String, Class, Type) - Method in class
bind(String, Annotation[], String, Class, Type) - Method in class
bind(String, Annotation[], String, Class, Type) - Method in class
bind(String, Annotation[], String, Class, Type) - Method in class
bind(String, Annotation[], String, Class, Type) - Method in class
bind(String, Object) - Method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel.JPAQuery
Bind a JPQL named parameter to the current query.
bind(RootParamNode, String, Class, Type, Annotation[]) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin
bind(String, Class, Type, Annotation[], Map<String, String[]>) - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
bind(RootParamNode, String, Class<?>, Type, Annotation[]) - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Called when play need to bind a Java object from HTTP params.
bind(String, Object, Map<String, String[]>) - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
bind(RootParamNode, String, Class<?>, Type, Annotation[]) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
bindBean(RootParamNode, String, Object) - Static method in class
Invokes the plugins before using the internal bindBean.
bindBean(ParamNode, Object, Annotation[]) - Static method in class
Does NOT invoke plugins
bindBean(RootParamNode, String, Object) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin
bindBean(RootParamNode, String, Object) - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Called when play need to bind an existing Java object from HTTP params.
bindBean(RootParamNode, String, Object) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
Binder - Class in
The binder try to convert String values to Java objects.
Binder() - Constructor for class
Binder.MethodAndParamInfo - Class in
bindForCurrentThread(String, EntityManager, boolean) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
Bind an EntityManager to the current thread.
BindingAnnotations - Class in
BindingAnnotations() - Constructor for class
BindingAnnotations(Annotation[]) - Constructor for class
BindingAnnotations(Annotation[], String[]) - Constructor for class
bindParameters(Query, Object...) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
bindParameters(Query, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
Blob - Class in play.db.jpa
Blob() - Constructor for class play.db.jpa.Blob
BlockingEventStream(ChannelHandlerContext) - Constructor for class play.libs.F.BlockingEventStream
BlockingEventStream(int, ChannelHandlerContext) - Constructor for class play.libs.F.BlockingEventStream
body - Variable in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
The body of this request
body(Object) - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Add the given body to the request.
body - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
Body stream
BOUNDARY_PREFIX - Static variable in class
A byte sequence that precedes a boundary (CRLF--).
build(Class<T>) - Static method in class play.db.helper.JdbcResultFactories
build(Class<T>, String...) - Static method in class play.db.helper.JdbcResultFactories
build(Class<T>, List<String>) - Static method in class play.db.helper.JdbcResultFactories
buildClass(Class<T>) - Static method in class play.db.helper.JdbcResultFactories
buildClass(Class<T>, String...) - Static method in class play.db.helper.JdbcResultFactories
buildClass(Class<T>, List<String>) - Static method in class play.db.helper.JdbcResultFactories
buildExpression(String) - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
buildMessage(Email) - Static method in class play.libs.Mail
buildPrimitive(Class<T>) - Static method in class play.db.helper.JdbcResultFactories
buildPrimitive(Class<T>, int) - Static method in class play.db.helper.JdbcResultFactories
buildPrimitive(Class<T>, String) - Static method in class play.db.helper.JdbcResultFactories
ByteArrayArrayBinder - Class in
Bind byte[][] form multipart/form-data request, so you can have a byte[][] in your controller.
ByteArrayArrayBinder() - Constructor for class
ByteArrayBinder - Class in
Bind byte[] form multipart/form-data request.
ByteArrayBinder() - Constructor for class
BytecodeCache - Class in play.classloading
Used to speed up compilation time
BytecodeCache() - Constructor for class play.classloading.BytecodeCache
ByteRangeInput(File, String, HttpRequest) - Constructor for class play.server.FileService.ByteRangeInput
ByteRangeInput(RandomAccessFile, String, HttpRequest) - Constructor for class play.server.FileService.ByteRangeInput
byteToHexString(byte[]) - Static method in class play.libs.Codec
Write a byte array as hexadecimal String.


Cache - Class in play.cache
The Cache.
Cache() - Constructor for class play.cache.Cache
cacheBytecode(byte[], String, String) - Static method in class play.classloading.BytecodeCache
Cache the bytecode
CachedBoundActionMethodArgs - Class in
CachedBoundActionMethodArgs() - Constructor for class
CacheException - Exception in play.exceptions
CacheException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.CacheException
CacheFor - Annotation Type in play.cache
Cache an action's result.
cacheFor(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Add a cache-control header
cacheFor(String, String, long) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Add cache-control headers
cacheImpl - Static variable in class play.cache.Cache
The underlying cache implementation
CacheImpl - Interface in play.cache
A cache implementation.
CalendarBinder - Class in
Binder that support Calendar class.
CalendarBinder() - Constructor for class
call() - Method in class
callbacks - Variable in class play.libs.F.Promise
camelCase(String) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
cancel(boolean) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
cancel(boolean) - Method in class play.utils.ImmediateFuture
cancel(boolean) - Method in class play.utils.SmartFuture
cancelled - Variable in class play.libs.F.Promise
capacity() - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
capAll(Object) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
capFirst(Object) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
capitalizeWords(String) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
captcha(int, int) - Static method in class play.libs.Images
Create a captche image
captcha() - Static method in class play.libs.Images
Create a 150x150 captcha image
Captcha(int, int) - Constructor for class play.libs.Images.Captcha
Catch - Annotation Type in play.mvc
Mark this method as @Catch interceptor
change(String) - Static method in class play.i18n.Lang
Change language for next requests
channel() - Method in class play.vfs.VirtualFile
channelConnected(ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelStateEvent) - Method in class play.server.ssl.SslPlayHandler
channelDisconnected(ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelStateEvent) - Method in class play.server.PlayHandler
Check - Class in
Check() - Constructor for class
checkAndParse() - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Params
checkAuthenticity() - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Check that the token submitted from a form is valid.
checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class play.utils.YesSSLSocketFactory.YesTrustManager
checkEmpty() - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesNamesTracer
checkEvolutionsState() - Static method in class play.db.Evolutions
checkEvolutionsState(String) - Static method in class play.db.Evolutions
checkNext(int, String, int, int) - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
checkNext() - Method in class play.templates.TemplateParser
checkNoBinding() - Method in class
checkScalaCompatibility(String) - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplateCompiler
Makes the code scala compatible (for the scala module).
checkScalaComptability(String) - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplateCompiler
checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class play.utils.YesSSLSocketFactory.YesTrustManager
CheckWith - Annotation Type in
checkWithCheck - Variable in class
CheckWithCheck - Class in
CheckWithCheck() - Constructor for class
child(String) - Method in class play.vfs.VirtualFile
choices - Variable in class play.db.Model.Property
chooseClientAlias(String[], Principal[], Socket) - Method in class play.server.ssl.SslHttpServerContextFactory.PEMKeyManager
chooseEngineServerAlias(String, Principal[], SSLEngine) - Method in class play.server.ssl.SslHttpServerContextFactory.PEMKeyManager
chooseServerAlias(String, Principal[], Socket) - Method in class play.server.ssl.SslHttpServerContextFactory.PEMKeyManager
chunked - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Response
classes - Static variable in class play.Play
All loaded application classes
classes - Static variable in class play.server.HttpServerPipelineFactory
ClassFactory(Class<T>, List<String>) - Constructor for class play.db.helper.JdbcResultFactories.ClassFactory
classloader - Static variable in class play.Play
The application classLoader
ClassOf(Class<K>) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Matcher
classPool - Variable in class play.classloading.enhancers.Enhancer
ClassStateHashCreator - Class in play.classloading.hash
ClassStateHashCreator() - Constructor for class play.classloading.hash.ClassStateHashCreator
cleanCompiledCache() - Static method in class play.templates.TemplateLoader
Cleans the cache for all templates
cleanCompiledCache(String) - Static method in class play.templates.TemplateLoader
Cleans the specified key from the cache
cleanStackTrace(Throwable) - Method in class play.templates.BaseTemplate
cleanStackTrace(Throwable) - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplate
CleanTest - Annotation Type in play.test
Test annotation to control the access to MVC objects
clear() - Static method in class play.cache.Cache
Clear all data from cache.
clear() - Method in interface play.cache.CacheImpl
clear() - Method in class play.cache.EhCacheImpl
clear() - Method in class play.cache.MemcachedImpl
clear() - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses
Clear the classes cache
clear() - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesNamesTracer
clear() - Static method in class
clear() - Static method in class
clear() - Static method in class play.i18n.Lang
Clears the current language - This wil trigger resolving language from request if not manually set.
clear() - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Flash
clear() - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Session
clear() - Method in class play.utils.OrderSafeProperties
clearCookies() - Method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
clearJPASession() - Method in class play.test.BaseTest
clearProblems() - Method in class play.deps.HumanReadyLogger
clientid - Variable in class play.libs.OAuth2
clone() - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
close() - Method in class play.classloading.enhancers.Enhancer.ApplicationClassesClasspath
close() - Method in class
Closes the input stream.
close() - Static method in class play.db.DB
Close all the open connections for the current thread.
close(String) - Static method in class play.db.DB
Close an given open connections for the current thread
close() - Method in class play.db.helper.JdbcIterator
close(Iterator<?>) - Static method in class play.db.helper.JdbcIterator
close() - Method in class play.Logger.JuliToLog4jHandler
close() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Inbound
close() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Outbound
close() - Method in class play.server.FileService.ByteRangeInput
closeAll() - Static method in class play.db.DB
Close all the open connections for the current thread.
closeChunked(Http.Request, Http.Response, ChannelHandlerContext, HttpRequest) - Method in class play.server.PlayHandler
closeConnection(Connection) - Static method in class play.db.evolutions.EvolutionQuery
closeResultSet(ResultSet) - Static method in class play.db.evolutions.EvolutionQuery
closeStatement(Statement) - Static method in class play.db.evolutions.EvolutionQuery
closeTx(String) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
closeTx(boolean) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin
code - Variable in exception play.mvc.results.Redirect
Codec - Class in play.libs
Codec utils
Codec() - Constructor for class play.libs.Codec
compareTo(Evolution) - Method in class play.db.evolutions.Evolution
compareTo(PlayPlugin) - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
CompilationException - Exception in play.exceptions
A java compilation error
CompilationException(String) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.CompilationException
CompilationException(VirtualFile, String, int, int, int) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.CompilationException
compile() - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass
Compile the class from Java source
compile(String[]) - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationCompiler
Please compile this className
compile() - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplate
compile(BaseTemplate) - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplateCompiler
compile() - Method in class play.templates.Template
compile(BaseTemplate) - Method in class play.templates.TemplateCompiler
compile(VirtualFile) - Method in class play.templates.TemplateCompiler
compileAll(List<ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass>) - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
compileAll(List<ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass>) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
compiled(byte[]) - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass
Call back when a class is compiled.
compiledSource - Variable in class play.templates.BaseTemplate
compiledSource - Variable in class play.templates.TemplateCompiler
compiledTemplate - Variable in class play.templates.BaseTemplate
compiledTemplateName - Variable in class play.templates.BaseTemplate
compileSources() - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
compileSources() - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
composeFilters() - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
compute() - Method in class play.mvc.Router.Route
computeApplicationStatus(boolean) - Static method in class play.CorePlugin
Get the application status
computeMethodHash(CtClass[]) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesNamesTracer
computeMethodHash(Class<?>[]) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesNamesTracer
computeMethodHash(String[]) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesNamesTracer
computePathHash(List<VirtualFile>) - Method in class play.classloading.hash.ClassStateHashCreator
Concat(String, String, String) - Constructor for class play.db.helper.SqlQuery.Concat
Concat(String, String) - Constructor for class play.db.helper.SqlQuery.Concat
Concat(SqlQuery.Concat) - Constructor for class play.db.helper.SqlQuery.Concat
configLastModified - Static variable in class play.ConfigurationChangeWatcherPlugin
configName - Variable in class play.db.Configuration
ConfigurablePluginDisablingPlugin - Class in play.plugins
Plugin that reads list of plugins to disable from application.conf To disable plugins, specify it like this in application.conf: plugins.disable=full-plugin-class-name plugins.disable.0=full-plugin-class-name plugins.disable.1=full-plugin-class-name plugins.disable.whatever=full-plugin-class-name
ConfigurablePluginDisablingPlugin() - Constructor for class play.plugins.ConfigurablePluginDisablingPlugin
Configuration - Class in play.db
Configuration(String) - Constructor for class play.db.Configuration
configuration - Static variable in class play.Play
The app configuration (already resolved from the framework id)
ConfigurationChangeWatcherPlugin - Class in play
Plugin used for tracking for application.conf changes
ConfigurationChangeWatcherPlugin() - Constructor for class play.ConfigurationChangeWatcherPlugin
ConfigurationException - Exception in play.exceptions
Error in application.conf
ConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.ConfigurationException
configure(CheckWith) - Method in class
configure(Email) - Method in class
configure(Equals) - Method in class
configure(InFuture) - Method in class
configure(InPast) - Method in class
configure(IPv4Address) - Method in class
configure(IPv6Address) - Method in class
configure(IsTrue) - Method in class
configure(Match) - Method in class
configure(Max) - Method in class
configure(MaxSize) - Method in class
configure(Min) - Method in class
configure(MinSize) - Method in class
configure(Phone) - Method in class
configure(Range) - Method in class
configure(Unique) - Method in class
configure(URL) - Method in class
configure() - Method in class play.deps.DependenciesManager
configuredManually - Static variable in class play.Logger
true if logger is configured manually (log4j-config file supplied by application)
confs - Static variable in class play.Play
The loaded configuration files
connect(String, Properties) - Method in class play.db.DBPlugin.ProxyDriver
consumerKey - Variable in class play.libs.OAuth.ServiceInfo
consumerSecret - Variable in class play.libs.OAuth.ServiceInfo
contains(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Flash
contains(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Session
contains(String[], String) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
content() - Method in class play.vfs.VirtualFile
contentAsString() - Method in class play.vfs.VirtualFile
contentType - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
Request content-type
contentType - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Response content type
contentType - Variable in class play.utils.HTTP.ContentTypeWithEncoding
ContentTypeWithEncoding(String, String) - Constructor for class play.utils.HTTP.ContentTypeWithEncoding
contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class play.server.ServletWrapper
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class play.server.ServletWrapper
ContinuationEnhancer - Class in play.classloading.enhancers
ContinuationEnhancer() - Constructor for class play.classloading.enhancers.ContinuationEnhancer
CONTINUATIONS_STORE_VALIDATIONS - Static variable in class play.mvc.ActionInvoker
ContinuationsException - Exception in play.exceptions
ContinuationsException(String) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.ContinuationsException
Controller - Class in play.mvc
Application controller support: The controller receives input and initiates a response by making calls on model objects.
Controller() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Controller
controller - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
Controller to invoke
Controller.ITemplateNameResolver - Interface in play.mvc
This allow people that implements their own template engine to override the way template are resolved.
controllerClass - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
The invoked controller class
controllerInstance - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
The instance of invoked controller in case it uses non-static action methods.
ControllerInstrumentation() - Constructor for class play.classloading.enhancers.ControllersEnhancer.ControllerInstrumentation
ControllersEnhancer - Class in play.classloading.enhancers
Enhance controllers classes.
ControllersEnhancer() - Constructor for class play.classloading.enhancers.ControllersEnhancer
ControllersEnhancer.ByPass - Annotation Type in play.classloading.enhancers
ControllersEnhancer.ControllerInstrumentation - Class in play.classloading.enhancers
Runtime part needed by the instrumentation
ControllersEnhancer.ControllerSupport - Interface in play.classloading.enhancers
Mark class that need controller enhancement
convert(Map<String, String[]>) - Static method in class
convertToCharacter(String) - Method in class play.utils.HTML.HtmlCharacterEntityReferences
Return the char mapped to the given entityReference or -1.
convertToReference(char) - Method in class play.utils.HTML.HtmlCharacterEntityReferences
Return the reference mapped to the given character or null.
Cookie() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Http.Cookie
COOKIE_EXPIRE - Static variable in class play.mvc.Scope
COOKIE_PREFIX - Static variable in class play.mvc.Scope
COOKIE_SECURE - Static variable in class play.mvc.Scope
CookieDataCodec - Class in play.mvc
Provides operations around the encoding and decoding of Cookie data.
CookieDataCodec() - Constructor for class play.mvc.CookieDataCodec
cookies - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
HTTP Cookies
cookies - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Response cookies
copy(File, File) - Static method in class play.libs.Files
Just copy a file
copy(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class play.libs.IO
Copy an stream to another one.
copy(int, int) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
copyDir(File, File) - Static method in class play.libs.Files
copyDirectory(File, File) - Static method in class play.libs.IO
copyResponse(ChannelHandlerContext, Http.Request, Http.Response, HttpRequest) - Method in class play.server.PlayHandler
copyResponse(Http.Request, Http.Response, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class play.server.ServletWrapper
CorePlugin - Class in play
Plugin used for core tasks
CorePlugin() - Constructor for class play.CorePlugin
count() - Static method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel
Count entities
count(String, Object...) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel
Count entities with a special query.
count(List<String>, String, String) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPAModelLoader
count(String) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
count(String, String) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
count(String, String, Object[]) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
count(String, String, String, Object[]) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
count(List<String>, String, String) - Method in interface play.db.Model.Factory
CR - Static variable in class
The Carriage Return ASCII character value.
create(ResultSet) - Method in class play.db.helper.JdbcResultFactories.ClassFactory
create(ResultSet) - Method in class play.db.helper.JdbcResultFactories.PrimitiveFactory
create(ResultSet) - Method in interface play.db.helper.JdbcResultFactory
create(Class<?>, String, Map<String, String[]>, Annotation[]) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel
create(ParamNode, String, Class<?>, Annotation[]) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel
create() - Method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel
store (ie insert) the entity.
create(String, Scope.Params) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel
create(String, String, Scope.Params) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
create(String, String, String, Scope.Params) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
createAnnotation(AnnotationsAttribute, Class<? extends Annotation>, Map<String, MemberValue>) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.Enhancer
Create a new annotation to be dynamically inserted in the byte code.
createAnnotation(AnnotationsAttribute, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.Enhancer
Create a new annotation to be dynamically inserted in the byte code.
createCountQuery(String, String, String, String, Object...) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
CREATED - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http.StatusCode
createDeleteQuery(String, String, String, Object...) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
createEntityManager() - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
createEntityManager(String) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
createEntityManager() - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin
createFindByQuery(String, String, String, String, Object...) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
createMessageVariables() - Method in class
createMessageVariables() - Method in class
createMessageVariables() - Method in class
createMessageVariables() - Method in class
createMessageVariables() - Method in class
createMessageVariables() - Method in class
createMessageVariables() - Method in class
createMessageVariables() - Method in class
createMessageVariables() - Method in class
createMessageVariables() - Method in class
createMessageVariables() - Method in class
createQueryString() - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
createReadonlyCopy(List<PlayPlugin>) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
Using readonly list to crash if someone tries to modify the copy.
createRequest(String, String, String, String, String, InputStream, String, String, boolean, int, String, boolean, Map<String, Http.Header>, Map<String, Http.Cookie>) - Static method in class play.mvc.Http.Request
All creation / initiating of new requests should use this method.
createSocket(Socket, String, int, boolean) - Method in class play.utils.YesSSLSocketFactory
createSocket() - Method in class play.utils.YesSSLSocketFactory
createSocket(InetAddress, int, InetAddress, int) - Method in class play.utils.YesSSLSocketFactory
createSocket(InetAddress, int) - Method in class play.utils.YesSSLSocketFactory
createSocket(String, int, InetAddress, int) - Method in class play.utils.YesSSLSocketFactory
createSocket(String, int) - Method in class play.utils.YesSSLSocketFactory
createTable(String) - Static method in class play.db.evolutions.EvolutionQuery
createTempFolder() - Static method in class
CronExpression - Class in play.libs
Thanks to Quartz project,
CronExpression(String) - Constructor for class play.libs.CronExpression
Constructs a new CronExpression based on the specified parameter.
cronInterval(String) - Static method in class play.libs.Time
Compute the number of milliseconds between the next valid date and the one after
cronInterval(String, Date) - Static method in class play.libs.Time
Compute the number of milliseconds between the next valid date and the one after
crop(File, File, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class play.libs.Images
Crop an image
Crypto - Class in play.libs
Cryptography utils
Crypto() - Constructor for class play.libs.Crypto
Crypto.HashType - Enum in play.libs
Define a hash type enumeration for strong-typing
ctxPath - Static variable in class play.Play
Context path (when several application are deployed on the same host)
current() - Static method in class
current - Static variable in class
current() - Static method in class
current - Static variable in class play.Invoker.InvocationContext
current() - Static method in class play.Invoker.InvocationContext
current - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http.Inbound
current() - Static method in class play.mvc.Http.Inbound
current - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http.Outbound
current() - Static method in class play.mvc.Http.Outbound
current - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
Bind to thread
current() - Static method in class play.mvc.Http.Request
Retrieve the current request
current - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Bind to thread
current() - Static method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Retrieve the current response
current - Static variable in class play.mvc.Scope.Flash
current() - Static method in class play.mvc.Scope.Flash
current - Static variable in class play.mvc.Scope.Params
current() - Static method in class play.mvc.Scope.Params
current - Static variable in class play.mvc.Scope.RenderArgs
current() - Static method in class play.mvc.Scope.RenderArgs
current - Static variable in class play.mvc.Scope.RouteArgs
current() - Static method in class play.mvc.Scope.RouteArgs
current - Static variable in class play.mvc.Scope.Session
current() - Static method in class play.mvc.Scope.Session
current() - Static method in class play.templates.TagContext
currentAction - Static variable in class play.classloading.enhancers.ControllersEnhancer
currentEntityManager - Static variable in class play.db.jpa.JPA
currentLine - Variable in class play.templates.TemplateCompiler
currentMailSystem() - Method in class play.libs.mail.AbstractMailSystemFactory
currentMailSystem() - Static method in class play.libs.Mail
currentState - Variable in class play.classloading.ApplicationClassloader
A representation of the current state of the ApplicationClassloader.
currentTemplate - Static variable in class play.templates.BaseTemplate
cut(Object, String) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions


DASH - Static variable in class
The dash (-) ASCII character value.
data - Variable in class play.libs.F.IndexedEvent
data - Variable in class play.mvc.Scope.Params
data - Variable in class play.mvc.Scope.RenderArgs
data - Variable in class play.mvc.Scope.RouteArgs
data - Variable in class play.templates.BaseTemplate.RawData
data - Variable in class play.templates.TagContext
DatabaseException - Exception in play.exceptions
DatabaseException(String) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.DatabaseException
DatabaseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.DatabaseException
DataParser - Class in
A data parser parse the HTTP request data to a Map<String,String[]>
DataParser() - Constructor for class
DataParsers - Class in
DataParsers() - Constructor for class
datasource - Static variable in class play.db.DB
Use datasources instead
datasources - Static variable in class play.db.DB
The loaded datasource.
date - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
When the request has been received
DateBinder - Class in
Binder that support Date class.
DateBinder() - Constructor for class
DateTimeBinder - Class in
Binder that support Date class.
DateTimeBinder() - Constructor for class
DAY_OF_MONTH - Static variable in class play.libs.CronExpression
DAY_OF_WEEK - Static variable in class play.libs.CronExpression
dayMap - Static variable in class play.libs.CronExpression
daysOfMonth - Variable in class play.libs.CronExpression
daysOfWeek - Variable in class play.libs.CronExpression
DB - Class in play.db
Database connection utilities.
DB() - Constructor for class play.db.DB
DB.ExtendedDatasource - Class in play.db
dbName - Variable in class play.db.jpa.JPA.JPAContext
DBPlugin - Class in play.db
DBPlugin() - Constructor for class play.db.DBPlugin
DBPlugin.PlayConnectionCustomizer - Class in play.db
DBPlugin.ProxyDriver - Class in play.db
Needed because DriverManager will not load a driver ouside of the system classloader
debug(String) - Method in class play.deps.HumanReadyLogger
debug(String, Object...) - Static method in class play.Logger
Log with DEBUG level
debug(Throwable, String, Object...) - Static method in class play.Logger
Log with DEBUG level
decode(Map<String, String>, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.CookieDataCodec
decode(ChannelHandlerContext, Channel, ChannelBuffer) - Method in class play.server.FlashPolicyHandler
decodeBASE64(String) - Static method in class play.libs.Codec
Decode a base64 value
decorate(PlayPlugin.Filter<T>) - Method in class play.PlayPlugin.Filter
Surround innerFilter with this.
decr(String, int) - Static method in class play.cache.Cache
Decrement the element value (must be a Number).
decr(String) - Static method in class play.cache.Cache
Decrement the element value (must be a Number) by 1.
decr(String, int) - Method in interface play.cache.CacheImpl
decr(String, int) - Method in class play.cache.EhCacheImpl
decr(String, int) - Method in class play.cache.MemcachedImpl
decryptAES(String) - Static method in class play.libs.Crypto
Decrypt a String with the AES encryption standard using the application secret
decryptAES(String, String) - Static method in class play.libs.Crypto
Decrypt a String with the AES encryption standard.
deepCopy(Object) - Method in class play.db.jpa.Blob
DEFAULT() - Constructor for class
DEFAULT - Static variable in class play.db.DB
DEFAULT - Static variable in class play.db.jpa.JPA
DEFAULT - Static variable in class play.libs.mail.AbstractMailSystemFactory
Default - Class in play.utils
Default(Object) - Constructor for class play.utils.Default
DEFAULT_BUFSIZE - Static variable in class
The default length of the buffer used for processing a request.
DEFAULT_CHARSET - Static variable in class
Default content charset to be used when no explicit charset parameter is provided by the sender.
defaultDomain - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http.Cookie
When creating cookie without specifying domain, this value is used.
defaultEnhancers() - Method in class play.CorePlugin
defaults - Static variable in class play.i18n.Messages
defaultValue(String) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlQuery.Concat
defaultWebEncoding - Static variable in class play.Play
This is used as default encoding everywhere related to the web: request, response, WS
defineTemplate(String, byte[]) - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplate.TClassLoader
delay - Variable in class play.libs.F.Timeout
delegate - Variable in class play.deps.PlayConflictManager
delete(String) - Static method in class play.cache.Cache
Delete an element from the cache.
delete(String) - Method in interface play.cache.CacheImpl
delete(String) - Method in class play.cache.EhCacheImpl
delete(String) - Method in class play.cache.MemcachedImpl
delete() - Method in class
Deletes the underlying storage for a file item, including deleting any associated temporary disk file.
delete() - Method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel
Delete the entity.
delete(String, Object...) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel
Batch delete of entities
delete(String, String, String, Object[]) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
delete(String, String, Object[]) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
delete(File) - Static method in class play.libs.Files
Just delete a file.
delete() - Method in class
Execute a DELETE request.
delete() - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Execute a DELETE request.
delete() - Method in class
Execute a DELETE request.
delete(Class<? extends Model>...) - Static method in class play.test.Fixtures
Delete all Model instances for the given types using the underlying persistence mechanisms
delete(List<Class<? extends Model>>) - Static method in class play.test.Fixtures
Delete all Model instances for the given types using the underlying persistence mechanisms
DELETE(String) - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
DELETE(Http.Request, Object) - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
Sends a DELETE request to the application under tests.
deleteAll() - Static method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel
Delete all entities
deleteAll() - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPAModelLoader
deleteAll(String, String) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
deleteAll(String) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
deleteAll() - Method in interface play.db.Model.Factory
deleteAll() - Static method in class play.test.Fixtures
deleteAllModels() - Static method in class play.test.Fixtures
Delete all Model instances for the all available types using the underlying persistence mechanisms
deleteAsync() - Method in class
Execute a DELETE request asynchronously.
deleteAsync() - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Execute a DELETE request asynchronously.
deleteBytecode(String) - Static method in class play.classloading.BytecodeCache
Delete the bytecode
deleteDatabase() - Static method in class play.test.Fixtures
Flush the entire JDBC database
deleteDirectory(File) - Static method in class play.libs.Files
Recursively delete a directory.
deleteDirectory(String) - Static method in class play.test.Fixtures
Delete a directory recursively
DependenciesManager - Class in play.deps
DependenciesManager(File, File, File) - Constructor for class play.deps.DependenciesManager
deprecated(String) - Method in class play.deps.HumanReadyLogger
description - Variable in class play.libs.OAuth2.Error
deserialize(byte[]) - Static method in class play.utils.Java
destroy(String) - Static method in class play.db.DB
Destroy the datasource
destroy() - Static method in class play.db.DB
Destroy the datasource
destroy() - Method in class play.server.ServletWrapper
destroyAll() - Static method in class play.db.DB
Destroy all datasources
destroyMethod - Static variable in class play.db.DB
Use datasources instead
details - Variable in class play.libs.OAuth.Error
details() - Method in class play.libs.OAuth.Error
detectChange() - Method in class play.ConfigurationChangeWatcherPlugin
detectChange() - Method in class play.i18n.MessagesPlugin
detectChange() - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
It's time for the plugin to detect changes.
detectChange() - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
detectChanges() - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClassloader
Detect Java changes
detectChanges(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Router
In PROD mode and if the routes are already loaded, this does nothing.
detectChanges() - Static method in class play.Play
Detect sources modifications
detectClassesChange() - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
It's time for the plugin to detect changes.
detectClassesChange() - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
direct - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Send this file directly
directBind(String, Class<?>) - Static method in class
directBind(String, Annotation[], String, Class<?>) - Static method in class
directBind(Annotation[], String, Class<?>, Type) - Static method in class
directBind(String, Annotation[], String, Class<?>, Type) - Static method in class
This method calls the user's defined binders prior to bind simple type
DirectInvocation() - Constructor for class play.Invoker.DirectInvocation
disablePlugin(PlayPlugin) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
disable plugin
disablePlugin(Class<? extends PlayPlugin>) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
disable plugin of specified type
disassemble(Object) - Method in class play.db.jpa.Blob
discard(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Flash
discard() - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Flash
discardBodyData() - Method in class
Reads body-data from the current encapsulation and discards it.
discardReadBytes() - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
disconnect() - Static method in class play.mvc.WebSocketController
discoverServer(String) - Static method in class play.libs.OpenID
divisibleBy(Number, int) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
DoBodyException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.TemplateExecutionException.DoBodyException
doBodyLines - Variable in class play.templates.BaseTemplate
doJob() - Method in class
Here you do the job
doJobWithResult() - Method in class
Here you do the job and return a result
domain - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Cookie
Cookie domain
domain - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
Server domain
doNextScan - Variable in class play.templates.TemplateCompiler
duplicate() - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer


edit(Object, String, Map<String, String[]>, Annotation[]) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel
edit(ParamNode, String, Object, Annotation[]) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel
edit(String, ParamNode, String, Object, Annotation[]) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel
edit(String, Map<String, String[]>) - Method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel
edit(ParamNode, String) - Method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel
edit(String, ParamNode, String) - Method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel
EhCacheImpl - Class in play.cache
EhCache implementation.
em(String) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
Get the EntityManager for specified persistence unit for this thread.
em() - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
em(String) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPABase
Retrieve the current entityManager
em() - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPABase
em(String) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin
em(String) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
em() - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
Email - Annotation Type in
This field must be a valid email.
email(String, Object) - Static method in class
email(Object) - Method in class
EmailCheck - Class in
EmailCheck() - Constructor for class
emfs - Static variable in class play.db.jpa.JPA
enabled - Static variable in class play.classloading.HotswapAgent
enabledPlugins - Variable in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
List of all enabled plugins
enabledPlugins_readOnlyCopy - Variable in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
Readonly copy of enabledPlugins - updated each time enabledPlugins is updated.
enabledPluginsWithFilters - Variable in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
List of all enabled plugins with filters
enabledPluginsWithFilters_readOnlyCopy - Variable in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
Readonly copy of enabledPluginsWithFilters - updated each time enabledPluginsWithFilters is updated.
enablePlugin(PlayPlugin) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
Enable plugin.
enablePlugin(Class<? extends PlayPlugin>) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
enable plugin of specified type
encode(String) - Static method in class play.libs.WS
URL-encode a string to be used as a query string parameter.
encode(String) - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
encode(String) - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSWithEncoding
URL-encode a string to be used as a query string parameter.
encode(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class play.mvc.CookieDataCodec
encodeBASE64(String) - Static method in class play.libs.Codec
Encode a String to base64
encodeBASE64(byte[]) - Static method in class play.libs.Codec
Encode binary data to base64
encodePart(String) - Static method in class play.libs.URLs
encoding - Variable in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
encoding - Variable in class play.libs.WS.WSWithEncoding
encoding - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
This is the encoding used to decode this request.
encoding - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Response
The encoding used when writing response to client
encoding - Variable in class play.utils.HTTP.ContentTypeWithEncoding
encryptAES(String) - Static method in class play.libs.Crypto
Encrypt a String with the AES encryption standard using the application secret
encryptAES(String, String) - Static method in class play.libs.Crypto
Encrypt a String with the AES encryption standard.
end() - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplateCompiler
end() - Method in class play.templates.TemplateCompiler
endProgress() - Method in class play.deps.HumanReadyLogger
endProgress(String) - Method in class play.deps.HumanReadyLogger
endTag() - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplateCompiler
endTag() - Method in class play.templates.TemplateCompiler
enhance() - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass
Enhance this class
enhance(ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass) - Method in class play.CorePlugin
enhance(ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin
enhance(ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass) - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Enhance this class
enhance(ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
enhancedByteCode - Variable in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass
The enhanced byteCode
EnhancedForContinuations - Interface in play.classloading.enhancers
This interface is added to all classes enhanced for Continuations.
Enhancer - Class in play.classloading.enhancers
Enhancer support
Enhancer() - Constructor for class play.classloading.enhancers.Enhancer
Enhancer.ApplicationClassesClasspath - Class in play.classloading.enhancers
Dumb classpath implementation for javassist hacking
enhanceThisClass(ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass) - Method in class play.classloading.enhancers.ContinuationEnhancer
enhanceThisClass(ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass) - Method in class play.classloading.enhancers.ControllersEnhancer
enhanceThisClass(ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass) - Method in class play.classloading.enhancers.Enhancer
The magic happen here...
enhanceThisClass(ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass) - Method in class play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer
enhanceThisClass(ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass) - Method in class play.classloading.enhancers.MailerEnhancer
enhanceThisClass(ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass) - Method in class play.classloading.enhancers.PropertiesEnhancer
enhanceThisClass(ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass) - Method in class play.classloading.enhancers.SigEnhancer
enhanceThisClass(ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPAEnhancer
enter() - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesNamesTracer
enterTag(String) - Static method in class play.templates.TagContext
entities - Variable in class play.db.jpa.HibernateInterceptor
entityManager - Variable in class play.db.jpa.JPA.JPAContext
entrySet() - Method in class play.utils.OrderSafeProperties
enumValues(Class) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
equals(Object) - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClassloaderState
Equals - Annotation Type in
This field must be equals to another field.
equals(String, Object, String, Object) - Static method in class
equals(Object, Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class play.db.evolutions.Evolution
equals(Object, Object) - Method in class play.db.jpa.Blob
equals(Object) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPABase
JPASupport instances a and b are equals if either a == b or a and b have same key and class
Equals(X) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Matcher
equals(Object) - Method in class play.vfs.VirtualFile
EqualsCheck - Class in
EqualsCheck() - Constructor for class
Error - Class in
A validation error.
Error(String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class
Error(String, String, String[], int) - Constructor for class
error(String) - Static method in class
error - Variable in class
error(String) - Method in class play.deps.HumanReadyLogger
error - Variable in class play.libs.OAuth.Response
error - Variable in class play.libs.OAuth2.Error
error - Variable in class play.libs.OAuth2.Response
error(OAuth2.Error, WS.HttpResponse) - Static method in class play.libs.OAuth2.Response
error(String, Object...) - Static method in class play.Logger
Log with ERROR level
error(Throwable, String, Object...) - Static method in class play.Logger
Log with ERROR level
error(int, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Send a 5xx Error response
error(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Send a 500 Error response
error(Exception) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Send a 500 Error response
error() - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Send a 500 Error response
error(int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Http.StatusCode
Error - Exception in play.mvc.results
500 Error
Error(String) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.Error
Error(int, String) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.Error
error(String, Object...) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Flash
error - Variable in class play.test.TestEngine.TestResult
errors() - Static method in class
errors(String) - Static method in class
errors - Variable in class play.test.TestEngine.TestResults
errorsMap() - Method in class
escape(Object) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
escapeHtml(String) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
escapeJavaScript(String) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
escapeXml(String) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
eval(Object) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
evaluate(String, String) - Static method in class play.libs.Expression
eventStream() - Method in class play.libs.F.ArchivedEventStream
EventStream() - Constructor for class play.libs.F.EventStream
EventStream(int) - Constructor for class play.libs.F.EventStream
Every - Annotation Type in
Run a job at specified interval Example, @Every("1h")
every(String) - Method in class
Run this job every n seconds
every(int) - Method in class
Run this job every n seconds
Evolution - Class in play.db.evolutions
Evolution(String, int, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class play.db.evolutions.Evolution
EvolutionQuery - Class in play.db.evolutions
EvolutionQuery() - Constructor for class play.db.evolutions.EvolutionQuery
Evolutions - Class in play.db
Handles migration of data.
Evolutions() - Constructor for class play.db.Evolutions
evolutionsDirectory - Static variable in class play.db.Evolutions
EvolutionState - Enum in play.db.evolutions
exception - Variable in class play.libs.F.Promise
exception - Variable in class play.libs.OAuth.Error
exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext, ExceptionEvent) - Method in class play.server.PlayHandler
exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext, ExceptionEvent) - Method in class play.server.ssl.SslPlayHandler
ExecutableTemplate() - Constructor for class play.templates.GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate
execute() - Method in class play.ant.PlayConfigurationLoadTask
execute() - Method in class play.ant.StopTask
execute(String, String) - Static method in class play.db.DB
Execute an SQL update
execute(String) - Static method in class play.db.DB
execute(String, Object...) - Static method in class play.db.helper.JdbcHelper
execute(SqlQuery) - Static method in class play.db.helper.JdbcHelper
execute(SqlQuery, Class<U>) - Static method in class play.db.helper.JdbcIterator
execute(SqlQuery, JdbcResultFactory<U>) - Static method in class play.db.helper.JdbcIterator
execute(String, Object...) - Static method in class play.db.helper.JpaHelper
execute(String, String, Object...) - Static method in class play.db.helper.JpaHelper
execute(SqlQuery) - Static method in class play.db.helper.JpaHelper
execute(String, SqlQuery) - Static method in class play.db.helper.JpaHelper
execute(String) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
Execute a JPQL query
execute(String, String) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
execute() - Method in class play.Invoker.Invocation
Override this method
execute() - Method in class
execute() - Method in class play.server.PlayHandler.NettyInvocation
execute() - Method in class play.server.PlayHandler.WebSocketInvocation
execute() - Method in class play.server.ServletWrapper.ServletInvocation
executeList(String, List<Object>) - Static method in class play.db.helper.JdbcHelper
executeList(String, List<Object>) - Static method in class play.db.helper.JpaHelper
executeList(String, String, List<Object>) - Static method in class play.db.helper.JpaHelper
executeQuery(String) - Static method in class play.db.DB
executeQuery(String, String) - Static method in class play.db.DB
Execute an SQL query
executeSQL(String) - Static method in class play.test.Fixtures
executeSQL(File) - Static method in class play.test.Fixtures
executor - Static variable in class play.Invoker
Main executor for requests invocations.
executor - Variable in class
executor - Static variable in class
exists() - Method in class play.db.jpa.Blob
exists() - Method in class play.db.jpa.FileAttachment
exists() - Method in interface play.db.Model.BinaryField
exists() - Method in class play.vfs.VirtualFile
exit() - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesNamesTracer
exitTag() - Static method in class play.templates.TagContext
expr() - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplateCompiler
expr() - Method in class play.templates.TemplateCompiler
Expression - Class in play.libs
Expression() - Constructor for class play.libs.Expression
expressionParsed - Variable in class play.libs.CronExpression
ExtendedDatasource(DataSource, String) - Constructor for class play.db.DB.ExtendedDatasource
extensions - Variable in class play.libs.OpenID.UserInfo
Extensions values
extensionsClassnames - Variable in class play.templates.GroovyTemplateCompiler
extractInfosFromByteCode(byte[]) - Static method in class play.utils.Java
extractProp(String, String) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
extractUnderlyingCallable(FutureTask<?>) - Static method in class play.utils.Java
Try to discover what is hidden under a FutureTask (hack)


F - Class in play.libs
F() - Constructor for class play.libs.F
F.Action<T> - Interface in play.libs
F.Action0 - Interface in play.libs
F.ArchivedEventStream<T> - Class in play.libs
F.BlockingEventStream<T> - Class in play.libs
F.E2<A,B> - Class in play.libs
F.E3<A,B,C> - Class in play.libs
F.E4<A,B,C,D> - Class in play.libs
F.E5<A,B,C,D,E> - Class in play.libs
F.Either<A,B> - Class in play.libs
F.EventStream<T> - Class in play.libs
F.Function0<R> - Interface in play.libs
A Function with no arguments.
F.IndexedEvent<M> - Class in play.libs
F.Matcher<T,R> - Class in play.libs
F.None<T> - Class in play.libs
F.Option<T> - Class in play.libs
F.Promise<V> - Class in play.libs
F.Some<T> - Class in play.libs
F.T2<A,B> - Class in play.libs
F.T3<A,B,C> - Class in play.libs
F.T4<A,B,C,D> - Class in play.libs
F.T5<A,B,C,D,E> - Class in play.libs
F.Timeout - Class in play.libs
F.Tuple<A,B> - Class in play.libs
factory - Variable in class play.db.helper.JdbcIterator
factory() - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
factoryFor(Class<? extends Model>) - Static method in class play.db.Model.Manager
failures - Variable in class play.test.TestEngine.TestResults
FastRuntimeException - Exception in play.utils
Fast Exception - skips creating stackTrace.
FastRuntimeException() - Constructor for exception play.utils.FastRuntimeException
FastRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception play.utils.FastRuntimeException
FastRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception play.utils.FastRuntimeException
FastRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception play.utils.FastRuntimeException
FastTags - Class in play.templates
FastTags() - Constructor for class play.templates.FastTags
FastTags.Namespace - Annotation Type in play.templates
fatal(String, Object...) - Static method in class play.Logger
Log with FATAL level
fatal(Throwable, String, Object...) - Static method in class play.Logger
Log with FATAL level
fatalServerErrorOccurred() - Static method in class play.Play
Call this method when there has been a fatal error that Play cannot recover from
fetch() - Method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel.JPAQuery
Retrieve all results of the query
fetch(int) - Method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel.JPAQuery
Retrieve results of the query
fetch(int, int) - Method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel.JPAQuery
Retrieve a page of result
fetch(int, int, String, String, List<String>, String, String) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPAModelLoader
Retrieve a list of result
fetch(int, int, String, String, List<String>, String, String) - Method in interface play.db.Model.Factory
field - Variable in class play.db.Model.Property
FIELD_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class
A byte sequence that that follows a delimiter that will be followed by an encapsulation (CRLF).
FieldAccessor() - Constructor for class play.classloading.enhancers.PropertiesEnhancer.FieldAccessor
file - Variable in class play.libs.WS.FileParam
file - Variable in exception play.mvc.results.RenderStatic
FileArrayBinder - Class in
Bind a file array form multipart/form-data request.
FileArrayBinder() - Constructor for class
FileAttachment - Class in play.db.jpa
FileAttachment() - Constructor for class play.db.jpa.FileAttachment
FileBinder - Class in
Bind file form multipart/form-data request.
FileBinder() - Constructor for class
FileChannelBuffer - Class in play.server
Useless channel buffer only used to wrap the input stream....
FileChannelBuffer(File) - Constructor for class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
filename - Variable in class play.db.jpa.FileAttachment
FileParam(File, String) - Constructor for class play.libs.WS.FileParam
fileParams - Variable in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Files - Class in play.libs
Files utils
Files() - Constructor for class play.libs.Files
files(File...) - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Add files to request.
files(WS.FileParam...) - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Add fileParams aka File and Name parameter to the request.
FileService - Class in play.server
FileService() - Constructor for class play.server.FileService
FileService.ByteRangeInput - Class in play.server
FileUpload - Class in
FileUpload() - Constructor for class
FileUpload(FileItem) - Constructor for class
fillInStackTrace() - Method in exception play.utils.FastRuntimeException
Since we override this method, no stacktrace is generated - much faster
Filter(String) - Constructor for class play.PlayPlugin.Filter
filter(Filter) - Method in class play.test.PlayJUnitRunner
filterMap(Map<String, String[]>, String) - Static method in class play.utils.Utils
filterMap(Map<K, V>, String) - Static method in class play.utils.Utils.Maps
filterParams(Scope.Params, String) - Static method in class play.utils.Utils
filterParams(Map<String, String[]>, String, String) - Static method in class play.utils.Utils
filterParams(Map<String, String[]>, String) - Static method in class play.utils.Utils
Finally - Annotation Type in play.mvc
Mark this method as @Finally interceptor
find(String) - Method in class play.classloading.enhancers.Enhancer.ApplicationClassesClasspath
find(String, Object...) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel
Prepare a query to find entities.
find(String, String, Object[]) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
find(String, String, String, Object[]) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
find(String) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
find(String, String) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
find(String, Set<String>) - Static method in class play.i18n.Messages
Return several messages for a locale
findActionMethod(String, Class) - Static method in class play.mvc.ActionInvoker
Find the first public method of a controller class
findAll() - Static method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel
Find all entities of this type
findAll(String) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
findAll(String, String) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
findAllAnnotatedMethods(Class<?>, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class play.utils.Java
Find all annotated method from a class
findAllAnnotatedMethods(List<Class>, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class play.utils.Java
Find all annotated method from a class
findAllFields(Class, Set<Field>) - Static method in class play.utils.Java
findBestCause(Throwable) - Static method in exception play.db.jpa.JPABase.JPAQueryException
findBy(String, String, Object[]) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
findBy(String, String, String, Object[]) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
findById(Object) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel
Find the entity with the corresponding id.
findById(Object) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPAModelLoader
Find object by ID
findById(String, Object) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
findById(String, String, Object) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
findById(Object) - Method in interface play.db.Model.Factory
findByte(byte, int) - Method in class
Searches for a byte of specified value in the buffer, starting at the specified position.
findByToJPQL(String) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
findByToJPQL(String, String) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
findDirty(Object, Serializable, Object[], Object[], String[], Type[]) - Method in class play.db.jpa.HibernateInterceptor
findNextWhiteSpace(int, String) - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
findOneBy(String, String, String, Object[]) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
findOneBy(String, String, Object[]) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
findSeparator() - Method in class
Searches for the boundary in the buffer region delimited by head and tail.
first() - Method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel.JPAQuery
fixCaseForHttpHeader(String) - Static method in class play.utils.HTTP
Use this method to make sure you have the correct casing of a http header name.
Fixtures - Class in play.test
Fixtures() - Constructor for class play.test.Fixtures
flash - Static variable in class play.mvc.Controller
The current flash scope.
flash(String, Object) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Add a value to the flash scope
Flash() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Scope.Flash
flash(String...) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Params
FlashPolicyHandler - Class in play.server
FlashPolicyHandler() - Constructor for class play.server.FlashPolicyHandler
Creates a handler allowing access from any domain and any port
FlashPolicyHandler(ChannelBuffer) - Constructor for class play.server.FlashPolicyHandler
Create a handler with a custom XML response.
flush() - Method in class play.Logger.JuliToLog4jHandler
followRedirects - Variable in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Sets whether redirects (301, 302) should be followed automatically
followRedirects(boolean) - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Indicate if the WS should continue when hitting a 301 or 302
fonts - Variable in class play.libs.Images.Captcha
forbidden(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Send a 403 Forbidden response
forbidden() - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Send a 403 Forbidden response
FORBIDDEN - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http.StatusCode
Forbidden - Exception in play.mvc.results
403 Forbidden
Forbidden(String) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.Forbidden
forcedCacheImpl - Static variable in class play.cache.Cache
Sometime we REALLY need to change the implementation :)
forceJuli - Static variable in class play.Logger
Will force use of java.util.logging (default to try log4j first).
forceProd - Static variable in class play.Play
forContentType(String) - Static method in class
format - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
Format (html,xml,json,text)
format(Number, String) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
format(Date) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
format(Date, String) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
format(Date, String, String) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
format(Date, String, String, String) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
format(Template, Object) - Method in interface play.templates.SafeFormatter
format(Template, Object) - Method in class play.templates.types.SafeCSVFormatter
format(Template, Object) - Method in class play.templates.types.SafeHTMLFormatter
format(Template, Object) - Method in class play.templates.types.SafeXMLFormatter
formatCurrency(Number, String) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
formatCurrency(Number, Locale) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
formatSize(Long) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
formatString(String, Object...) - Static method in class play.i18n.Messages
formatString(Locale, String, Object...) - Static method in class play.i18n.Messages
forRealm(String) - Method in class play.libs.OpenID
FOUND - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http.StatusCode
frameworkPath - Static variable in class play.Play
The framework root
from - Variable in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect
from(String...) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect
from(int) - Method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel.JPAQuery
Set the position to start
fromRelativePath(String) - Static method in class play.vfs.VirtualFile
FunctionalTest - Class in play.test
Application tests support
FunctionalTest() - Constructor for class play.test.FunctionalTest
FunctionalTest._ByteArrayOutputStream - Class in play.test
FunctionalTest.URL - Class in play.test
functionalTestsExecutor - Static variable in class play.test.TestEngine
future(String, Object, Date) - Static method in class
future(Object, Date) - Method in class
future(String, Object) - Static method in class
future(Object) - Method in class


GATEWAY_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http.StatusCode
generate(BaseTemplate) - Method in class play.templates.TemplateCompiler
GenericModel - Class in play.db.jpa
A super class for JPA entities
GenericModel() - Constructor for class play.db.jpa.GenericModel
GenericModel.JPAQuery - Class in play.db.jpa
A JPAQuery
get(String) - Static method in class play.cache.Cache
Retrieve an object.
get(String...) - Static method in class play.cache.Cache
Bulk retrieve.
get(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class play.cache.Cache
Convenient clazz to get a value a class type;
get(String) - Method in interface play.cache.CacheImpl
get(String[]) - Method in interface play.cache.CacheImpl
get(String) - Method in class play.cache.EhCacheImpl
get(String[]) - Method in class play.cache.EhCacheImpl
get(String) - Method in class play.cache.MemcachedImpl
get(String[]) - Method in class play.cache.MemcachedImpl
get() - Method in class
Returns the contents of the file as an array of bytes.
get() - Method in class play.db.jpa.Blob
get() - Method in class play.db.jpa.FileAttachment
get() - Method in interface play.db.Model.BinaryField
get() - Static method in class play.i18n.Lang
Retrieve the current language or null
get() - Method in class play.i18n.Localized
get(String) - Method in class play.i18n.Localized
get(Object, Object...) - Static method in class play.i18n.Messages
Given a message code, translate it using current locale.
get() - Method in class play.libs.F.None
get() - Method in class play.libs.F.Option
get() - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
get() - Method in class play.libs.F.Some
get() - Method in class
Execute a GET request synchronously.
get() - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Execute a GET request synchronously.
get() - Method in class
Execute a GET request synchronously.
get() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Request
Useful because we sometime use a lazy request loader
get(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Flash
get(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Params
get(String, Class<T>) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Params
get(Annotation[], String, Class<T>) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Params
get(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.RenderArgs
get(String, Class<T>) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.RenderArgs
get(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.RouteArgs
get(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Session
get(String) - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate
GET(Object) - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
GET(Object, boolean) - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
sends a GET request to the application under tests.
GET(Http.Request, Object) - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
sends a GET request to the application under tests.
get() - Method in class play.utils.ImmediateFuture
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class play.utils.ImmediateFuture
get(String, String) - Method in class play.utils.Properties
get() - Method in class play.utils.SmartFuture
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class play.utils.SmartFuture
getAcceptedIssuers() - Method in class play.utils.YesSSLSocketFactory.YesTrustManager
getAccessToken() - Method in class play.libs.OAuth2
Use @{link play.libs.OAuth2.retrieveAccessToken()} instead
getAction() - Method in exception play.exceptions.ActionNotFoundException
getAction() - Method in exception play.exceptions.NoRouteFoundException
getActionAnnotation(Class<T>) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Retrieve annotation for the action method
getActionMethod(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.ActionInvoker
getActionMethodArgs(Method, Object) - Static method in class play.mvc.ActionInvoker
getActualSize() - Method in exception
Retrieves the actual size of the request.
getAll(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Params
getAllChildren() - Method in class
getAllChildrenKeys() - Method in class
getAllClasses() - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClassloader
Try to load all .java files found.
getAllLocalVariableNames(Object) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesNamesTracer
getAllPlugins() - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
Returns new readonly list of all plugins
getAllTemplate() - Static method in class play.templates.TemplateLoader
List all found templates
getAnnotatedClasses(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses
Retrieve all application classes with a specific annotation.
getAnnotatedClasses(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClassloader
Retrieve all application classes with a specific annotation.
getAnnotatedClasses(Class[]) - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClassloader
getAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in class play.Invoker.InvocationContext
getAnnotations(CtClass) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.Enhancer
Retrieve all class annotations.
getAnnotations(CtField) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.Enhancer
Retrieve all field annotations.
getAnnotations(CtMethod) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.Enhancer
Retrieve all method annotations.
getAnnotations() - Method in class play.Invoker.InvocationContext
getApplicationClass(String) - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses
Get a class by name
getArgs() - Method in exception play.exceptions.NoRouteFoundException
getArguments() - Method in exception play.mvc.results.RenderTemplate
getAssignableClasses(Class<?>) - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses
Retrieve all application classes assignable to this class.
getAssignableClasses(Class) - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClassloader
Retrieve all application classes assignable to this class.
getAsync() - Method in class
Execute a GET request asynchronously.
getAsync() - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Execute a GET request asynchronously.
getAuthenticityToken() - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Session
getBase() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Request
Get the request base (ex: http://localhost:9000
getBaseUrl() - Static method in class play.mvc.Router
getBeanOfType(Class<T>) - Method in interface play.inject.BeanSource
getBindingForErrors(Exception, boolean) - Static method in class play.server.PlayHandler
getBoolean(String) - Method in class play.utils.Properties
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class play.utils.Properties
getByte(int) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
getByteArray() - Method in class play.test.FunctionalTest._ByteArrayOutputStream
getBytecode(String, String) - Static method in class play.classloading.BytecodeCache
Retrieve the bytecode if source has not changed
getBytes(int, GatheringByteChannel, int) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
getBytes(int, OutputStream, int) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
getBytes(int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
getBytes(int, ChannelBuffer, int, int) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
getBytes(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
getBytesRead() - Method in class
Returns the number of bytes, which have been read by the stream.
getCertificateChain(String) - Method in class play.server.ssl.SslHttpServerContextFactory.PEMKeyManager
getCharSet() - Method in class
Returns the content charset passed by the agent or null if not defined.
getCheckWithCheck() - Method in class
getChild(String) - Method in class
getChild(String, boolean) - Method in class
getChunckedInput(RandomAccessFile, String, Channel, HttpRequest, HttpResponse) - Static method in class play.server.FileService
getClassIgnoreCase(String) - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClassloader
Find a class in a case insensitive way
getClassInstance(String) - Method in class play.utils.Properties
getClassInstance(String, Object) - Method in class play.utils.Properties
getClientAliases(String, Principal[]) - Method in class play.server.ssl.SslHttpServerContextFactory.PEMKeyManager
getCode() - Method in exception play.mvc.results.Redirect
getCode() - Method in exception play.mvc.results.Status
getConnection(String, boolean) - Static method in class play.db.DB
getConnection(String) - Static method in class play.db.DB
Open a connection for the current thread.
getConnection() - Static method in class play.db.DB
getContent() - Method in exception play.mvc.results.RenderTemplate
getContent(Http.Response) - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
obtains the response body as a string
getContentType() - Method in class
getContentType() - Method in class
getContentType() - Method in class
Returns the content type passed by the agent or null if not defined.
getContentType() - Method in interface
getContentType(String) - Static method in class play.libs.MimeTypes
return the content-type from a file name.
getContentType(String, String) - Static method in class play.libs.MimeTypes
return the content-type from a file name.
For a text-based content-type, also return the encoding suffix eg.
getContentType() - Method in class play.libs.WS.HttpResponse
The http response content type
getContentType() - Method in exception play.mvc.results.RenderBinary
getControllerAnnotation(Class<T>) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Retrieve annotation for the controller class
getControllerClass() - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Retrieve the controller class
getControllerInheritedAnnotation(Class<T>) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Retrieve annotation for the controller class
getCookies(HttpRequest) - Static method in class play.server.PlayHandler
getCookies(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class play.server.ServletWrapper
getCronExpression() - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
getCurrencySymbol(String) - Static method in class play.libs.I18N
Retrieve currency symbol for a currency
getDataSource() - Method in class play.db.DB.ExtendedDatasource
getDataSource(String) - Static method in class play.db.DB
getDataSource() - Static method in class play.db.DB
getDateAs(Annotation[], String) - Static method in class
It can be something like As(lang={"fr,de","*"}, value={"dd-MM-yyyy","MM-dd-yyyy"})
getDateFormat() - Static method in class play.libs.I18N
getDayOfWeekNumber(String) - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
getDbName() - Method in exception play.db.evolutions.exceptions.InconsistentDatabase
getDbName() - Method in exception play.db.evolutions.exceptions.InvalidDatabaseRevision
getDBName(Class<?>) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
getDbNames() - Static method in class play.db.Configuration
getDefault() - Static method in class play.utils.YesSSLSocketFactory
getDefaultCipherSuites() - Method in class play.utils.YesSSLSocketFactory
getDefaultDialect(String) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin
getDefaultDialect(Configuration, String) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin
getDefaultFormatter() - Static method in class play.utils.Utils.AlternativeDateFormat
getDescription() - Method in class play.test.PlayJUnitRunner
getDestroyMethod() - Method in class play.db.DB.ExtendedDatasource
getDocument(File) - Static method in class play.libs.XML
Parse an XML file to DOM
getDocument(String) - Static method in class play.libs.XML
Parse an XML string content to DOM
getDocument(InputStream) - Static method in class play.libs.XML
Parse an XML coming from an input stream to DOM
getDouble(String) - Method in class play.utils.Properties
getDouble(String, long) - Method in class play.utils.Properties
getEmbedddedSrc(String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Mailer
getEmbeddedSrc(String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Mailer
getEnabledPlugins() - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
Returns new readonly list of all enabled plugins
getEnabledPluginsWithFilters() - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
Returns new readonly list of all enabled plugins that define filters.
getEncoding() - Method in class play.libs.WS.HttpResponse
getEncoding() - Method in exception play.mvc.results.Result
The encoding that should be used when writing this response to the client
getEntityId() - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPABase
getError() - Method in exception play.db.evolutions.exceptions.InconsistentDatabase
getErrorDescription() - Method in exception play.db.evolutions.exceptions.InconsistentDatabase
getErrorDescription() - Method in exception play.db.evolutions.exceptions.InvalidDatabaseRevision
getErrorDescription() - Method in exception play.exceptions.ActionNotFoundException
getErrorDescription() - Method in exception play.exceptions.CacheException
getErrorDescription() - Method in exception play.exceptions.CompilationException
getErrorDescription() - Method in exception play.exceptions.ConfigurationException
getErrorDescription() - Method in exception play.exceptions.ContinuationsException
getErrorDescription() - Method in exception play.exceptions.DatabaseException
getErrorDescription() - Method in exception play.exceptions.JavaExecutionException
getErrorDescription() - Method in exception play.exceptions.JPAException
getErrorDescription() - Method in exception play.exceptions.MailException
getErrorDescription() - Method in exception play.exceptions.NoRouteFoundException
getErrorDescription() - Method in exception play.exceptions.PlayException
getErrorDescription() - Method in exception play.exceptions.TemplateCompilationException
getErrorDescription() - Method in exception play.exceptions.TemplateExecutionException
getErrorDescription() - Method in exception play.exceptions.TemplateNotFoundException
getErrorDescription() - Method in exception play.exceptions.UnexpectedException
getErrorDescription() - Method in exception play.exceptions.YAMLException
getErrorDescription() - Method in exception play.Invoker.Suspend
getErrors() - Method in class play.deps.HumanReadyLogger
getErrorTitle() - Method in exception play.db.evolutions.exceptions.InconsistentDatabase
getErrorTitle() - Method in exception play.db.evolutions.exceptions.InvalidDatabaseRevision
getErrorTitle() - Method in exception play.exceptions.ActionNotFoundException
getErrorTitle() - Method in exception play.exceptions.CacheException
getErrorTitle() - Method in exception play.exceptions.CompilationException
getErrorTitle() - Method in exception play.exceptions.ConfigurationException
getErrorTitle() - Method in exception play.exceptions.ContinuationsException
getErrorTitle() - Method in exception play.exceptions.DatabaseException
getErrorTitle() - Method in exception play.exceptions.JavaExecutionException
getErrorTitle() - Method in exception play.exceptions.JPAException
getErrorTitle() - Method in exception play.exceptions.MailException
getErrorTitle() - Method in exception play.exceptions.NoRouteFoundException
getErrorTitle() - Method in exception play.exceptions.PlayException
getErrorTitle() - Method in exception play.exceptions.TemplateCompilationException
getErrorTitle() - Method in exception play.exceptions.TemplateExecutionException
getErrorTitle() - Method in exception play.exceptions.TemplateNotFoundException
getErrorTitle() - Method in exception play.exceptions.UnexpectedException
getErrorTitle() - Method in exception play.exceptions.YAMLException
getErrorTitle() - Method in exception play.Invoker.Suspend
getEtag() - Method in exception play.mvc.results.NotModified
getEvolutions(Connection, String) - Static method in class play.db.evolutions.EvolutionQuery
getEvolutionScript() - Method in exception play.db.evolutions.exceptions.InconsistentDatabase
getEvolutionScript() - Method in exception play.db.evolutions.exceptions.InvalidDatabaseRevision
getEvolutionScript(String, String, VirtualFile) - Static method in class play.db.Evolutions
getEvolutionsToApply(Connection, String) - Static method in class play.db.evolutions.EvolutionQuery
getExpressionSetSummary(Set<Integer>) - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
getExpressionSetSummary(ArrayList<Integer>) - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
getExpressionSummary() - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
getFieldName() - Method in class
getFieldName() - Method in class
getFieldName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the field in the multipart form corresponding to this file item.
getFieldName() - Method in interface
getFieldWrapper(Field) - Static method in class play.utils.Java
getFile() - Method in class play.db.jpa.Blob
getFile() - Method in exception play.exceptions.NoRouteFoundException
getFile() - Method in exception play.mvc.results.RedirectToStatic
getFile() - Method in exception play.mvc.results.RenderBinary
getFile(String) - Static method in class play.Play
Search a File in the current application
getFileName() - Method in class
getFileName() - Method in class
getFileName() - Method in interface
getFileParams(File[]) - Static method in class play.libs.WS.FileParam
getFilter() - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin
getFilter() - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Return the filter implementation for this plugin.
getFinalFireTime() - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: Returns the final time that the CronExpression will match.
getFirstValue(Class<?>) - Method in class
getFloat(String) - Method in class play.utils.Properties
getFloat(String, float) - Method in class play.utils.Properties
getFullUrl(String, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class play.mvc.Router
getFullUrl(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Router
getFunctionalTests() - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Implement to add some classes that should be considered functional tests but do not extend FunctionalTest to tests that can be executed by test runner (will be visible in test UI).
getFunctionalTests() - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
getHeader(String) - Method in class play.libs.WS.HttpResponse
getHeader(String) - Method in class
getHeader(String) - Method in class
getHeader(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Get a response header
getHeaderEncoding() - Method in class
Retrieves the character encoding used when reading the headers of an individual part.
getHeaders() - Method in class
Returns the file item headers.
getHeaders() - Method in class play.libs.WS.HttpResponse
getHeaders() - Method in class
getHeaders() - Method in class
getHeaders(HttpRequest) - Static method in class play.server.PlayHandler
getHeaders(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class play.server.ServletWrapper
getHtml() - Method in exception play.mvc.results.RenderHtml
getHttpDateFormatter() - Static method in class play.utils.Utils
getId() - Method in class play.db.jpa.Model
getId() - Method in exception play.exceptions.PlayException
getId() - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Session
getInputStream() - Method in class
Returns an InputStream that can be used to retrieve the contents of the file.
getInputStream() - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
getInstance() - Static method in class play.cache.EhCacheImpl
getInstance() - Static method in class play.cache.MemcachedImpl
getInstance(boolean) - Static method in class play.cache.MemcachedImpl
getInstance(String) - Method in class play.server.HttpServerPipelineFactory
getInt(int) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
getInt(String) - Method in class play.utils.Properties
getInt(String, int) - Method in class play.utils.Properties
getInterestingStackTraceElement(Throwable) - Static method in exception play.exceptions.PlayException
getInterestingStrackTraceElement(Throwable) - Static method in exception play.exceptions.PlayException
getInvocationContext() - Method in class play.Invoker.DirectInvocation
getInvocationContext() - Method in class play.Invoker.Invocation
getInvocationContext() - Method in class
getInvocationContext() - Method in class play.server.PlayHandler.NettyInvocation
getInvocationContext() - Method in class play.server.PlayHandler.WebSocketInvocation
getInvocationContext() - Method in class play.server.ServletWrapper.ServletInvocation
getInvocationType() - Method in class play.Invoker.InvocationContext
Returns the InvocationType for this invocation - Ie: A plugin can use this to find out if it runs in the context of a background Job
getJava(String) - Static method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses
Retrieve the corresponding source file for a given class name.
getJavaWithCaching() - Static method in class play.utils.Java
getJson() - Method in class play.libs.WS.HttpResponse
get the response body as a JsonElement
getJson() - Method in exception play.mvc.results.RenderJson
getJsonStatus() - Method in class play.CorePlugin
getJsonStatus() - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Return the plugin status in JSON format
getKey() - Method in class
getLastDayOfMonth(int, int) - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
getLastMessageReceivedBy(String) - Method in class play.libs.mail.test.LegacyMockMailSystem
getLength() - Method in exception play.mvc.results.RenderBinary
getLine() - Method in class play.templates.TemplateParser
getLineNumber() - Method in exception play.exceptions.CompilationException
getLineNumber() - Method in exception play.exceptions.JPAException
getLineNumber() - Method in exception play.exceptions.NoRouteFoundException
getLineNumber() - Method in exception play.exceptions.PlayException
getLineNumber() - Method in exception play.exceptions.PlayExceptionWithJavaSource
getLineNumber() - Method in interface play.exceptions.SourceAttachment
getLineNumber() - Method in exception play.exceptions.TemplateException
getLineNumber() - Method in exception play.exceptions.TemplateNotFoundException
getLineNumber() - Method in exception play.exceptions.YAMLException
getLocale(String[]) - Static method in class
getLocale() - Static method in class play.i18n.Lang
getLocale(String) - Static method in class play.i18n.Lang
getLocaleOrDefault(String) - Static method in class play.i18n.Lang
getLocalVariable(String) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesNamesTracer
getLocalVariables() - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesNamesTracer
getLocalVariablesStateBeforeAwait() - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesNamesTracer
getLong(int) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
getLong(String) - Method in class play.utils.Properties
getLong(String, long) - Method in class play.utils.Properties
getMajorVersion() - Method in class play.db.DBPlugin.ProxyDriver
getMessage() - Method in exception play.exceptions.CompilationException
getMessage(String, Object, Object...) - Static method in class play.i18n.Messages
getMessage(String, Object, Object...) - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Translate the given key for the given locale and arguments.
getMessage(String, Object, Object...) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
getMessageKey() - Method in class
getMimeType(String) - Static method in class play.libs.MimeTypes
return the mimetype from a file name
getMimeType(String, String) - Static method in class play.libs.MimeTypes
return the mimetype from a file name.
getMinorVersion() - Method in class play.db.DBPlugin.ProxyDriver
getModelFields(Class<?>) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPAModelLoader
getMonthNumber(String) - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
getMoreHTML() - Method in exception play.db.evolutions.exceptions.InconsistentDatabase
getMoreHTML() - Method in exception play.db.evolutions.exceptions.InvalidDatabaseRevision
getMoreHTML() - Method in exception play.exceptions.PlayException
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
Returns the original filename in the client's filesystem.
getName() - Method in exception play.mvc.results.RenderBinary
getName() - Method in exception play.mvc.results.RenderTemplate
getName() - Method in class play.PlayPlugin.Filter
getName(String) - Method in class play.server.HttpServerPipelineFactory
getName() - Method in class play.templates.Template
getName() - Method in class play.vfs.VirtualFile
getNewConnection() - Static method in class play.db.evolutions.EvolutionQuery
getNewConnection(String) - Static method in class play.db.evolutions.EvolutionQuery
getNewConnection(String, boolean) - Static method in class play.db.evolutions.EvolutionQuery
getNextInterval(Date) - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
Return the interval between the next valid date and the one after
getNextInvalidTimeAfter(Date) - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
Returns the next date/time after the given date/time which does not satisfy the expression
getNextValidTimeAfter(Date) - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
Returns the next date/time after the given date/time which satisfies the cron expression.
getNumericValue(String, int) - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
getOrderedModuleList(File) - Static method in class play.deps.YamlParser
getOriginalKey() - Method in class
getOrNull() - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
getOutputStream() - Method in class
Returns an OutputStream that can be used for storing the contents of the file.
getPackage() - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass
getParams() - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlQuery
getParams() - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect.Where
getParentLogger() - Method in class play.db.DBPlugin.ProxyDriver
getPasswordAuthentication() - Method in class play.libs.Mail.SMTPAuthenticator
getPath() - Method in exception play.exceptions.TemplateNotFoundException
getPermittedSize() - Method in exception
Retrieves the permitted size of the request.
getPipeline() - Method in class play.server.HttpServerPipelineFactory
getPipeline() - Method in class play.server.ssl.SslHttpServerPipelineFactory
getPluginInstance(Class<? extends PlayPlugin>) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
Returns the first instance of a loaded plugin of specified type
getPrivateKey(String) - Method in class play.server.ssl.SslHttpServerContextFactory.PEMKeyManager
getProblems() - Method in class play.deps.HumanReadyLogger
getProfiles() - Method in class
getProperties() - Method in class play.db.Configuration
getProperty(String) - Method in class play.db.Configuration
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class play.db.Configuration
getProperty(String) - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate
getPropertyInfo(String, Properties) - Method in class play.db.DBPlugin.ProxyDriver
getQueryString() - Method in class play.libs.WS.HttpResponse
Parse the response string as a query string.
getRealFile() - Method in class play.vfs.VirtualFile
getRealm() - Method in exception play.mvc.results.Unauthorized
getRenderTime() - Method in exception play.mvc.results.RenderTemplate
getResource(String) - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClassloader
getResourceAsStream(String) - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClassloader
getResources(String) - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClassloader
getResponse() - Method in exception play.mvc.results.RenderJson
getReversedEnabledPlugins() - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
Returns readonly view of all enabled plugins in reversed order
getRevision() - Method in exception play.db.evolutions.exceptions.InconsistentDatabase
getRootParamNode() - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Params
getRootParamNodeFromRequest() - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Params
getRoute(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Router
getRoute(String, String, String, String, String, String, int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Router
getServerAliases(String, Principal[]) - Method in class play.server.ssl.SslHttpServerContextFactory.PEMKeyManager
getServerContext() - Static method in class play.server.ssl.SslHttpServerContextFactory
getSession() - Static method in class play.libs.Mail
getSet(int) - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
getSeverity() - Method in class
getShort(int) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
getSimpleNames(Annotation[]) - Static method in class play.utils.Utils
getSize() - Method in class
getSize() - Method in class
getSize() - Method in class
Returns the size of the file.
getSize() - Method in interface
getSource() - Method in exception play.exceptions.CompilationException
getSource() - Method in exception play.exceptions.JPAException
getSource() - Method in exception play.exceptions.NoRouteFoundException
getSource() - Method in exception play.exceptions.PlayExceptionWithJavaSource
getSource() - Method in interface play.exceptions.SourceAttachment
getSource() - Method in exception play.exceptions.TemplateException
getSource() - Method in exception play.exceptions.TemplateNotFoundException
getSource() - Method in exception play.exceptions.YAMLException
getSourceEnd() - Method in exception play.exceptions.CompilationException
getSourceFile() - Method in exception play.exceptions.CompilationException
getSourceFile() - Method in exception play.exceptions.JPAException
getSourceFile() - Method in exception play.exceptions.NoRouteFoundException
getSourceFile() - Method in exception play.exceptions.PlayException
getSourceFile() - Method in exception play.exceptions.PlayExceptionWithJavaSource
getSourceFile() - Method in interface play.exceptions.SourceAttachment
getSourceFile() - Method in exception play.exceptions.TemplateException
getSourceFile() - Method in exception play.exceptions.TemplateNotFoundException
getSourceFile() - Method in exception play.exceptions.YAMLException
getSourceStart() - Method in exception play.exceptions.CompilationException
getSslContext(String, String, Boolean) - Static method in class
getStateWord() - Method in enum play.db.evolutions.EvolutionState
getStatus() - Method in class play.CorePlugin
Retrieve status about play core.
getStatus() - Method in class play.db.DBPlugin
getStatus() - Method in class
getStatus() - Method in class play.libs.WS.HttpResponse
the HTTP status code
getStatus() - Method in class
the HTTP status code
getStatus() - Method in class
the HTTP status code
getStatus() - Method in exception play.mvc.results.Error
getStatus() - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Return the plugin status
getStatusText() - Method in class play.libs.WS.HttpResponse
The HTTP status text
getStatusText() - Method in class
the HTTP status text
getStatusText() - Method in class
the HTTP status text
getStore() - Static method in class play.db.jpa.Blob
getStore() - Static method in class play.db.jpa.FileAttachment
getStoreLocation() - Method in class
Returns the File object for the FileItem's data's temporary location on the disk.
getStream() - Method in class play.libs.WS.HttpResponse
get the response as a stream
getStream() - Method in class
get the response as a stream
getStream() - Method in class
get the response as a stream
getString(String) - Method in class
Returns the contents of the file as a String, using the specified encoding.
getString() - Method in class
Returns the contents of the file as a String, using the default character encoding.
getString() - Method in class play.libs.WS.HttpResponse
get the response body as a string
getString(String) - Method in class play.libs.WS.HttpResponse
get the response body as a string
getString() - Method in class
getString(String) - Method in class
getString() - Method in class
get the response body as a string
getString(String) - Method in class
getSupportedCipherSuites() - Method in class play.utils.YesSSLSocketFactory
getSupportedReferenceCount() - Method in class play.utils.HTML.HtmlCharacterEntityReferences
Return the number of supported entity references.
getTableTypeString() - Method in class play.db.jpa.MySQLDialect
getTargetLogger(Class<?>) - Static method in class play.Logger.JuliToLog4jHandler
getTempFile() - Method in class
Creates and returns a File representing a uniquely named temporary file in the configured repository path.
getTemplate() - Method in exception play.exceptions.TemplateException
getText() - Method in class play.libs.Images.Captcha
Tell the captche to draw a text and retrieve it
getText(String) - Method in class play.libs.Images.Captcha
Tell the captche to draw a text using the specified color (ex.
getText(int) - Method in class play.libs.Images.Captcha
Tell the captche to draw a text of the specified size and retrieve it
getText(String, int) - Method in class play.libs.Images.Captcha
Tell the captche to draw a text of the specified size using the specified color (ex.
getText(int, String) - Method in class play.libs.Images.Captcha
getText(String, int, String) - Method in class play.libs.Images.Captcha
getText() - Method in exception play.mvc.results.RenderText
getTimeAfter(Date) - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
getTimeBefore(Date) - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: Returns the time before the given time that the CronExpression matches.
getTimeZone() - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
Returns the time zone for which this CronExpression will be resolved.
getToken() - Method in class play.templates.TemplateParser
getUniqueNumberForTemplateFile(String) - Static method in class play.templates.TemplateLoader
All loaded templates is cached in the templates-list using a key.
getUnitTests() - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Implement to add some classes that should be considered unit tests but do not extend Assert to tests that can be executed by test runner (will be visible in test UI).
getUnitTests() - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
getUnsignedMedium(int) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
getUrl() - Method in exception play.mvc.results.Redirect
getURL(String) - Method in class play.utils.Properties
getUrlWithoutQueryString() - Method in class
Returns the url but removed the queryString-part of it The QueryString-info is later added with addQueryString()
getUUID() - Method in class play.db.jpa.Blob
getUUID(String) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.Blob
getValidators(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class
getValidators(Class<?>, String, String) - Static method in class
getValue(int, String, int) - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
getValue(Object) - Method in class play.utils.Java.FieldWrapper
getValues() - Method in class
getVerifiedID() - Static method in class play.libs.OpenID
Retrieve the verified OpenID
getVirtualFile(String) - Static method in class play.Play
Search a VirtualFile in all loaded applications and plugins
getWarns() - Method in class play.deps.HumanReadyLogger
getWrappers() - Method in class
getXml() - Method in class play.libs.WS.HttpResponse
Parse and get the response body as a DOM document
getXml(String) - Method in class play.libs.WS.HttpResponse
parse and get the response body as a DOM document
getXml() - Method in exception play.mvc.results.RenderXml
gimpy - Variable in class play.libs.Images.Captcha
Global - Annotation Type in
GroovyInlineTags - Class in play.templates
GroovyInlineTags() - Constructor for class play.templates.GroovyInlineTags
GroovyInlineTags.CALL - Enum in play.templates
GroovyTemplate - Class in play.templates
GroovyTemplate(String, String) - Constructor for class play.templates.GroovyTemplate
GroovyTemplate(String) - Constructor for class play.templates.GroovyTemplate
GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate - Class in play.templates
Groovy template
GroovyTemplate.TClassLoader - Class in play.templates
GroovyTemplateCompiler - Class in play.templates
GroovyTemplateCompiler() - Constructor for class play.templates.GroovyTemplateCompiler
groupBy - Variable in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect
groupBy(String...) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect
guessFrameworkPath() - Static method in class play.Play


h - Variable in class play.libs.Images.Captcha
hasAnnotation(CtClass, String) - Method in class play.classloading.enhancers.Enhancer
Test if a class has the provided annotation
hasAnnotation(CtField, String) - Method in class play.classloading.enhancers.Enhancer
Test if a field has the provided annotation
hasAnnotation(CtMethod, String) - Method in class play.classloading.enhancers.Enhancer
Test if a method has the provided annotation
hasArray() - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
hasClass(String) - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses
Does this class is already loaded ?
hasError(String) - Static method in class
hasErrors() - Static method in class
hasErrors(String) - Static method in class
hasFilter() - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
hash - Variable in class play.db.evolutions.Evolution
hashCode() - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClassloaderState
hashCode() - Method in class play.db.evolutions.Evolution
hashCode(Object) - Method in class play.db.jpa.Blob
hashCode() - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPABase
hashCode() - Method in class play.vfs.VirtualFile
hasNext() - Method in class play.db.helper.JdbcIterator
hasNextChunk() - Method in class play.server.FileService.ByteRangeInput
hasParentTag(String) - Static method in class play.templates.TagContext
head() - Method in class
Execute a HEAD request.
head() - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Execute a HEAD request.
head() - Method in class
Execute a HEAD request.
head() - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplateCompiler
head() - Method in class play.templates.TemplateCompiler
headAsync() - Method in class
Execute a HEAD request asynchronously.
headAsync() - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Execute a HEAD request asynchronously.
Header() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Http.Header
Header(String, String) - Constructor for class play.mvc.Http.Header
Header(String, List<String>) - Constructor for class play.mvc.Http.Header
HEADER_PART_SIZE_MAX - Static variable in class
The maximum length of header-part that will be processed (10 kilobytes = 10240 bytes.).
HEADER_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class
A byte sequence that marks the end of header-part (CRLFCRLF).
headers - Variable in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
headers(Map<String, String>) - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Use the provided headers when executing request.
headers - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
HTTP Headers
headers - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Response headers
Helpers - Class in play.test
Helpers() - Constructor for class play.test.Helpers
hexMD5(String) - Static method in class play.libs.Codec
Build an hexadecimal MD5 hash for a String
hexSHA1(String) - Static method in class play.libs.Codec
Build an hexadecimal SHA1 hash for a String
hexStringToByte(String) - Static method in class play.libs.Codec
Transform an hexadecimal String to a byte array.
HibernateInterceptor - Class in play.db.jpa
HibernateInterceptor() - Constructor for class play.db.jpa.HibernateInterceptor
host - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
Server host
host - Variable in class play.mvc.Router.ActionDefinition
The domain/host name.
HotswapAgent - Class in play.classloading
Enable HotSwap when it's possible.
HotswapAgent() - Constructor for class play.classloading.HotswapAgent
HOUR - Static variable in class play.libs.CronExpression
hours - Variable in class play.libs.CronExpression
HTML - Class in play.utils
HTML() - Constructor for class play.utils.HTML
HTML.HtmlCharacterEntityReferences - Class in play.utils
HtmlCharacterEntityReferences() - Constructor for class play.utils.HTML.HtmlCharacterEntityReferences
Returns a new set of character entity references reflecting the HTML 4.0 character set.
htmlEscape(String) - Static method in class play.utils.HTML
Turn special characters into HTML character references.
Http - Class in play.mvc
HTTP interface
Http() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Http
HTTP - Class in play.utils
HTTP() - Constructor for class play.utils.HTTP
HTTP.ContentTypeWithEncoding - Class in play.utils
Http.Cookie - Class in play.mvc
An HTTP Cookie
Http.Header - Class in play.mvc
An HTTP Header
Http.Inbound - Class in play.mvc
A Websocket Inbound channel
Http.Outbound - Class in play.mvc
A Websocket Outbound channel
Http.Request - Class in play.mvc
An HTTP Request
Http.Response - Class in play.mvc
An HTTP response
Http.StatusCode - Class in play.mvc
Http.WebSocketClose - Class in play.mvc
Http.WebSocketEvent - Class in play.mvc
Http.WebSocketFrame - Class in play.mvc
A Websocket frame
HttpAsyncResponse(Response) - Constructor for class
you shouldnt have to create an HttpResponse yourself
httpOnly - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Cookie
httpPort - Static variable in class play.server.Server
httpResponse - Variable in class play.libs.OAuth2.Response
HttpResponse() - Constructor for class play.libs.WS.HttpResponse
HttpServerPipelineFactory - Class in play.server
HttpServerPipelineFactory() - Constructor for class play.server.HttpServerPipelineFactory
httpsPort - Static variable in class play.server.Server
HttpUrlfetchResponse(HttpURLConnection) - Constructor for class
you shouldn't have to create an HttpResponse yourself
HumanReadyLogger - Class in play.deps
HumanReadyLogger() - Constructor for class play.deps.HumanReadyLogger


I18N - Class in play.libs
I18N utils
I18N() - Constructor for class play.libs.I18N
id - Variable in class play.db.jpa.Model
id - Variable in class play.libs.F.IndexedEvent
id(String) - Static method in class play.libs.OpenID
id - Variable in class play.libs.OpenID.UserInfo
id - Static variable in class play.Play
The framework ID
idCache - Static variable in class play.test.Fixtures
IF_MODIFIED_SINCE - Static variable in class play.server.ServletWrapper
IF_NONE_MATCH - Static variable in class play.server.ServletWrapper
ILLEGAL_FILENAME_CHARS - Static variable in class play.libs.Files
Characters that are invalid in Windows OS file names (Unix only forbids '/' character)
ILLEGAL_FILENAME_CHARS_REPLACE - Static variable in class play.libs.Files
IllegalBoundaryException() - Constructor for exception
Constructs an IllegalBoundaryException with no detail message.
IllegalBoundaryException(String) - Constructor for exception
Constructs an IllegalBoundaryException with the specified detail message.
Images - Class in play.libs
Images utils
Images() - Constructor for class play.libs.Images
Images.Captcha - Class in play.libs
A captcha image.
ImmediateFuture - Class in play.utils
ImmediateFuture() - Constructor for class play.utils.ImmediateFuture
in(String) - Method in class
Start this job in several seconds
in(int) - Method in class
Start this job in several seconds
Inbound(ChannelHandlerContext) - Constructor for class play.mvc.Http.Inbound
inbound - Static variable in class play.mvc.WebSocketController
InconsistentDatabase - Exception in play.db.evolutions.exceptions
InconsistentDatabase(String, String, String, int, String) - Constructor for exception play.db.evolutions.exceptions.InconsistentDatabase
incr(String, int) - Static method in class play.cache.Cache
Increment the element value (must be a Number).
incr(String) - Static method in class play.cache.Cache
Increment the element value (must be a Number) by 1.
incr(String, int) - Method in interface play.cache.CacheImpl
incr(String, int) - Method in class play.cache.EhCacheImpl
incr(String, int) - Method in class play.cache.MemcachedImpl
index - Variable in class play.PlayPlugin
Plugin priority (0 for highest priority)
IndexedEvent(M) - Constructor for class play.libs.F.IndexedEvent
inferResult(Object) - Static method in class play.mvc.ActionInvoker
info(String) - Method in class play.deps.HumanReadyLogger
info(String, Object...) - Static method in class play.Logger
Log with INFO level
info(Throwable, String, Object...) - Static method in class play.Logger
Log with INFO level
infos - Static variable in class play.mvc.Mailer
InFuture - Annotation Type in
This date must be in the future.
InFutureCheck - Class in
InFutureCheck() - Constructor for class
init() - Static method in class play.cache.Cache
Initialize the cache system.
init() - Static method in class
init(ResultSet) - Method in class play.db.helper.JdbcResultFactories.ClassFactory
init(ResultSet) - Method in class play.db.helper.JdbcResultFactories.PrimitiveFactory
init(ResultSet) - Method in interface play.db.helper.JdbcResultFactory
init() - Method in class play.Invoker.DirectInvocation
init() - Method in class play.Invoker.Invocation
Init the call (especially useful in DEV mode to detect changes)
init() - Static method in class play.Logger
Try to init stuff.
init(File, String) - Static method in class play.Play
Init the framework
init() - Method in class play.server.PlayHandler.NettyInvocation
init() - Method in class play.server.PlayHandler.WebSocketInvocation
init() - Method in class play.server.ServletWrapper.ServletInvocation
init(GroovyTemplate) - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate
init() - Static method in class play.templates.TagContext
initActionCall() - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.ControllersEnhancer.ControllerInstrumentation
initClient() - Method in class play.cache.MemcachedImpl
initialized - Static variable in class play.Play
Is the application initialized
initializePlugin(PlayPlugin) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
Calls plugin.onLoad but detects if plugin removes other plugins from Play.plugins-list to detect if plugins disables a plugin the old hacked way..
initStaticStuff() - Static method in class play.Play
Allow some code to run very early in Play - Use with caution !
initTest(Class<?>) - Static method in class play.test.TestEngine
inject(BeanSource) - Static method in class play.inject.Injector
For now, inject beans in controllers
Injector - Class in play.inject
Injector() - Constructor for class play.inject.Injector
inlineParam(Object) - Static method in class play.db.helper.SqlQuery
innerJoin(String...) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect
InPast - Annotation Type in
This date must be in the past.
InPastCheck - Class in
InPastCheck() - Constructor for class
inputstream() - Method in class play.vfs.VirtualFile
insertError(int, String, String, String...) - Static method in class
Insert an error at the specified position in this list.
install(ArtifactDownloadReport) - Method in class play.deps.DependenciesManager
instance - Static variable in class play.db.jpa.JPQL
INTERNAL_ERROR - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http.StatusCode
internalBind(ParamNode, Class<?>, Type, BindingAnnotations) - Static method in class
internalRender(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplate
internalRender(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class play.templates.Template
The internal rendering method - When one template calls another template, this method is used.
InvalidDatabaseRevision - Exception in play.db.evolutions.exceptions
InvalidDatabaseRevision(String, String) - Constructor for exception play.db.evolutions.exceptions.InvalidDatabaseRevision
Invocation() - Constructor for class play.Invoker.Invocation
InvocationContext(String) - Constructor for class play.Invoker.InvocationContext
InvocationContext(String, List<Annotation>) - Constructor for class play.Invoker.InvocationContext
InvocationContext(String, Annotation[]) - Constructor for class play.Invoker.InvocationContext
InvocationContext(String, Annotation[]...) - Constructor for class play.Invoker.InvocationContext
invocationFinally() - Method in class
invocationFinally() - Method in class play.db.DBPlugin
invocationFinally() - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Called at the end of the invocation.
invocationFinally() - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
invocationType - Static variable in class play.Invoker.DirectInvocation
invocationType - Static variable in class
invocationType - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http
invocationType - Static variable in class play.test.PlayJUnitRunner
invoke(Invoker.Invocation) - Static method in class play.Invoker
Run the code in a new thread took from a thread pool.
invoke(Invoker.Invocation, long) - Static method in class play.Invoker
Run the code in a new thread after a delay
invoke(T) - Method in interface play.libs.F.Action
invoke() - Method in interface play.libs.F.Action0
invoke(V) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
invoke(Http.Request, Http.Response) - Static method in class play.mvc.ActionInvoker
invoke(Http.Request, Http.Inbound, Http.Outbound) - Static method in class play.mvc.WebSocketInvoker
invoke(T) - Method in interface play.utils.Action
invoke(V) - Method in class play.utils.SmartFuture
invokeChildOrStatic(Class<?>, String, Object...) - Static method in class play.utils.Java
invokeControllerMethod(Method) - Static method in class play.mvc.ActionInvoker
invokeControllerMethod(Method, Object[]) - Static method in class play.mvc.ActionInvoker
invoked - Variable in class play.libs.F.Promise
invokedMethod - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
The really invoker Java method
invokeInThread(Invoker.DirectInvocation) - Static method in class play.Invoker
Run the code in the same thread than caller.
Invoker - Class in play
Run some code in a Play! context
Invoker() - Constructor for class play.Invoker
Invoker.DirectInvocation - Class in play
A direct invocation (in the same thread than caller)
Invoker.Invocation - Class in play
An Invocation in something to run in a Play! context
Invoker.InvocationContext - Class in play
The class/method that will be invoked by the current operation
Invoker.Suspend - Exception in play
Throwable to indicate that the request must be suspended
invokeReadProperty(Object, String, String, String) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.PropertiesEnhancer.FieldAccessor
invokeStatic(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class play.utils.Java
Invoke a static method
invokeStatic(String, String) - Static method in class play.utils.Java
invokeStatic(Class<?>, String, Object...) - Static method in class play.utils.Java
Invoke a static method with args
invokeStatic(Method, Map<String, String[]>) - Static method in class play.utils.Java
invokeStatic(Method, Object[]) - Static method in class play.utils.Java
invokeStaticOrParent(Class<?>, String, Object...) - Static method in class play.utils.Java
invokeTag(Integer, String, Map<String, Object>, Closure) - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate
invokeWithException(Throwable) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
invokeWithResultOrException(V, Throwable) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
invokeWriteProperty(Object, String, Class<?>, boolean, String, String) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.PropertiesEnhancer.FieldAccessor
invokeWriteProperty(Object, String, Class<?>, byte, String, String) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.PropertiesEnhancer.FieldAccessor
invokeWriteProperty(Object, String, Class<?>, char, String, String) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.PropertiesEnhancer.FieldAccessor
invokeWriteProperty(Object, String, Class<?>, double, String, String) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.PropertiesEnhancer.FieldAccessor
invokeWriteProperty(Object, String, Class<?>, float, String, String) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.PropertiesEnhancer.FieldAccessor
invokeWriteProperty(Object, String, Class<?>, int, String, String) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.PropertiesEnhancer.FieldAccessor
invokeWriteProperty(Object, String, Class<?>, long, String, String) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.PropertiesEnhancer.FieldAccessor
invokeWriteProperty(Object, String, Class<?>, short, String, String) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.PropertiesEnhancer.FieldAccessor
invokeWriteProperty(Object, String, Class<?>, Object, String, String) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.PropertiesEnhancer.FieldAccessor
IO - Class in play.libs
IO utils
IO() - Constructor for class play.libs.IO
IPv4Address - Annotation Type in
This field must be a valid IP address.
ipv4Address(String, Object) - Static method in class
ipv4Address(Object) - Method in class
IPv4AddressCheck - Class in
IPv4AddressCheck() - Constructor for class
IPv6Address - Annotation Type in
This field must be a valid IP address.
ipv6Address(String, Object) - Static method in class
ipv6Address(Object) - Method in class
IPv6AddressCheck - Class in
IPv6AddressCheck() - Constructor for class
isActionCallAllowed() - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.ControllersEnhancer.ControllerInstrumentation
isAjax() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Request
This request was sent by an Ajax framework.
isAnnotationPresent(Class<T>) - Method in class play.Invoker.InvocationContext
isAuthenticationResponse() - Static method in class play.libs.OpenID
Is the current request an authentication response from the OP ?
isBinary - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.WebSocketFrame
isCancelled() - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
isCancelled() - Method in class play.utils.ImmediateFuture
isCancelled() - Method in class play.utils.SmartFuture
isClass() - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass
isClass(String) - Static method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass
isClosed() - Method in class
Returns, whether the stream is closed.
isCodeResponse() - Static method in class play.libs.OAuth2
isDebugEnabled() - Static method in class play.Logger
isDefault() - Method in class play.db.Configuration
isDefinable() - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass
Is this class already compiled but not defined ?
isDefined() - Method in class play.libs.F.None
isDefined() - Method in class play.libs.F.Option
isDefined() - Method in class play.libs.F.Some
isDev() - Method in enum play.Play.Mode
isDirect(Class<?>) - Static method in class
isDirect() - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
isDirectory() - Method in class play.vfs.VirtualFile
isDone() - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
isDone() - Method in class play.utils.ImmediateFuture
isDone() - Method in class play.utils.SmartFuture
isEmpty() - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlQuery.Concat
isEmpty() - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Session
Returns true if the session is empty, e.g.
isEnabled() - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
isEnabled(String) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
isEnabled(PlayPlugin) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
isEnabledFor(String) - Static method in class play.Logger
isEnabledFor(Level) - Static method in class play.Logger
isEndOfInput() - Method in class play.server.FileService.ByteRangeInput
isEnhanced(String) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.ContinuationEnhancer
isFormField() - Method in class
Determines whether or not a FileItem instance represents a simple form field.
isGenerated - Variable in class play.db.Model.Property
isGreaterThan(ServletContext, int, int) - Static method in class play.server.ServletWrapper
isInitialized() - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
isInline() - Method in exception play.mvc.results.RenderBinary
isInMemory() - Method in class
isInMemory() - Method in class
isInMemory() - Method in class
Provides a hint as to whether or not the file contents will be read from memory.
isInMemory() - Method in interface
isInsideTransaction() - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
isInsideTransaction(String) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
isKeepAlive(HttpMessage) - Static method in class play.server.PlayHandler
isLeapYear(int) - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
isLoadedByApplicationClassloader(PlayPlugin) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
isLoopback - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
Request comes from loopback interface
isMappedToReference(char) - Method in class play.utils.HTML.HtmlCharacterEntityReferences
Return true if the given character is mapped to a supported entity reference.
isModifiable() - Method in class play.utils.Java.FieldWrapper
isModified(String, long) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Request
isModified(String, long, HttpRequest) - Static method in class play.server.PlayHandler
isModified(String, String, HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class play.server.ServletWrapper
isMultiple - Variable in class play.db.Model.Property
isMutable() - Method in class play.db.jpa.Blob
isNew - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
New request or already submitted
ISO8601 - Static variable in class
isolationLevels - Static variable in class play.db.DBPlugin.PlayConnectionCustomizer
isOpen() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Inbound
isOpen() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Outbound
isPersistent(String) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPABase
isPersistent() - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPABase
isProd() - Method in enum play.Play.Mode
isRelation - Variable in class play.db.Model.Property
isSatisfied(Object, Object) - Method in class
isSatisfied(Object, Object, OValContext, Validator) - Method in class
isSatisfied(Object, Object, OValContext, Validator) - Method in class
isSatisfied(Object, Object, OValContext, Validator) - Method in class
isSatisfied(Object, Object, OValContext, Validator) - Method in class
isSatisfied(Object, Object, OValContext, Validator) - Method in class
isSatisfied(Object, Object, OValContext, Validator) - Method in class
isSatisfied(Object, Object, OValContext, Validator) - Method in class
isSatisfied(Object, Object, OValContext, Validator) - Method in class
isSatisfied(Object, Object, OValContext, Validator) - Method in class
isSatisfied(Object, Object, OValContext, Validator) - Method in class
isSatisfied(Object, Object, OValContext, Validator) - Method in class
isSatisfied(Object, Object, OValContext, Validator) - Method in class
isSatisfied(Object, Object, OValContext, Validator) - Method in class
isSatisfied(Object, Object, OValContext, Validator) - Method in class
isSatisfied(Object, Object, OValContext, Validator) - Method in class
isSatisfied(Object, Object, OValContext, Validator) - Method in class
isSatisfied(Object, Object, OValContext, Validator) - Method in class
isSatisfied(Object, Object, OValContext, Validator) - Method in class
isSatisfied(Object, Object, OValContext, Validator) - Method in class
isSatisfiedBy(Date) - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
Indicates whether the given date satisfies the cron expression.
isSearchable - Variable in class play.db.Model.Property
isSet() - Method in class play.db.jpa.FileAttachment
isShowProgress() - Method in class play.deps.HumanReadyLogger
isSimpleParam(Class) - Static method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplate
isSourceAvailable() - Method in exception play.exceptions.CompilationException
isSourceAvailable() - Method in exception play.exceptions.JPAException
isSourceAvailable() - Method in exception play.exceptions.NoRouteFoundException
isSourceAvailable() - Method in exception play.exceptions.PlayException
isSourceAvailable() - Method in exception play.exceptions.PlayExceptionWithJavaSource
isSourceAvailable() - Method in exception play.exceptions.TemplateNotFoundException
isSourceAvailable() - Method in exception play.exceptions.YAMLException
isTraceEnabled() - Static method in class play.Logger
IsTrue - Annotation Type in
This field must be true.
isTrue(String, Object) - Static method in class
isTrue(Object) - Method in class
IsTrueCheck - Class in
IsTrueCheck() - Constructor for class
isValidExpression(String) - Static method in class play.libs.CronExpression
Indicates whether the specified cron expression can be parsed into a valid cron expression
isValidMimeType(String) - Static method in class play.libs.MimeTypes
check the mimetype is referenced in the mimetypes database
isVerifierResponse() - Static method in class play.libs.OAuth
iterator() - Method in class play.db.helper.JdbcIterator
iterator() - Method in class play.db.SQLSplitter
iterator() - Method in class play.libs.F.None
iterator() - Method in class play.libs.F.Some


Java - Class in play.utils
Java utils
Java() - Constructor for class play.utils.Java
Java.FieldWrapper - Class in play.utils
Field accessor set and get value for a property, using the getter/setter when it exists or direct access otherwise.
javaByteCode - Variable in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass
The compiled byteCode
javaClass - Variable in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass
The in JVM loaded class
JavaExecutionException - Exception in play.exceptions
JavaExecutionException(ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass, Integer, Throwable) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.JavaExecutionException
JavaExecutionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.JavaExecutionException
JavaExtensions - Class in play.templates
Java extensions in templates
JavaExtensions() - Constructor for class play.templates.JavaExtensions
javaFile - Variable in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass
A reference to the java source file
javaPackage - Variable in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass
The in JVM loaded package
javaPath - Static variable in class play.Play
All paths to search for Java files
javaSource - Variable in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass
The Java source
jdbcCompliant() - Method in class play.db.DBPlugin.ProxyDriver
JdbcHelper - Class in play.db.helper
JdbcIterator<T> - Class in play.db.helper
Iterate over a JDBC ResultSet
JdbcIterator(ResultSet, JdbcResultFactory<T>) - Constructor for class play.db.helper.JdbcIterator
JdbcIterator(ResultSet, Class<T>) - Constructor for class play.db.helper.JdbcIterator
JdbcResultFactories - Class in play.db.helper
JdbcResultFactories.ClassFactory<T> - Class in play.db.helper
JdbcResultFactories.PrimitiveFactory<T> - Class in play.db.helper
JdbcResultFactory<T> - Interface in play.db.helper
JdbcWindowIterator<T> - Class in play.db.helper
JdbcWindowIterator(ResultSet, int, int, JdbcResultFactory<T>) - Constructor for class play.db.helper.JdbcWindowIterator
JdbcWindowIterator(ResultSet, int, int, Class<T>) - Constructor for class play.db.helper.JdbcWindowIterator
Job<V> - Class in
A job is an asynchronously executed unit of work
Job() - Constructor for class
JobsPlugin - Class in
JobsPlugin() - Constructor for class
join - Variable in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect
join(Collection, String) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
concatenate items of a collection as a string separated with separator items toString() method should be implemented to provide a string representation
join(Iterable<T>, String) - Static method in class play.utils.Utils
join(String[], String) - Static method in class play.utils.Utils
join(Annotation[], String) - Static method in class play.utils.Utils
JPA - Class in play.db.jpa
JPA Support
JPA() - Constructor for class play.db.jpa.JPA
JPA.JPAContext - Class in play.db.jpa
JPABase - Class in play.db.jpa
A super class for JPA entities
JPABase() - Constructor for class play.db.jpa.JPABase
JPABase.JPAQueryException - Exception in play.db.jpa
JPAContext() - Constructor for class play.db.jpa.JPA.JPAContext
JPAEnhancer - Class in play.db.jpa
Enhance JPABase entities classes
JPAEnhancer() - Constructor for class play.db.jpa.JPAEnhancer
JPAException - Exception in play.exceptions
JPAException(String) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.JPAException
JPAException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.JPAException
JpaHelper - Class in play.db.helper
JPAModelLoader - Class in play.db.jpa
JPAModelLoader(Class<? extends Model>) - Constructor for class play.db.jpa.JPAModelLoader
JPAPlugin - Class in play.db.jpa
JPA Plugin
JPAPlugin() - Constructor for class play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin
JPAPlugin.TransactionalFilter - Class in play.db.jpa
JPAQuery(String, Query) - Constructor for class play.db.jpa.GenericModel.JPAQuery
JPAQuery(Query) - Constructor for class play.db.jpa.GenericModel.JPAQuery
JPAQuery(String, Query) - Constructor for class play.db.jpa.JPASupport.JPAQuery
JPAQuery(Query) - Constructor for class play.db.jpa.JPASupport.JPAQuery
JPAQueryException(String) - Constructor for exception play.db.jpa.JPABase.JPAQueryException
JPAQueryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception play.db.jpa.JPABase.JPAQueryException
JPASupport - Class in play.db.jpa
JPASupport() - Constructor for class play.db.jpa.JPASupport
JPASupport.JPAQuery - Class in play.db.jpa
JPQL - Class in play.db.jpa
JPQL() - Constructor for class play.db.jpa.JPQL
JpqlSelect - Class in play.db.helper
JpqlSelect() - Constructor for class play.db.helper.JpqlSelect
JpqlSelect(JpqlSelect) - Constructor for class play.db.helper.JpqlSelect
juli - Static variable in class play.Logger
When using java.util.logging.
JuliToLog4jHandler() - Constructor for class play.Logger.JuliToLog4jHandler


keep() - Static method in class
Keep errors for the next request (will be stored in a cookie)
keep(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Flash
keep() - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Flash
key(String) - Method in class
keyName() - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPAModelLoader
keyName() - Method in interface play.db.Model.Factory
keyNames() - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPAModelLoader
keys - Static variable in class
keys() - Method in class play.utils.OrderSafeProperties
keySet() - Method in class play.utils.OrderSafeProperties
keyType() - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPAModelLoader
keyType() - Method in interface play.db.Model.Factory
keyTypes() - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPAModelLoader
keyValue(Model) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPAModelLoader
keyValue(Model) - Method in interface play.db.Model.Factory
kill(String) - Static method in class play.utils.Utils


Lang - Class in play.i18n
Language support
Lang() - Constructor for class play.i18n.Lang
lang() - Method in class play.i18n.Localized
langs - Static variable in class play.Play
The list of supported locales
last(List<?>) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
return the last item of a list or null if the List is null
lastdayOfMonth - Variable in class play.libs.CronExpression
lastdayOfWeek - Variable in class play.libs.CronExpression
lastException - Variable in class
lastLoading - Static variable in class play.mvc.Router
Timestamp the routes file was last loaded at.
lastModified() - Method in class play.vfs.VirtualFile
lastRun - Variable in class
layout - Static variable in class play.templates.BaseTemplate
layoutData - Static variable in class play.templates.BaseTemplate
lazyLoadTemplates - Static variable in class play.Play
Lazy load the templates on demand
leftJoin(String...) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect
LegacyMockMailSystem - Class in play.libs.mail.test
Just kept for compatibility reasons, use test double substitution mechanism instead.
LegacyMockMailSystem() - Constructor for class play.libs.mail.test.LegacyMockMailSystem
length() - Method in class play.db.jpa.Blob
length() - Method in class play.db.jpa.FileAttachment
length() - Method in interface play.db.Model.BinaryField
length() - Method in class play.vfs.VirtualFile
LF - Static variable in class
The Line Feed ASCII character value.
limit - Variable in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect
limit(long) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect
limit(long, long) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect
limit(long) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlUnion
limit(long, long) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlUnion
linesMatrix - Variable in class play.templates.BaseTemplate
list() - Method in interface play.db.Model.Choices
list() - Method in class play.vfs.VirtualFile
listApplicationEvolutions(String, String, VirtualFile) - Static method in class play.db.Evolutions
listDatabaseEvolutions(String, String) - Static method in class play.db.Evolutions
listProperties() - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPAModelLoader
List of all properties
listProperties() - Method in interface play.db.Model.Factory
load() - Method in class play.db.helper.JdbcIterator
load() - Method in class play.db.helper.JdbcWindowIterator
load(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Router
Parse the routes file.
load(VirtualFile) - Static method in class play.templates.TemplateLoader
Load a template from a virtual file
load(String, String) - Static method in class play.templates.TemplateLoader
Load a template from a String
load(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class play.templates.TemplateLoader
Clean the cache for that key Then load a template from a String
load(String) - Static method in class play.templates.TemplateLoader
Load a template
load(String) - Static method in class play.test.Fixtures
load(String...) - Static method in class play.test.Fixtures
load(List<String>) - Static method in class play.test.Fixtures
load(InputStream) - Method in class play.utils.OrderSafeProperties
load(InputStream) - Method in class play.utils.Properties
load(InputStream, String) - Method in class play.utils.Properties
loadApplicationClass(String) - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClassloader
loadClass(String, boolean) - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClassloader
loadFromCache() - Method in class play.templates.BaseTemplate
loadModels(String) - Static method in class play.test.Fixtures
Load Model instances from a YAML file and persist them using the underlying persistence mechanism.
loadModels(boolean, String) - Static method in class play.test.Fixtures
Load Model instances from a YAML file and persist them using the underlying persistence mechanism.
loadModels(String...) - Static method in class play.test.Fixtures
loadModels(boolean, String...) - Static method in class play.test.Fixtures
loadModels(List<String>) - Static method in class play.test.Fixtures
loadModels(boolean, List<String>) - Static method in class play.test.Fixtures
loadModules() - Static method in class play.Play
Load all modules.
loadModules(VirtualFile) - Static method in class play.Play
Load all modules.
loadPlugins() - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
Enable found plugins
loadPrecompiled() - Method in class play.templates.BaseTemplate
loadString(String) - Static method in class play.templates.TemplateLoader
Load template from a String, but don't cache it
loadTemplate(VirtualFile) - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
loadTemplate(VirtualFile) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
loadYaml(String) - Static method in class play.test.Fixtures
Load and parse a plain YAML file and returns the corresponding Java objects.
loadYaml(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class play.test.Fixtures
Load and parse a plain YAML file and returns the corresponding Java Map.
loadYaml(String, Yaml) - Static method in class play.test.Fixtures
loadYamlAsList(String) - Static method in class play.test.Fixtures
Load and parse a plain YAML file and returns the corresponding Java List.
loadYamlAsMap(String) - Static method in class play.test.Fixtures
Load and parse a plain YAML file and returns the corresponding Java Map.
LocaleBinder - Class in
Binder that support Locale class.
LocaleBinder() - Constructor for class
locales - Static variable in class play.i18n.Messages
Localized<T> - Class in play.i18n
A localized object
Localized() - Constructor for class play.i18n.Localized
locals() - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesNamesTracer
LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer - Class in play.classloading.enhancers
Track names of local variables ...
LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer() - Constructor for class play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer
LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesNamesTracer - Class in play.classloading.enhancers
Runtime part.
LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesSupport - Interface in play.classloading.enhancers
Mark class that need local variables tracking
LocalVariablesNamesTracer() - Constructor for class play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesNamesTracer
log(String, int) - Method in class play.deps.HumanReadyLogger
log4j - Static variable in class play.Logger
The application logger (play).
Logger - Class in play
Main logger of the application.
Logger() - Constructor for class play.Logger
Logger.JuliToLog4jHandler - Class in play
juli handler that Redirect to log4j


Mail - Class in play.libs
Mail utils
Mail() - Constructor for class play.libs.Mail
Mail.SMTPAuthenticator - Class in play.libs
Mailer - Class in play.mvc
Application mailer support
Mailer() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Mailer
MailerEnhancer - Class in play.classloading.enhancers
Enhance mailers classes.
MailerEnhancer() - Constructor for class play.classloading.enhancers.MailerEnhancer
MailException - Exception in play.exceptions
Error while sending an email
MailException(String) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.MailException
MailException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.MailException
MailSystem - Interface in play.libs.mail
mailSystemFactory - Static variable in class play.libs.Mail
main(String[]) - Static method in class play.db.Evolutions
main(String[]) - Static method in class play.deps.DependenciesManager
main(String[]) - Static method in class play.server.Server
makeClass(ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass) - Method in class play.classloading.enhancers.Enhancer
Construct a javassist CtClass from an application class.
makeRequest(Http.Request, Http.Response) - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
makeRequest(Http.Request) - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
MalformedStreamException() - Constructor for exception
Constructs a MalformedStreamException with no detail message.
MalformedStreamException(String) - Constructor for exception
Constructs an MalformedStreamException with the specified detail message.
MalformedStreamException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Manager() - Constructor for class play.db.Model.Manager
Maps() - Constructor for class play.utils.Utils.Maps
markLine(int) - Method in class play.templates.TemplateCompiler
Match - Annotation Type in
This field must match the regexp.
match(String, Object, String) - Static method in class
match(Object, String) - Method in class
match(T) - Method in class play.libs.F.Matcher
match(F.Option<T>) - Method in class play.libs.F.Matcher
MatchCheck - Class in
MatchCheck() - Constructor for class
Matcher() - Constructor for class play.libs.F.Matcher
matches(String, String) - Method in class play.mvc.Router.Route
matches(String, String, String) - Method in class play.mvc.Router.Route
matches(String, String, String, String) - Method in class play.mvc.Router.Route
Check if the parts of a HTTP request equal this Route.
matchName(String) - Method in class play.vfs.VirtualFile
Method to check if the name really match (very useful on system without case sensibility (like windows))
Max - Annotation Type in
This field must be lower than.
max(String, Object, double) - Static method in class
max(Object, double) - Method in class
maxAge - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Cookie
Cookie max-age in second
MaxCheck - Class in
MaxCheck() - Constructor for class
maxPlainTextLength - Static variable in class play.templates.GroovyTemplateCompiler
MaxSize - Annotation Type in
This field size must be lower than.
maxSize(String, Object, int) - Static method in class
maxSize(Object, int) - Method in class
MaxSizeCheck - Class in
MaxSizeCheck() - Constructor for class
MemcachedImpl - Class in play.cache
Memcached implementation (using expiration is specified in seconds
MemoryUpload - Class in
MemoryUpload(FileItem) - Constructor for class
merge() - Method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel
Merge this object to obtain a managed entity (useful when the object comes from the Cache).
mergeValueInMap(Map<String, String[]>, String, String) - Static method in class play.utils.Utils.Maps
mergeValueInMap(Map<String, String[]>, String, String[]) - Static method in class play.utils.Utils.Maps
message() - Method in class
message(String) - Method in class
message(String) - Method in class
message() - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplateCompiler
message() - Method in class play.templates.TemplateCompiler
messageReceived(ChannelHandlerContext, MessageEvent) - Method in class play.server.PlayHandler
messageReceived(ChannelHandlerContext, MessageEvent) - Method in class play.server.StreamChunkAggregator
Messages - Class in play.i18n
I18n Helper
Messages() - Constructor for class play.i18n.Messages
MessagesPlugin - Class in play.i18n
Messages plugin
MessagesPlugin() - Constructor for class play.i18n.MessagesPlugin
method - Variable in class
method - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
HTTP method
METHOD - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http.StatusCode
method - Variable in class play.mvc.Router.ActionDefinition
The HTTP method, e.g.
method - Variable in class play.mvc.Router.Route
HTTP method, e.g.
MethodAndParamInfo(Object, Method, int) - Constructor for class
mimeType - Variable in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
mimeType(String) - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Add a MimeType to the web service request.
MimeTypes - Class in play.libs
MimeTypes utils
MimeTypes() - Constructor for class play.libs.MimeTypes
Min - Annotation Type in
This field must be greater than.
min(String, Object, double) - Static method in class
min(Object, double) - Method in class
MinCheck - Class in
MinCheck() - Constructor for class
MinSize - Annotation Type in
This field size must be equal or greater than.
minSize(String, Object, int) - Static method in class
minSize(Object, int) - Method in class
MinSizeCheck - Class in
MinSizeCheck() - Constructor for class
MINUTE - Static variable in class play.libs.CronExpression
minutes - Variable in class play.libs.CronExpression
MISSING - Static variable in class
Mock - Static variable in class play.libs.Mail
Just kept for compatibility reasons, use test double substitution mechanism instead.
mode - Static variable in class play.Play
The application mode
Model - Class in play.db.jpa
Base class for JPA model objects Automatically provide a @Id Long id field
Model() - Constructor for class play.db.jpa.Model
Model - Interface in play.db
Model.BinaryField - Interface in play.db
Model.Choices - Interface in play.db
Model.Factory - Interface in play.db
Model.Manager - Class in play.db
Model.Property - Class in play.db
modelFactory(Class<? extends Model>) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin
modelFactory(Class<? extends Model>) - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
modelFactory(Class<? extends Model>) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
moduleKey - Variable in class play.db.evolutions.Evolution
modules - Static variable in class play.Play
modulesRoutes - Static variable in class play.Play
Plugin routes files
MONTH - Static variable in class play.libs.CronExpression
monthMap - Static variable in class play.libs.CronExpression
months - Variable in class play.libs.CronExpression
MOVED - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http.StatusCode
MULTIPART_FORM_DATA - Static variable in class play.test.FunctionalTest
MultipartStream - Class in
Low level API for processing file uploads.
MultipartStream() - Constructor for class
MultipartStream(InputStream, byte[], int) - Constructor for class
MultipartStream(InputStream, byte[]) - Constructor for class
MultipartStream.IllegalBoundaryException - Exception in
Thrown upon attempt of setting an invalid boundary token.
MultipartStream.ItemInputStream - Class in
An InputStream for reading an items contents.
MultipartStream.MalformedStreamException - Exception in
Thrown to indicate that the input stream fails to follow the required syntax.
MySQLDialect - Class in play.db.jpa
InnoDB, UTF-8 dialect for Mysql
MySQLDialect() - Constructor for class play.db.jpa.MySQLDialect


name - Variable in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass
The fully qualified class name
name - Variable in class play.db.Model.Property
name - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Cookie
Cookie name
name - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Header
Header name
name - Variable in class play.templates.Template
name - Variable in class play.test.TestEngine.TestResult
nearestWeekday - Variable in class play.libs.CronExpression
NettyInvocation(Http.Request, Http.Response, ChannelHandlerContext, HttpRequest, MessageEvent) - Constructor for class play.server.PlayHandler.NettyInvocation
newBeanInstance() - Method in class
newClassPool() - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.Enhancer
newDocumentBuilder() - Static method in class play.libs.XML
newDocumentBuilderFactory() - Static method in class play.libs.XML
newEntityManager(String) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
newEntityManager() - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
newInstance() - Static method in class play.cache.EhCacheImpl
newRequest(String, String) - Method in class
newRequest(String, String) - Method in interface play.libs.WS.WSImpl
newRequest(String, String) - Method in class
newRequest() - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
newResponse() - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
newThread(Runnable) - Method in class play.utils.PThreadFactory
next() - Method in class play.db.helper.JdbcIterator
nextChunk() - Method in class play.server.FileService.ByteRangeInput
nextEvent() - Method in class play.libs.F.BlockingEventStream
nextEvent() - Method in class play.libs.F.EventStream
nextEvent() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Inbound
nextEvents(long) - Method in class play.libs.F.ArchivedEventStream
nextToken() - Method in class play.templates.TemplateParser
niceLog(String, int) - Method in class play.deps.HumanReadyLogger
nl2br(BaseTemplate.RawData) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
nl2br(Object) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
NO_BINDING - Static variable in class
NO_RESPONSE - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http.StatusCode
NO_SPEC - Static variable in class play.libs.CronExpression
NO_SPEC_INT - Static variable in class play.libs.CronExpression
noAccents(String) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
NoBinding - Annotation Type in
noise - Variable in class play.libs.Images.Captcha
None - Static variable in class play.libs.F
None() - Constructor for class play.libs.F.None
None() - Static method in class play.libs.F.Option
NoOpEntityResolver - Class in play.utils
NoOpEntityResolver() - Constructor for class play.utils.NoOpEntityResolver
NoResult - Exception in play.mvc.results
NoResult() - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.NoResult
normalize(String) - Static method in class play.libs.OpenID
Normalize the given openid as a standard openid
NoRouteFoundException - Exception in play.exceptions
No route found (during reverse routing)
NoRouteFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.NoRouteFoundException
NoRouteFoundException(String, ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass, Integer) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.NoRouteFoundException
NoRouteFoundException(String, Template, Integer) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.NoRouteFoundException
NoRouteFoundException(String, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.NoRouteFoundException
NoRouteFoundException(String, Map<String, Object>, ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass, Integer) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.NoRouteFoundException
NoRouteFoundException(String, Map<String, Object>, Template, Integer) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.NoRouteFoundException
NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http.StatusCode
NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http.StatusCode
NOT_MODIFIED - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http.StatusCode
notFound(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Send a 404 Not Found response
notFound() - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Send a 404 Not Found response
NotFound - Exception in play.mvc.results
404 not found
NotFound(String) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.NotFound
NotFound(String, String) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.NotFound
notFoundIfNull(Object) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Send a 404 Not Found response if object is null
notFoundIfNull(Object, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Send a 404 Not Found response if object is null
notModified() - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Send a 304 Not Modified response
NotModified - Exception in play.mvc.results
304 Not Modified
NotModified() - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.NotModified
NotModified(String) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.NotModified
NoTransaction - Annotation Type in play.db.jpa
Annotation to be used on methods telling JPA that it should not create a Transaction at all
now() - Method in class
Start this job now (well ASAP)
now(String, String) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Flash
nthdayOfWeek - Variable in class play.libs.CronExpression
nullSafeGet(ResultSet, String[], SessionImplementor, Object) - Method in class play.db.jpa.Blob
nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement, Object, int, SessionImplementor) - Method in class play.db.jpa.Blob


OAuth - Class in play.libs
Library to access resources protected by OAuth 1.0a.
oauth(OAuth.ServiceInfo, String, String) - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Sign the request for do a call to a server protected by oauth
oauth(OAuth.ServiceInfo, OAuth.TokenPair) - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
OAuth.Error - Class in play.libs
OAuth.Error.Type - Enum in play.libs
OAuth.Response - Class in play.libs
Response to an OAuth 1.0 request.
OAuth.ServiceInfo - Class in play.libs
Information relative to an OAuth 1.0 provider.
OAuth.TokenPair - Class in play.libs
OAuth2 - Class in play.libs
Library to access resources protected by OAuth 2.0.
OAuth2(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class play.libs.OAuth2
OAuth2.Error - Class in play.libs
OAuth2.Error.Type - Enum in play.libs
OAuth2.Response - Class in play.libs
oauthInfo - Variable in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
oauthSecret - Variable in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
oauthToken - Variable in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
objectInstance - Variable in class
ok - Variable in class
ok() - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Send a 200 OK response
OK - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http.StatusCode
Ok - Exception in play.mvc.results
200 OK
Ok() - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.Ok
oldCookieSessionParser - Static variable in class play.mvc.CookieDataCodec
Cookie session parser for cookie created by version 1.2.5 or before.
On - Annotation Type in
Run the job using a Cron expression We use the Quartz CRON trigger (
onAcquire(Connection, String) - Method in class play.db.DBPlugin.PlayConnectionCustomizer
onActionInvocationFinally() - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Called at the end of the action invocation (either in case of success or any failure).
onActionInvocationFinally() - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
onActionInvocationResult(Result) - Method in class
onActionInvocationResult(Result) - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Called when the action method has thrown a result.
onActionInvocationResult(Result) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
onApplicationReady() - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
onApplicationReady() - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
onApplicationStart() - Method in class play.ConfigurationChangeWatcherPlugin
onApplicationStart() - Method in class play.db.DBPlugin
onApplicationStart() - Method in class play.db.Evolutions
onApplicationStart() - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin
Reads the configuration file and initialises required JPA EntityManagerFactories.
onApplicationStart() - Method in class play.i18n.MessagesPlugin
onApplicationStart() - Method in class
OnApplicationStart - Annotation Type in
A job run at application start.
onApplicationStart() - Method in class play.libs.WS
onApplicationStart() - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Called at application start (and at each reloading) Time to start stateful things.
onApplicationStart() - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
onApplicationStop() - Method in class play.db.DBPlugin
onApplicationStop() - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin
onApplicationStop() - Method in class
OnApplicationStop - Annotation Type in
A job run when the application is stopped under graceful circumstances.
onApplicationStop() - Method in class play.libs.WS
onApplicationStop() - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Called at application stop (and before each reloading) Time to shutdown stateful things.
onApplicationStop() - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
onCheckIn(Connection, String) - Method in class play.db.DBPlugin.PlayConnectionCustomizer
onCheckOut(Connection, String) - Method in class play.db.DBPlugin.PlayConnectionCustomizer
onClassesChange(List<ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass>) - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
onClassesChange(List<ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass>) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
onCollectionRecreate(Object, Serializable) - Method in class play.db.jpa.HibernateInterceptor
onCollectionRemove(Object, Serializable) - Method in class play.db.jpa.HibernateInterceptor
onCollectionUpdate(Object, Serializable) - Method in class play.db.jpa.HibernateInterceptor
onCompileEnd() - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplate
onCompletion(Action<V>) - Method in class play.utils.SmartFuture
onConfigurationFileChanged(VirtualFile) - Method in class play.ConfigurationChangeWatcherPlugin
onConfigurationRead() - Method in class play.ConfigurationChangeWatcherPlugin
onConfigurationRead() - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Called when the application.conf has been read.
onConfigurationRead() - Method in class play.plugins.ConfigurablePluginDisablingPlugin
onConfigurationRead() - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
onDestroy(Connection, String) - Method in class play.db.DBPlugin.PlayConnectionCustomizer
onEvent(String, Object) - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Event may be sent by plugins or other components
onEvent(String, Object) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
onException(Throwable) - Method in class play.Invoker.Invocation
Things to do if the Invocation code thrown an exception
onException(Throwable) - Method in class
onException(Throwable) - Method in class play.server.PlayHandler.WebSocketInvocation
onInvocationException(Throwable) - Method in class
onInvocationException(Throwable) - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Called if an exception occurred during the invocation.
onInvocationException(Throwable) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
onInvocationSuccess() - Method in class
onInvocationSuccess() - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
onInvocationSuccess() - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
onLoad() - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Called at plugin loading
onRedeem(F.Action<F.Promise<V>>) - Method in class play.libs.F.Promise
onRequestRouting(Router.Route) - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Called when the request has been routed.
onRequestRouting(Router.Route) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
onRoutesLoaded() - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Called after routes loading.
onRoutesLoaded() - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
onSave(Object, Serializable, Object[], String[], Type[]) - Method in class play.db.jpa.HibernateInterceptor
onSuccess() - Method in class play.Invoker.Invocation
Things to do when the whole invocation has succeeded (before + execute + after)
onSuccess() - Method in class play.server.PlayHandler.NettyInvocation
onSuccess() - Method in class play.server.PlayHandler.WebSocketInvocation
onTemplateCompilation(Template) - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
onWriteChunk(F.Action<Object>) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
open(String, Integer) - Static method in class play.utils.Utils
open(String) - Static method in class play.vfs.VirtualFile
open(File) - Static method in class play.vfs.VirtualFile
openClassfile(String) - Method in class play.classloading.enhancers.Enhancer.ApplicationClassesClasspath
OpenID - Class in play.libs
OpenID.UserInfo - Class in play.libs
Option() - Constructor for class play.libs.F.Option
optional(String) - Method in class play.libs.OpenID
optional(String, String) - Method in class play.libs.OpenID
options() - Method in class
Execute a OPTIONS request.
options() - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Execute a OPTIONS request.
options() - Method in class
Execute a OPTIONS request.
optionsAsync() - Method in class
Execute a OPTIONS request asynchronously.
optionsAsync() - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Execute a OPTIONS request asynchronously.
order() - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
orderBy - Variable in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect
orderBy(String...) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect
orderBy(String...) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlUnion
OrderSafeProperties - Class in play.utils
Custom impl of that preserves the key-order from the file and that reads the properties-file in utf-8
OrderSafeProperties() - Constructor for class play.utils.OrderSafeProperties
originalParams - Variable in class
orWhere(String...) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect
orWhere(SqlSelect.Where...) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect
orWhere(String...) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect.Where
out - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Response body stream
Outbound() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Http.Outbound
outbound - Static variable in class play.mvc.WebSocketController
outputstream() - Method in class play.vfs.VirtualFile
OVERLOADED - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http.StatusCode
overrideTemplateSource(BaseTemplate, String) - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
overrideTemplateSource(BaseTemplate, String) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection


pad(String, Integer) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
page(Number, Integer) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
param(Object) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlQuery
param(Object) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect
param(Object) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect.Where
param(Object) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlUnion
paramCurrentIndex() - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlQuery
paramCurrentIndex() - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect.Where
parameterIndex - Variable in class
parameterNames(Method) - Static method in class play.utils.Java
Retrieve parameter names of a method
parameters - Variable in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
paramName - Variable in class play.libs.WS.FileParam
ParamNode - Class in
ParamNode(String) - Constructor for class
ParamNode.RemovedNode - Class in
params - Variable in class
params - Variable in class play.db.helper.SqlQuery
params(Object...) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlQuery
params(Object...) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect
params(Object...) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect.Where
params(Object...) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlUnion
params(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Add parameters to request.
params - Static variable in class play.mvc.Controller
The current HTTP params.
params - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
Params() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Scope.Params
params - Static variable in class play.mvc.WebSocketController
parent(Object...) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
parent() - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
parent(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
parent() - Static method in class play.templates.TagContext
parent(String) - Static method in class play.templates.TagContext
parent(String...) - Static method in class play.templates.TagContext
parse(InputStream) - Method in class
parse(InputStream) - Method in class
parse(InputStream) - Method in class
parse(String) - Static method in class
parse(InputStream) - Method in class
parse(IvySettings, File) - Method in class play.deps.SettingsParser
parse(String) - Method in class play.utils.Utils.AlternativeDateFormat
parseContentType(String) - Static method in class play.utils.HTTP
parseCRONExpression(String) - Static method in class play.libs.Time
Parse a CRON expression
parseDescriptor(ParserSettings, URL, Resource, boolean) - Method in class play.deps.YamlParser
parseDuration(String) - Static method in class play.libs.Time
Parse a duration
parseQueryString(InputStream) - Static method in class
parser - Variable in class play.templates.TemplateCompiler
parseRequest(ChannelHandlerContext, HttpRequest, MessageEvent) - Method in class play.server.PlayHandler
parseRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class play.server.ServletWrapper
parseRequest(ChannelHandlerContext, HttpRequest, MessageEvent) - Method in class play.server.ssl.SslPlayHandler
parseXForwarded() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Request
PARTIAL_INFO - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http.StatusCode
passed - Variable in class play.test.TestEngine.TestResult
passed - Variable in class play.test.TestEngine.TestResults
Password - Annotation Type in
This field is a password.
password - Variable in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
password - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
HTTP Basic Password
passwordHash(String) - Static method in class play.libs.Crypto
Create a password hash using the default hashing algorithm
passwordHash(String, Crypto.HashType) - Static method in class play.libs.Crypto
Create a password hash using specific hashing algorithm
past(String, Object, Date) - Static method in class
past(Object, Date) - Method in class
past(String, Object) - Static method in class
past(Object) - Method in class
patch() - Method in class
Execute a PATCH request.
patch() - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Execute a PATCH request.
patch() - Method in class
patchAsync() - Method in class
Execute a PATCH request asynchronously.
patchAsync() - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Execute a PATCH request asynchronously.
path - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Cookie
Cookie path
path - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
Request path
path - Variable in class play.mvc.Router.Route
pause(long) - Method in class play.test.BaseTest
Pause the current thread
PAYMENT_REQUIRED - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http.StatusCode
PEMKeyManager() - Constructor for class play.server.ssl.SslHttpServerContextFactory.PEMKeyManager
Phone - Annotation Type in
This field contain a phone number This validation is relaxed and is intended to enforce a basic phone pattern.
phone(String, Object) - Static method in class
phone(Object) - Method in class
PhoneCheck - Class in
PhoneCheck() - Constructor for class
PID_FILE - Static variable in class play.server.Server
pipelines - Variable in class play.server.PlayHandler
The Pipeline is given for a PlayHandler
plain() - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplateCompiler
Interesting performance observation: Calling print(); from java (in ExecutableTemplate) called from groovy is MUCH slower than java returning string to groovy which then prints with out.print();
plain() - Method in class play.templates.TemplateCompiler
play - package play
Play - Class in play
Main framework class
Play() - Constructor for class play.Play
play.ant - package play.ant
play.cache - package play.cache
play.classloading - package play.classloading
play.classloading.enhancers - package play.classloading.enhancers
play.classloading.hash - package play.classloading.hash - package - package - package - package - package
play.db - package play.db
play.db.evolutions - package play.db.evolutions
play.db.evolutions.exceptions - package play.db.evolutions.exceptions
play.db.helper - package play.db.helper
play.db.jpa - package play.db.jpa
play.deps - package play.deps
play.exceptions - package play.exceptions
play.i18n - package play.i18n
play.inject - package play.inject - package
play.libs - package play.libs
play.libs.mail - package play.libs.mail
play.libs.mail.test - package play.libs.mail.test - package
Play.Mode - Enum in play
2 modes
play.mvc - package play.mvc
play.mvc.results - package play.mvc.results
play.plugins - package play.plugins
play.server - package play.server
play.server.ssl - package play.server.ssl
play.templates - package play.templates
play.templates.types - package play.templates.types
play.test - package play.test
play.utils - package play.utils
play.vfs - package play.vfs
play_plugins_resourceName - Variable in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
Property holding the name of the play.plugins-resource-name.
PlayConfigurationLoadTask - Class in play.ant
Ant task which loads settings needed by the ant from the ant configuration file.
PlayConfigurationLoadTask() - Constructor for class play.ant.PlayConfigurationLoadTask
PlayConflictManager - Class in play.deps
PlayConflictManager() - Constructor for class play.deps.PlayConflictManager
PlayConnectionCustomizer() - Constructor for class play.db.DBPlugin.PlayConnectionCustomizer
PlayException - Exception in play.exceptions
The super class for all Play! exceptions
PlayException() - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.PlayException
PlayException(String) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.PlayException
PlayException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.PlayException
PlayExceptionWithJavaSource - Exception in play.exceptions
PlayExceptionWithJavaSource(String) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.PlayExceptionWithJavaSource
PlayExceptionWithJavaSource(String, Throwable, ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass, Integer) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.PlayExceptionWithJavaSource
PlayExceptionWithJavaSource(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.PlayExceptionWithJavaSource
PlayHandler - Class in play.server
PlayHandler() - Constructor for class play.server.PlayHandler
PlayHandler.NettyInvocation - Class in play.server
PlayHandler.WebSocketInvocation - Class in play.server
PlayJUnitRunner - Class in play.test
PlayJUnitRunner(Class) - Constructor for class play.test.PlayJUnitRunner
PlayJUnitRunner.StartPlay - Enum in play.test
PlayPlugin - Class in play
A framework plugin
PlayPlugin() - Constructor for class play.PlayPlugin
PlayPlugin.Filter<T> - Class in play
Class that define a filter.
PlayPlugin.Filter.Function1<I,O> - Interface in play
plugin(Class<T>) - Static method in class play.Play
pluginCollection - Static variable in class play.Play
pluginCollection that holds all loaded plugins and all enabled plugins..
PluginCollection - Class in play.plugins
Class handling all plugins used by Play.
PluginCollection() - Constructor for class play.plugins.PluginCollection
plugins - Static variable in class play.Play
pluralize(Number) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
pluralize(Collection) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
pluralize(Number, String) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
pluralize(Collection, String) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
pluralize(Number, String[]) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
pluralize(Collection, String[]) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
pmark() - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlQuery
pmark(int) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlQuery
pmark() - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect.Where
pmark(int) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect.Where
port - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
HTTP port
post() - Method in class
Execute a POST request.
post() - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Execute a POST request.
post() - Method in class
Execute a POST request.
POST(Object) - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
POST(Http.Request, Object) - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
POST(Object, String, String) - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
POST(Http.Request, Object, String, String) - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
POST(Object, String, InputStream) - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
POST(Http.Request, Object, String, InputStream) - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
Sends a POST request to the application under tests.
POST(Object, Map<String, String>, Map<String, File>) - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
Sends a POST request to the application under tests as a multipart form.
POST(Object, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
POST(Http.Request, Object, Map<String, String>, Map<String, File>) - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
postAsync() - Method in class
Execute a POST request asynchronously.
postAsync() - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Execute a POST request asynchronously.
postEvent(String, Object) - Static method in class play.PlayPlugin
Inter-plugin communication.
prefix(String) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlQuery.Concat
preInit() - Method in class play.Invoker.Invocation
Needs this method to do stuff *before* init() is executed.
premain(String, Instrumentation) - Static method in class play.classloading.HotswapAgent
prepareDelete() - Method in class
prepareGet() - Method in class
prepareHead() - Method in class
prepareNettyResponse(HttpResponse) - Method in class play.server.FileService.ByteRangeInput
prepareOptions() - Method in class
preparePatch() - Method in class
preparePost() - Method in class
preparePut() - Method in class
prependRoute(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Router
This one can be called to add new route.
prependRoute(String, String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Router
This one can be called to add new route.
prependRoute(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Router
Add a new route at the beginning of the route list
previousDisabledPlugins - Static variable in class play.plugins.ConfigurablePluginDisablingPlugin
List holding all disabled plugins.
PrimitiveFactory(Class<T>, int) - Constructor for class play.db.helper.JdbcResultFactories.PrimitiveFactory
PrimitiveFactory(Class<T>, String) - Constructor for class play.db.helper.JdbcResultFactories.PrimitiveFactory
PrimitiveFactory(Class<T>, List<String>) - Constructor for class play.db.helper.JdbcResultFactories.PrimitiveFactory
print(Object) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
print(String) - Method in class play.templates.TemplateCompiler
println() - Method in class play.templates.TemplateCompiler
println(String) - Method in class play.templates.TemplateCompiler
printOp(int) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer
Debug utility.
problems() - Method in class play.deps.DependenciesManager
PROFILE_NAME - Static variable in class play.test.Fixtures
Name of the profile use when loading fixture Allow to define the behavior when loading fixtures
progress() - Method in class play.deps.HumanReadyLogger
Promise() - Constructor for class play.libs.F.Promise
Properties - Class in play.utils
like Properties, but with: encoding generic type helper
Properties() - Constructor for class play.utils.Properties
PropertiesEnhancer - Class in play.classloading.enhancers
Generate valid JavaBeans.
PropertiesEnhancer() - Constructor for class play.classloading.enhancers.PropertiesEnhancer
PropertiesEnhancer.FieldAccessor - Class in play.classloading.enhancers
Runtime part.
PropertiesEnhancer.PlayPropertyAccessor - Annotation Type in play.classloading.enhancers
Property() - Constructor for class play.db.Model.Property
protectionDomain - Variable in class play.classloading.ApplicationClassloader
This protection domain applies to all loaded classes.
PThreadFactory - Class in play.utils
PThreadFactory(String) - Constructor for class play.utils.PThreadFactory
publish(T) - Method in class play.libs.F.ArchivedEventStream
publish(T) - Method in class play.libs.F.BlockingEventStream
publish(T) - Method in class play.libs.F.EventStream
publish(LogRecord) - Method in class play.Logger.JuliToLog4jHandler
put(String, String) - Method in class play.db.Configuration
put() - Method in class
Execute a PUT request.
put() - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Execute a PUT request.
put() - Method in class
Execute a PUT request.
put(String, String) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Flash
put(String, Object) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Flash
put(String, String) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Params
put(String, String[]) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Params
put(String, Object) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.RenderArgs
put(String, Object) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.RouteArgs
put(String, String) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Session
put(String, Object) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Session
PUT(Object, String, String) - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
PUT(Http.Request, Object, String, String) - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
Sends a PUT request to the application under tests.
put(Object, Object) - Method in class play.utils.OrderSafeProperties
putAll(Map<? extends Object, ? extends Object>) - Method in class play.utils.OrderSafeProperties
putAsync() - Method in class
Execute a PUT request asynchronously.
putAsync() - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Execute a PUT request asynchronously.


query - Variable in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel.JPAQuery
querystring - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
quote(String) - Static method in class play.db.helper.SqlQuery


Range - Annotation Type in
This field must be lower than and greater than.
range(String, Object, double, double) - Static method in class
range(Object, double, double) - Method in class
RangeCheck - Class in
RangeCheck() - Constructor for class
raw(Object) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
raw(Object, Object) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
RawData(Object) - Constructor for class play.templates.BaseTemplate.RawData
rawinfo(String) - Method in class play.deps.HumanReadyLogger
rawInvocation(Http.Request, Http.Response) - Method in class play.CorePlugin
Intercept /@status and check that the Authorization header is valid.
rawInvocation(Http.Request, Http.Response) - Method in class play.db.DBPlugin
rawInvocation(Http.Request, Http.Response) - Method in class play.db.Evolutions
rawInvocation(Http.Request, Http.Response) - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Give a chance to this plugin to fully manage this request
rawInvocation(Http.Request, Http.Response) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
rawJavaType(Class) - Static method in class play.utils.Java
rawlog(String, int) - Method in class play.deps.HumanReadyLogger
rawMethodSignature(Method) - Static method in class play.utils.Java
Re(String) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Matcher
read() - Method in class
Returns the next byte in the stream.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Reads bytes into the given buffer.
read() - Method in class play.libs.Images.Captcha
read(byte[]) - Method in class play.libs.Images.Captcha
readBodyData(OutputStream) - Method in class
Reads body-data from the current encapsulation and writes its contents into the output Stream.
readBoundary() - Method in class
Skips a boundary token, and checks whether more encapsulations are contained in the stream.
readByte() - Method in class
Reads a byte from the buffer, and refills it as necessary.
readBytes(int) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
readBytes(ChannelBufferIndexFinder) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
readBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
readBytes(byte[]) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
readBytes(ChannelBuffer) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
readBytes(ChannelBuffer, int) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
readBytes(ChannelBuffer, int, int) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
readBytes(ByteBuffer) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
readBytes(GatheringByteChannel, int) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
readBytes(OutputStream, int) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
readConfiguration() - Static method in class play.Play
Read application.conf and resolve overridden key using the play id mechanism.
readContent(File) - Static method in class play.libs.IO
Read binary content of a file (warning does not use on large file !)
readContent(InputStream) - Static method in class play.libs.IO
Read binary content of a stream (warning does not use on large file !)
readContentAsString(InputStream) - Static method in class play.libs.IO
Read the Stream content as a string (use utf-8)
readContentAsString(InputStream, String) - Static method in class play.libs.IO
Read the Stream content as a string
readContentAsString(File) - Static method in class play.libs.IO
Read file content to a String (always use utf-8)
readContentAsString(File, String) - Static method in class play.libs.IO
Read file content to a String
readerIndex() - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
readHeaders() - Method in class
Reads the header-part of the current encapsulation.
readLines(InputStream) - Static method in class play.libs.IO
readLines(File, String) - Static method in class play.libs.IO
readLines(File) - Static method in class play.libs.IO
readonly - Variable in class play.db.jpa.JPA.JPAContext
readOnlyTmp - Static variable in class play.Play
tmp dir is readOnly
readSlice(int) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
readSlice(ChannelBufferIndexFinder) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
readUtf8Properties(InputStream) - Static method in class play.libs.IO
Read a properties file with the utf-8 encoding
recordCaller - Static variable in class play.Logger
Will record and display the caller method.
redirect(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Send a 302 redirect response.
redirect(String, boolean) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Send a Redirect response.
redirect(String, Object...) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
302 Redirect to another action
redirect(String, boolean, Object...) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Redirect to another action
redirect(int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Http.StatusCode
Redirect - Exception in play.mvc.results
302 Redirect
Redirect(String) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.Redirect
Redirect(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.Redirect
Redirects to a given URL with the parameters specified in a Map
Redirect(String, boolean) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.Redirect
Redirect(String, int) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.Redirect
redirectJuli - Static variable in class play.Logger
Will redirect all log from java.util.logging to log4j.
redirectToStatic(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Send a 302 redirect response.
RedirectToStatic - Exception in play.mvc.results
302 Redirect
RedirectToStatic(String) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.RedirectToStatic
redirectUrl(String) - Method in class play.libs.OAuth
redirectUrl(OAuth.TokenPair) - Method in class play.libs.OAuth
refresh() - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass
Need to refresh this class !
refresh() - Method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel
Refresh the entity state.
register(Class<T>, TypeBinder<T>) - Static method in class
Add custom binder for any given class E.g.
registerFormatter(String, SafeFormatter) - Static method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplate
registerTemplateNameResolver(Controller.ITemplateNameResolver) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Register a customer template name resolver.
relationType - Variable in class play.db.Model.Property
relativePath() - Method in class play.vfs.VirtualFile
reload(ClassDefinition...) - Static method in class play.classloading.HotswapAgent
reloadApplicationPlugins() - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
Reloads all loaded plugins that is application-supplied.
remoteAddress - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
Client address
remove(ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass) - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses
Remove a class from cache
remove(String) - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses
remove() - Method in class play.db.helper.JdbcIterator
remove(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Router.ActionDefinition
remove(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Flash
remove(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Params
remove(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Session
remove(String...) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Session
remove(String[], String) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
remove(Object) - Method in class play.utils.OrderSafeProperties
removeChild(String, List<ParamNode.RemovedNode>) - Method in class
Removes a child from this node, but stores what is removed to list.
removeCookie(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Removes the specified cookie with path /
removeCookie(String, String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Removes the cookie
removedFrom - Variable in class
RemovedNode(ParamNode, ParamNode) - Constructor for class
removedNode - Variable in class
removeErrors(String, String) - Static method in class
Remove all errors on a field with the given message
removeErrors(String) - Static method in class
Remove all errors on a field
removeStartWith(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Params
render(Object...) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Render the corresponding template (@see template()).
render(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplate
render(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class play.templates.Template
Starts the rendering process without modifying the args-map
render() - Method in class play.templates.Template
renderArgs - Static variable in class play.mvc.Controller
The current renderArgs scope: This is a hash map that is accessible during the rendering phase.
RenderArgs() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Scope.RenderArgs
renderArgs(String) - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
renderBinary(InputStream) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Return a 200 OK application/binary response.
renderBinary(InputStream, long) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Return a 200 OK application/binary response.
renderBinary(InputStream, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Return a 200 OK application/binary response with content-disposition attachment.
renderBinary(InputStream, String, long) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Return a 200 OK application/binary response with content-disposition attachment.
renderBinary(InputStream, String, boolean) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Return a 200 OK application/binary response with content-disposition attachment.
renderBinary(InputStream, String, long, boolean) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Return a 200 OK application/binary response with content-disposition attachment.
renderBinary(InputStream, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Return a 200 OK application/binary response with content-disposition attachment.
renderBinary(InputStream, String, long, String, boolean) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Return a 200 OK application/binary response with content-disposition attachment.
renderBinary(File) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Return a 200 OK application/binary response
renderBinary(File, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Return a 200 OK application/binary response with content-disposition attachment
RenderBinary - Exception in play.mvc.results
200 OK with application/octet-stream
RenderBinary(InputStream, String) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.RenderBinary
send a binary stream as the response
RenderBinary(InputStream, String, long) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.RenderBinary
RenderBinary(InputStream, String, boolean) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.RenderBinary
send a binary stream as the response
RenderBinary(InputStream, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.RenderBinary
send a binary stream as the response
RenderBinary(InputStream, String, long, String, boolean) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.RenderBinary
RenderBinary(InputStream, String, long, boolean) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.RenderBinary
RenderBinary(File, String) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.RenderBinary
Send a file as the response.
RenderBinary(File) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.RenderBinary
Send a file as the response.
RenderBinary(File, String, boolean) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.RenderBinary
Send a file as the response.
renderHtml(Object) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Return a 200 OK text/html response
RenderHtml - Exception in play.mvc.results
200 OK with a text/plain
RenderHtml(CharSequence) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.RenderHtml
renderJSON(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Render a 200 OK application/json response
renderJSON(Object) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Render a 200 OK application/json response
renderJSON(Object, Type) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Render a 200 OK application/json response
renderJSON(Object, JsonSerializer<?>...) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Render a 200 OK application/json response.
renderJSON(Object, Gson) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Render a 200 OK application/json response.
RenderJson - Exception in play.mvc.results
200 OK with application/json
RenderJson(Object) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.RenderJson
RenderJson(Object, Type) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.RenderJson
RenderJson(Object, JsonSerializer<?>...) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.RenderJson
RenderJson(String) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.RenderJson
RenderJson(Object, Gson) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.RenderJson
RenderStatic - Exception in play.mvc.results
RenderStatic(String) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.RenderStatic
renderTemplate(String, Object...) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Render a specific template
renderTemplate(String, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Render a specific template.
renderTemplate(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Render the template corresponding to the action's package-class-method name (@see template()).
RenderTemplate - Exception in play.mvc.results
200 OK with a template rendering
RenderTemplate(Template, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.RenderTemplate
renderText(Object) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Return a 200 OK text/plain response
renderText(CharSequence, Object...) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Return a 200 OK text/plain response
RenderText - Exception in play.mvc.results
200 OK with a text/plain
RenderText(CharSequence) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.RenderText
renderXml(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Return a 200 OK text/xml response
renderXml(Document) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Return a 200 OK text/xml response
renderXml(Object) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Return a 200 OK text/xml response.
renderXml(Object, XStream) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Return a 200 OK text/xml response
RenderXml - Exception in play.mvc.results
200 OK with a text/xml
RenderXml(CharSequence) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.RenderXml
RenderXml(Document) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.RenderXml
RenderXml(Object, XStream) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.RenderXml
RenderXml(Object) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.RenderXml
replace(String, Object, String) - Static method in class play.cache.Cache
Replace an element only if it already exists.
replace(String, Object) - Static method in class play.cache.Cache
Replace an element only if it already exists and store it indefinitely.
replace(String, Object, int) - Method in interface play.cache.CacheImpl
replace(String, Object, int) - Method in class play.cache.EhCacheImpl
replace(String, Object, int) - Method in class play.cache.MemcachedImpl
replace(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class play.db.jpa.Blob
replacePlugin(PlayPlugin, PlayPlugin) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
report() - Method in class play.deps.DependenciesManager
request - Static variable in class play.mvc.Controller
The current HTTP request: the message sent by the client to the server.
Request() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Http.Request
request - Static variable in class play.mvc.WebSocketController
requestAccessToken(OAuth.TokenPair) - Method in class play.libs.OAuth
use retrieveAccessToken() instead
requestAccessToken() - Method in class play.libs.OAuth2
Use @{link play.libs.OAuth2.retrieveVerificationCode()} instead
requestTokenURL - Variable in class play.libs.OAuth.ServiceInfo
requestUnauthorizedToken() - Method in class play.libs.OAuth
use retrieveRequestToken() instead
Required - Annotation Type in
This field is required.
required(String, Object) - Static method in class
required(Object) - Method in class
required(String) - Method in class play.libs.OpenID
required(String, String) - Method in class play.libs.OpenID
RequiredCheck - Class in
RequiredCheck() - Constructor for class
reset() - Method in class play.libs.mail.test.LegacyMockMailSystem
reset() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
resetIdGenerator() - Static method in class play.libs.F.IndexedEvent
resetMailSystem() - Static method in class play.libs.Mail
resize(File, File, int, int) - Static method in class play.libs.Images
Resize an image
resize(File, File, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class play.libs.Images
Resize an image
resolve(String, int, String) - Static method in class play.db.evolutions.EvolutionQuery
resolve(int) - Static method in class play.db.Evolutions
resolve(String, int) - Static method in class play.db.Evolutions
resolve(String, String, int) - Static method in class play.db.Evolutions
resolve() - Method in class play.deps.DependenciesManager
resolve(Http.Request, Http.Response) - Static method in class play.mvc.ActionInvoker
resolve(Http.Request) - Static method in class play.mvc.WebSocketInvoker
resolveConflicts(IvyNode, Collection) - Method in class play.deps.PlayConflictManager
resolvedFile - Variable in exception play.mvc.results.RenderStatic
resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in class play.utils.NoOpEntityResolver
resolveFormat() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Request
Automatically resolve request format from the Accept header (in this order : html > xml > json > text)
resolveTemplateName(String) - Method in interface play.mvc.Controller.ITemplateNameResolver
Return the template path given a template name.
Response(WS.HttpResponse) - Constructor for class play.libs.OAuth2.Response
response - Static variable in class play.mvc.Controller
The current HTTP response: The message sent back from the server after a request.
Response() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Http.Response
RestartNeededException - Exception in play.exceptions
RestartNeededException(String) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.RestartNeededException
RestartNeededException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.RestartNeededException
restore() - Static method in class play.mvc.Scope.Flash
restore() - Static method in class play.mvc.Scope.Session
restoreRemovedChildren(List<ParamNode.RemovedNode>) - Static method in class
result - Variable in class play.db.helper.JdbcIterator
result - Variable in class play.libs.F.Promise
Result - Exception in play.mvc.results
Result support
Result() - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.Result
Result(String) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.Result
results - Variable in class play.test.TestEngine.TestResults
retrieve(ResolveReport) - Method in class play.deps.DependenciesManager
retrieveAccessToken(OAuth.Response) - Method in class play.libs.OAuth
Exchange a request token for an access token.
retrieveAccessToken(String, String) - Method in class play.libs.OAuth
Exchange a request token for an access token.
retrieveAccessToken(String) - Method in class play.libs.OAuth2
retrieveAccessToken() - Method in class play.libs.OAuth2
retrieveActionMethodArgs(Method) - Method in class
retrieveModules() - Method in class play.deps.DependenciesManager
retrieveRequestToken() - Method in class play.libs.OAuth
Request the request token and secret.
retrieveRequestToken(String) - Method in class play.libs.OAuth
Request the request token and secret.
retrieveVerificationCode(String) - Method in class play.libs.OAuth2
First step of the OAuth2 process: redirects the user to the authorisation page
retrieveVerificationCode(String, String, String) - Method in class play.libs.OAuth2
First step of the oAuth2 process.
retrieveVerificationCode(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class play.libs.OAuth2
First step of the oAuth2 process.
retrieveVerificationCode() - Method in class play.libs.OAuth2
returnedClass() - Method in class play.db.jpa.Blob
returnTo(String) - Method in class play.libs.OpenID
reverse() - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
reverse(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Router
reverse(VirtualFile) - Static method in class play.mvc.Router
reverse(VirtualFile, boolean) - Static method in class play.mvc.Router
reverse(String, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class play.mvc.Router
reverse() - Static method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
reverseWithCheck(String, VirtualFile, boolean) - Static method in class play.mvc.Router
revision - Variable in class play.db.evolutions.Evolution
rollbackTx(String) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
RootParamNode - Class in
RootParamNode(Map<String, String[]>) - Constructor for class
roots - Static variable in class play.Play
All paths to search for files
route(Http.Request) - Static method in class play.mvc.Router
route(String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Router
route(String, String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Router
route(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Router
Route() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Router.Route
routeArgs - Static variable in class play.mvc.Controller
The current routeArgs scope: This is a hash map that is accessible during the reverse routing phase.
routeArgs - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
Additional HTTP params extracted from route
RouteArgs() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Scope.RouteArgs
routeOnlyStatic(Http.Request) - Static method in class play.mvc.Router
Router - Class in play.mvc
The router matches HTTP requests to action invocations
Router() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Router
Router.ActionDefinition - Class in play.mvc
Router.Route - Class in play.mvc
routeRequest(Http.Request) - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Let some plugins route themself
routeRequest(Http.Request) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
routes - Static variable in class play.mvc.Router
All the loaded routes.
routes - Static variable in class play.Play
Main routes file
routesFile - Variable in class play.mvc.Router.Route
routesFileLine - Variable in class play.mvc.Router.Route
rule() - Static method in enum play.test.PlayJUnitRunner.StartPlay
run() - Method in class play.Invoker.Invocation
It's time to execute.
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class play.server.PlayHandler.NettyInvocation
run() - Method in class play.server.ServletWrapper.ServletInvocation
run(RunNotifier) - Method in class play.test.PlayJUnitRunner
run(String) - Static method in class play.test.TestEngine
runingInTestMode() - Static method in class play.Play
Returns true if application is runing in test-mode.
runTest(Class<BaseTest>) - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Run a test class
runTest(Class<BaseTest>) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection


safeAdd(String, Object, String) - Static method in class play.cache.Cache
Add an element only if it doesn't exist, and return only when the element is effectively cached.
safeAdd(String, Object, int) - Method in interface play.cache.CacheImpl
safeAdd(String, Object, int) - Method in class play.cache.EhCacheImpl
safeAdd(String, Object, int) - Method in class play.cache.MemcachedImpl
safeCloseResultSet(ResultSet) - Static method in class play.db.DB
safeCloseStatement(Statement) - Static method in class play.db.DB
SafeCSVFormatter - Class in play.templates.types
SafeCSVFormatter() - Constructor for class play.templates.types.SafeCSVFormatter
safeDelete(String) - Static method in class play.cache.Cache
Delete an element from the cache and return only when the element is effectively removed.
safeDelete(String) - Method in interface play.cache.CacheImpl
safeDelete(String) - Method in class play.cache.EhCacheImpl
safeDelete(String) - Method in class play.cache.MemcachedImpl
safeEquals(String, String) - Static method in class play.mvc.CookieDataCodec
Constant time for same length String comparison, to prevent timing attacks
SafeFormatter - Interface in play.templates
Supported type for formatting.
SafeHTMLFormatter - Class in play.templates.types
SafeHTMLFormatter() - Constructor for class play.templates.types.SafeHTMLFormatter
safeReplace(String, Object, String) - Static method in class play.cache.Cache
Replace an element only if it already exists and return only when the element is effectively cached.
safeReplace(String, Object, int) - Method in interface play.cache.CacheImpl
safeReplace(String, Object, int) - Method in class play.cache.EhCacheImpl
safeReplace(String, Object, int) - Method in class play.cache.MemcachedImpl
safeSet(String, Object, String) - Static method in class play.cache.Cache
Set an element and return only when the element is effectively cached.
safeSet(String, Object, int) - Method in interface play.cache.CacheImpl
safeSet(String, Object, int) - Method in class play.cache.EhCacheImpl
safeSet(String, Object, int) - Method in class play.cache.MemcachedImpl
SafeXMLFormatter - Class in play.templates.types
SafeXMLFormatter() - Constructor for class play.templates.types.SafeXMLFormatter
sanitizeFileName(String) - Static method in class play.libs.Files
Replace all characters that are invalid in file names on Windows or Unix operating systems with Files.ILLEGAL_FILENAME_CHARS_REPLACE character.
sanitizeFileName(String, char) - Static method in class play.libs.Files
Replace all characters that are invalid in file names on Windows or Unix operating systems with passed in character.
save() - Method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel
store (ie insert) the entity.
scheduledJobs - Static variable in class
scheduleForCRON(Job<V>) - Static method in class
scheme - Variable in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Scope - Class in play.mvc
All application Scopes
Scope() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Scope
Scope.Flash - Class in play.mvc
Flash scope
Scope.Params - Class in play.mvc
HTTP params
Scope.RenderArgs - Class in play.mvc
Render args (used in template rendering)
Scope.RouteArgs - Class in play.mvc
Routes args (used in reserve routing)
Scope.Session - Class in play.mvc
Session scope
script() - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplateCompiler
script() - Method in class play.templates.TemplateCompiler
search(Collection<VirtualFile>, String) - Static method in class play.vfs.VirtualFile
SECOND - Static variable in class play.libs.CronExpression
seconds - Variable in class play.libs.CronExpression
secret - Variable in class play.libs.OAuth.Response
secret - Variable in class play.libs.OAuth.TokenPair
secret - Variable in class play.libs.OAuth2
secretKey - Static variable in class play.Play
The very secret key
secure - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Cookie
for HTTPS ?
secure - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
is HTTPS ?
secure() - Method in class play.mvc.Router.ActionDefinition
select - Variable in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect
select(String...) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect
selectNode(String, Object, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class play.libs.XPath
selectNode(String, Object) - Static method in class play.libs.XPath
selectNodes(String, Object, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class play.libs.XPath
Select all nodes that are selected by this XPath expression.
selectNodes(String, Object) - Static method in class play.libs.XPath
Select all nodes that are selected by this XPath expression.
selectText(String, Object, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class play.libs.XPath
Return the text of a node, or the value of an attribute
selectText(String, Object) - Static method in class play.libs.XPath
Return the text of a node, or the value of an attribute
seleniumCommand(String) - Static method in class play.test.Helpers
seleniumTests(String, List<String>) - Static method in class play.test.TestEngine
send(Email) - Static method in class play.libs.Mail
Send an email
send(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Outbound
send(byte, byte[], int, int) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Outbound
send(byte, byte[]) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Outbound
send(String, Object...) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Outbound
send(Object...) - Static method in class play.mvc.Mailer
sendAndWait(Object...) - Static method in class play.mvc.Mailer
sendJson(Object) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Outbound
sendMessage(Email) - Method in interface play.libs.mail.MailSystem
sendMessage(Email) - Static method in class play.libs.Mail
Send a JavaMail message
sendMessage(Email) - Method in class play.libs.mail.test.LegacyMockMailSystem
sendOnError - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Cookie
Don't use
separator(String) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlQuery.Concat
serialize(Document) - Static method in class play.libs.XML
Serialize to XML String
serialize(Map<?, ?>, String...) - Static method in class play.templates.FastTags
serialize(Object) - Static method in class play.utils.Java
serve(File, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, ChannelHandlerContext, Http.Request, Http.Response, Channel) - Static method in class play.server.FileService
serve404(NotFound, ChannelHandlerContext, Http.Request, HttpRequest) - Static method in class play.server.PlayHandler
serve404(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, NotFound) - Method in class play.server.ServletWrapper
serve500(Exception, ChannelHandlerContext, HttpRequest) - Static method in class play.server.PlayHandler
serve500(Exception, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class play.server.ServletWrapper
Server - Class in play.server
Server(String[]) - Constructor for class play.server.Server
serveStatic(VirtualFile, Http.Request, Http.Response) - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
Let a chance to this plugin to manage a static resource
serveStatic(VirtualFile, Http.Request, Http.Response) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
serveStatic(RenderStatic, ChannelHandlerContext, Http.Request, Http.Response, HttpRequest, MessageEvent) - Method in class play.server.PlayHandler
serveStatic(HttpServletResponse, HttpServletRequest, RenderStatic) - Method in class play.server.ServletWrapper
service(OAuth.ServiceInfo) - Static method in class play.libs.OAuth
Create an OAuth object for the service described in info
service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class play.server.ServletWrapper
ServiceInfo(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class play.libs.OAuth.ServiceInfo
SERVLET_REQ - Static variable in class play.server.ServletWrapper
Constant for accessing the underlying HttpServletRequest from Play's Request in a Servlet based deployment.
SERVLET_RES - Static variable in class play.server.ServletWrapper
Constant for accessing the underlying HttpServletResponse from Play's Request in a Servlet based deployment.
ServletInvocation(Http.Request, Http.Response, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Constructor for class play.server.ServletWrapper.ServletInvocation
ServletWrapper - Class in play.server
Servlet implementation.
ServletWrapper() - Constructor for class play.server.ServletWrapper
ServletWrapper.ServletInvocation - Class in play.server
session - Static variable in class play.libs.Mail
session - Static variable in class play.mvc.Controller
The current HTTP session.
Session() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Scope.Session
session - Static variable in class play.mvc.WebSocketController
SESSION_HTTPONLY - Static variable in class play.mvc.Scope
SESSION_SEND_ONLY_IF_CHANGED - Static variable in class play.mvc.Scope
set(String, Object, String) - Static method in class play.cache.Cache
Set an element.
set(String, Object) - Static method in class play.cache.Cache
Set an element and store it indefinitely.
set(String, Object, int) - Method in interface play.cache.CacheImpl
set(String, Object, int) - Method in class play.cache.EhCacheImpl
set(String, Object, int) - Method in class play.cache.MemcachedImpl
set(String, Object, Object) - Method in class
set(InputStream, String) - Method in class play.db.jpa.Blob
set(File) - Method in class play.db.jpa.FileAttachment
set(InputStream, String) - Method in interface play.db.Model.BinaryField
set(String) - Static method in class play.i18n.Lang
Force the current language
set(T) - Method in class play.i18n.Localized
set(String, T) - Method in class play.i18n.Localized
setApplicationDir(File) - Method in class play.ant.PlayConfigurationLoadTask
setBackground(String, String) - Method in class play.libs.Images.Captcha
Set a gradient background.
setBackground(String) - Method in class play.libs.Images.Captcha
Set a solid background.
setBoundary(byte[]) - Method in class
Changes the boundary token used for partitioning the stream.
setByte(int, byte) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
setByte(int, int) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
setBytes(int, ChannelBuffer, int, int) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
setBytes(int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
setBytes(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
setBytes(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
setBytes(int, ScatteringByteChannel, int) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
setCalendarHour(Calendar, int) - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
Advance the calendar to the particular hour paying particular attention to daylight saving problems.
setCharset(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Mailer
setContentLength(HttpMessage, long) - Static method in class play.server.PlayHandler
setContentType(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Mailer
setContentTypeIfNotSet(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
setContentTypeIfNotSet(Http.Response, String) - Method in exception play.mvc.results.Result
setCookie(String, String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Set a new cookie
setCookie(String, String, String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Set a new cookie that will expire in (current) + duration
setCookie(String, String, String, String, Integer, boolean) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
setCookie(String, String, String, String, Integer, boolean, boolean) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
setDefaultLocale() - Static method in class play.i18n.Lang
setDouble(String, double) - Method in class play.utils.Properties
setFieldName(String) - Method in class
Sets the field name used to reference this file item.
setFloat(String, float) - Method in class play.utils.Properties
setFormats(String...) - Method in class play.utils.Utils.AlternativeDateFormat
setFormField(boolean) - Method in class
Specifies whether or not a FileItem instance represents a simple form field.
setFrom(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Mailer
Can be of the form xxx <>
setFrom(InternetAddress) - Static method in class play.mvc.Mailer
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Add a header to the request
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Set a response header
setHeaderEncoding(String) - Method in class
Specifies the character encoding to be used when reading the headers of individual parts.
setHeaders(FileItemHeaders) - Method in class
Sets the file item headers.
setInt(int, int) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
setInt(String, int) - Method in class play.utils.Properties
setLocalVariablesStateAfterAwait(Stack<Map<String, Object>>) - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesNamesTracer
setLong(int, long) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
setLong(String, long) - Method in class play.utils.Properties
setMedium(int, int) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
setMessage(String, String...) - Method in class
setParameter(String, Object) - Method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel.JPAQuery
Set a named parameter for this query.
setParameter(String, String) - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Add a parameter to the request
setParameter(String, Object) - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
setParameters(Map<String, String>) - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Add parameters to request.
setPid(String) - Method in class play.ant.StopTask
setPlayId(String) - Method in class play.ant.PlayConfigurationLoadTask
setPrefix(String) - Method in class play.ant.PlayConfigurationLoadTask
setProblem(Connection, int, String, String) - Static method in class play.db.evolutions.EvolutionQuery
setProfiles(Annotation[]) - Method in class
setProject(Project) - Method in class play.ant.PlayConfigurationLoadTask
setReplyTo(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Mailer
Can be of the form xxx <>
setReplyTo(InternetAddress) - Static method in class play.mvc.Mailer
setRollbackOnly() - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
setRollbackOnly(String) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
setShort(int, short) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
setShort(int, int) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
setShowProgress(boolean) - Method in class play.deps.HumanReadyLogger
setSquigglesBackground() - Method in class play.libs.Images.Captcha
Set a squiggles background
setSubject(String, Object...) - Static method in class play.mvc.Mailer
Set subject of mail, optionally providing formatting arguments
setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
Sets the time zone for which this CronExpression will be resolved.
SettingsParser - Class in play.deps
SettingsParser(HumanReadyLogger) - Constructor for class play.deps.SettingsParser
setUp(String) - Static method in class play.Logger
Force logger to a new level.
setUpBindingVariables(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplate
setUpCompilerConfiguration() - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplate
setValue(Object, Object) - Method in class
setValue(String[], String) - Method in class
setValue(Object, Object) - Method in class play.utils.Java.FieldWrapper
setVariables() - Method in class
sigChecksum - Variable in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass
Signatures checksum
SigEnhancer - Class in play.classloading.enhancers
Compute a unique hash for the class signature.
SigEnhancer() - Constructor for class play.classloading.enhancers.SigEnhancer
sign(String) - Static method in class play.libs.Crypto
Sign a message using the application secret key (HMAC-SHA1)
sign(String, byte[]) - Static method in class play.libs.Crypto
Sign a message with a key
sign(Document, RSAPublicKey, RSAPrivateKey) - Static method in class play.libs.XML
Sign the XML document using xmldsig.
since(Date) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
since(Date, Boolean) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
SizeException(String, long, long) - Constructor for exception
Creates a new instance.
skip(long) - Method in class
Skips the given number of bytes.
skipLineBreak - Variable in class play.templates.TemplateCompiler
skipPreamble() - Method in class
Finds the beginning of the first encapsulation.
skipWhiteSpace(int, String) - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
sleep(int) - Method in class play.test.FunctionalTest
slice(int, int) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
slugify(String) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
slugify(String, Boolean) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
SmartFuture<V> - Class in play.utils
SmartFuture() - Constructor for class play.utils.SmartFuture
SMTPAuthenticator(String, String) - Constructor for class play.libs.Mail.SMTPAuthenticator
SocketClosed - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http.WebSocketEvent
Some(T) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Option
Some(A) - Static method in class play.libs.F
Some(T) - Constructor for class play.libs.F.Some
source() - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplateCompiler
source - Variable in class play.templates.Template
source() - Method in class play.templates.TemplateCompiler
SourceAttachment - Interface in play.exceptions
Exception has source attachment
sourceCode - Variable in class play.test.TestEngine.TestResult
sourceFile - Variable in class play.test.TestEngine.TestResult
sourceInfos - Variable in class play.test.TestEngine.TestResult
sourceLine - Variable in class play.test.TestEngine.TestResult
splitSQL(CharSequence) - Static method in class play.db.SQLSplitter
Splits the SQL "properly" based on semicolons.
sq - Variable in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel.JPAQuery
sql_down - Variable in class play.db.evolutions.Evolution
sql_up - Variable in class play.db.evolutions.Evolution
SqlQuery - Class in play.db.helper
SqlQuery() - Constructor for class play.db.helper.SqlQuery
SqlQuery.Concat - Class in play.db.helper
SqlSelect - Class in play.db.helper
SqlSelect() - Constructor for class play.db.helper.SqlSelect
SqlSelect(SqlSelect) - Constructor for class play.db.helper.SqlSelect
SqlSelect.Where - Class in play.db.helper
SQLSplitter - Class in play.db
SQLSplitter(CharSequence) - Constructor for class play.db.SQLSplitter
sqlTypes() - Method in class play.db.jpa.Blob
SqlUnion - Class in play.db.helper
SqlUnion() - Constructor for class play.db.helper.SqlUnion
SqlUnion(SqlUnion) - Constructor for class play.db.helper.SqlUnion
SslHttpServerContextFactory - Class in play.server.ssl
SslHttpServerContextFactory() - Constructor for class play.server.ssl.SslHttpServerContextFactory
SslHttpServerContextFactory.PEMKeyManager - Class in play.server.ssl
SslHttpServerPipelineFactory - Class in play.server.ssl
SslHttpServerPipelineFactory() - Constructor for class play.server.ssl.SslHttpServerPipelineFactory
SslPlayHandler - Class in play.server.ssl
SslPlayHandler() - Constructor for class play.server.ssl.SslPlayHandler
standalonePlayServer - Static variable in class play.Play
This flag indicates if the app is running in a standalone Play server or as a WAR in an applicationServer
star - Variable in class play.mvc.Router.ActionDefinition
Whether the route contains an astericks *.
start() - Static method in class play.Play
Start the application.
started - Static variable in class play.Play
Is the application started
startedAt - Static variable in class play.Play
The last time than the application has started
startPlayBeforeTests - Variable in class play.test.BaseTest
StartsWith(String) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Matcher
startTag() - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplateCompiler
startTag() - Method in class play.templates.TemplateCompiler
startTx(String, boolean) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
initialize the JPA context and starts a JPA transaction
startTx(boolean) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin
see JPA startTx() method
state - Variable in class play.templates.TemplateCompiler
status - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Response
Response status code
Status - Exception in play.mvc.results
Status(int) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.Status
StatusCode() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Http.StatusCode
stop() - Static method in class play.cache.Cache
Stop the cache system.
stop() - Method in interface play.cache.CacheImpl
stop() - Method in class play.cache.EhCacheImpl
stop() - Method in class play.cache.MemcachedImpl
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in interface play.libs.WS.WSImpl
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Static method in class play.Play
Stop the application
stopActionCall() - Static method in class play.classloading.enhancers.ControllersEnhancer.ControllerInstrumentation
StopTask - Class in play.ant
StopTask() - Constructor for class play.ant.StopTask
store(OutputStream) - Method in class play.utils.Properties
store(OutputStream, String) - Method in class play.utils.Properties
storeActionMethodArgs(Method, Object[]) - Method in class
storeExpressionVals(int, String, int) - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
STREAM_TERMINATOR - Static variable in class
A byte sequence that that follows a delimiter of the last encapsulation in the stream (--).
StreamChunkAggregator - Class in play.server
StreamChunkAggregator() - Constructor for class play.server.StreamChunkAggregator
Creates a new instance.
String - Static variable in class play.libs.F.Matcher
sub(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Params
subAppend(LoggingEvent) - Method in class play.utils.ANSIConsoleAppender
Wraps the ANSI control characters around the output from the super-class Appender.
success() - Method in class play.libs.WS.HttpResponse
success(int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Http.StatusCode
success(String, Object...) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Flash
success - Variable in class play.test.TestEngine.TestResults
sumupProblems() - Method in class play.deps.HumanReadyLogger
suspend(Invoker.Suspend) - Method in class play.Invoker.DirectInvocation
suspend(Invoker.Suspend) - Method in class play.Invoker.Invocation
The request is suspended
Suspend(long) - Constructor for exception play.Invoker.Suspend
Suspend(Future<?>) - Constructor for exception play.Invoker.Suspend
suspend(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
suspend(int) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
sync(List<File>) - Method in class play.deps.DependenciesManager


T2(A, B) - Static method in class play.libs.F
T2(A, B) - Constructor for class play.libs.F.T2
T3(A, B, C) - Static method in class play.libs.F
T3(A, B, C) - Constructor for class play.libs.F.T3
T4(A, B, C, D) - Static method in class play.libs.F
T4(A, B, C, D) - Constructor for class play.libs.F.T4
T5(A, B, C, D, E) - Static method in class play.libs.F
T5(A, B, C, D, E) - Constructor for class play.libs.F.T5
Tag() - Constructor for class play.templates.TemplateCompiler.Tag
TagContext - Class in play.templates
Tag Context (retrieve who call you)
TagContext(String) - Constructor for class play.templates.TagContext
tagIndex - Variable in class play.templates.TemplateCompiler
TagInternalException - Exception in play.exceptions
A exception during tag invocation
TagInternalException(String) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.TagInternalException
TagInternalException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.TagInternalException
tagName - Variable in class play.templates.TagContext
tagsStack - Variable in class play.templates.TemplateCompiler
taskLock - Variable in class play.libs.F.Promise
TClassLoader() - Constructor for class play.templates.GroovyTemplate.TClassLoader
TempFilePlugin - Class in
Creates temporary folders for file parsing, and deletes it after request completion.
TempFilePlugin() - Constructor for class
tempFolder - Static variable in class
template() - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Work out the default template to load for the invoked action.
template(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Work out the default template to load for the action.
template - Variable in class play.templates.GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate
Template - Class in play.templates
Template() - Constructor for class play.templates.Template
template - Variable in class play.templates.TemplateCompiler
TemplateCompilationException - Exception in play.exceptions
A exception during template compilation
TemplateCompilationException(Template, Integer, String) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.TemplateCompilationException
TemplateCompiler - Class in play.templates
TemplateCompiler() - Constructor for class play.templates.TemplateCompiler
TemplateCompiler.Tag - Class in play.templates
TemplateException - Exception in play.exceptions
An exception during template execution
TemplateException(Template, Integer, String) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.TemplateException
TemplateException(Template, Integer, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.TemplateException
TemplateExecutionException - Exception in play.exceptions
An exception during template execution
TemplateExecutionException(Template, Integer, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.TemplateExecutionException
TemplateExecutionException.DoBodyException - Exception in play.exceptions
templateExists(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
TemplateLoader - Class in play.templates
TemplateLoader() - Constructor for class play.templates.TemplateLoader
TemplateNotFoundException - Exception in play.exceptions
TemplateNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.TemplateNotFoundException
TemplateNotFoundException(String, ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass, Integer) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.TemplateNotFoundException
TemplateNotFoundException(String, Template, Integer) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.TemplateNotFoundException
TemplateParser - Class in play.templates
Template parser
TemplateParser(String) - Constructor for class play.templates.TemplateParser
TemplateParser.Token - Enum in play.templates
templates - Static variable in class play.templates.TemplateLoader
templatesPath - Static variable in class play.Play
All paths to search for templates files
TestEngine - Class in play.test
Run application tests
TestEngine() - Constructor for class play.test.TestEngine
TestEngine.TestResult - Class in play.test
TestEngine.TestResults - Class in play.test
TestResult() - Constructor for class play.test.TestEngine.TestResult
TestResults() - Constructor for class play.test.TestEngine.TestResults
text - Variable in class play.libs.Images.Captcha
textColor - Variable in class play.libs.Images.Captcha
textData - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.WebSocketFrame
TextFrame - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http.WebSocketEvent
TextParser - Class in
TextParser() - Constructor for class
Time - Class in play.libs
Time utils Provides a parser for time expression.
Time() - Constructor for class play.libs.Time
time - Variable in class play.test.TestEngine.TestResult
time - Variable in class play.test.TestEngine.TestResults
Timeout(String) - Static method in class play.libs.F
Timeout(String, String) - Static method in class play.libs.F
Timeout(long) - Static method in class play.libs.F
Timeout(String, long) - Static method in class play.libs.F
Timeout(String) - Constructor for class play.libs.F.Timeout
Timeout(String, String) - Constructor for class play.libs.F.Timeout
Timeout(long) - Constructor for class play.libs.F.Timeout
Timeout(String, long) - Constructor for class play.libs.F.Timeout
timeout - Variable in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
timeout: value in seconds
timeout(String) - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Set the value of the request timeout, i.e.
timestamp - Variable in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass
Last time than this class was compiled
timestamp - Variable in class play.templates.BaseTemplate
tmpDir - Static variable in class play.Play
tmp dir
toBase64(File) - Static method in class play.libs.Images
Encode an image to base64 using a data: URI
toByteBuffer(int, int) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
toByteBuffers(int, int) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
todo() - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Send a todo response
toHumanReadableScript(List<Evolution>) - Static method in class play.db.Evolutions
toIvyFile(InputStream, Resource, File, ModuleDescriptor) - Method in class play.deps.YamlParser
token - Variable in class play.libs.F.Timeout
token - Variable in class play.libs.OAuth.Response
token - Variable in class play.libs.OAuth.TokenPair
TokenPair(String, String) - Constructor for class play.libs.OAuth.TokenPair
toString() - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass
toString() - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class play.db.helper.JpqlSelect
toString() - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlQuery.Concat
toString() - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect
toString() - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect.Where
toString() - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlUnion
toString() - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPABase
toString() - Method in class play.i18n.Localized
toString() - Method in class play.Invoker.InvocationContext
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class play.libs.CronExpression
Returns the string representation of the CronExpression
toString() - Method in enum play.libs.Crypto.HashType
toString() - Method in class play.libs.F.E3
toString() - Method in class play.libs.F.E4
toString() - Method in class play.libs.F.E5
toString() - Method in class play.libs.F.Either
toString() - Method in class play.libs.F.IndexedEvent
toString() - Method in class play.libs.F.None
toString() - Method in class play.libs.F.Some
toString() - Method in class play.libs.F.T3
toString() - Method in class play.libs.F.T4
toString() - Method in class play.libs.F.T5
toString() - Method in class play.libs.F.Timeout
toString() - Method in class play.libs.F.Tuple
toString() - Method in class play.libs.OAuth.Error
toString() - Method in class play.libs.OAuth.Response
toString() - Method in class play.libs.OAuth.TokenPair
toString() - Method in class play.libs.OAuth2.Error
toString() - Method in class play.libs.OpenID.UserInfo
toString() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Header
toString() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Request
toString() - Method in class play.mvc.Router.ActionDefinition
toString() - Method in class play.mvc.Router.Route
toString() - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Flash
toString() - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Params
toString() - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.RenderArgs
toString() - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.RouteArgs
toString() - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Session
toString(int, int, String) - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
toString() - Method in class play.templates.BaseTemplate.RawData
toString(Closure) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
toString() - Method in class play.templates.TagContext
toString() - Method in class play.test.FunctionalTest.URL
toString() - Method in class play.utils.Default
toString() - Method in class play.utils.Java.FieldWrapper
toString(Annotation[]) - Static method in class play.utils.Utils
Use Utils.join(values, " ");
toString() - Method in class play.vfs.VirtualFile
trace() - Method in class
Execute a TRACE request.
trace() - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Execute a TRACE request.
trace() - Method in class
Execute a TRACE request.
trace(String, Object...) - Static method in class play.Logger
Log with TRACE level
trace - Variable in class play.test.TestEngine.TestResult
traceAsync() - Method in class
Execute a TRACE request asynchronously.
traceAsync() - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Execute a TRACE request asynchronously.
Transactional - Annotation Type in play.db.jpa
TransactionalFilter(String) - Constructor for class play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin.TransactionalFilter
transferProgress(TransferEvent) - Method in class play.deps.HumanReadyLogger
Tuple(A, B) - Static method in class play.libs.F
Tuple(A, B) - Constructor for class play.libs.F.Tuple
type() - Method in class play.db.jpa.Blob
type() - Method in interface play.db.Model.BinaryField
type - Variable in class play.db.Model.Property
type - Variable in class play.libs.OAuth.Error
type - Variable in class play.libs.OAuth2.Error
type - Variable in class
TypeBinder<T> - Interface in
Supported type for binding.
TypeUnbinder<T> - Interface in
Supported type for unbinding.


unauthorized(String) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Send a 401 Unauthorized response
unauthorized() - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
Send a 401 Unauthorized response
UNAUTHORIZED - Static variable in class play.mvc.Http.StatusCode
Unauthorized - Exception in play.mvc.results
401 Unauthorized
Unauthorized(String) - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.Unauthorized
unBind(Map<String, Object>, Object, Class<?>, String, Annotation[]) - Method in class
unBind(Map<String, Object>, Object, Class<?>, String, Annotation[]) - Method in interface
unBind(Map<String, Object>, Object, String, Annotation[]) - Static method in class
unBind(Object, String) - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
unBind(Object, String) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
Unbinder - Class in
Try to unbind an object to a Map<String,String>
Unbinder() - Constructor for class
unbindForCurrentThread(String) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
uncompile() - Method in class play.classloading.ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass
Unload the class
UnexpectedException - Exception in play.exceptions
UnexpectedException(String) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.UnexpectedException
UnexpectedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.UnexpectedException
UnexpectedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.UnexpectedException
union(SqlSelect...) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlUnion
unionAll(SqlSelect...) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlUnion
Unique - Annotation Type in
Check that a field or or field in a context is unique.
UniqueCheck - Class in
Check which proof if one or a set of properties is unique.
UniqueCheck() - Constructor for class
UnitTest - Class in play.test
UnitTest() - Constructor for class play.test.UnitTest
unregister(Class<T>) - Static method in class
Remove custom binder that was add with method #register(java.lang.Class,
unwrap() - Method in class play.server.FileChannelBuffer
unzip(File, File) - Static method in class play.libs.Files
updatePlayPluginsList() - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
Must update Play.plugins-list to be backward compatible
Upload - Interface in
UploadArrayBinder - Class in
Bind file form multipart/form-data request to an array of Upload object.
UploadArrayBinder() - Constructor for class
UploadBinder - Class in
UploadBinder() - Constructor for class
URL - Annotation Type in
This field must be a valid url.
url(String, Object) - Static method in class
url(Object) - Method in class
url - Static variable in class play.db.DBPlugin
url(String) - Static method in class play.libs.WS
Build a WebService Request with the given URL.
url(String, String...) - Static method in class play.libs.WS
Build a WebService Request with the given URL.
url - Variable in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
url(String) - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSWithEncoding
Build a WebService Request with the given URL.
url(String, String...) - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSWithEncoding
Build a WebService Request with the given URL.
url - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
URL path (excluding scheme, host and port), starting with '/'
With this full URL http://localhost:9000/path0/path1
=> url will be /path0/path1
url - Variable in exception play.mvc.results.Redirect
url - Variable in class play.mvc.Router.ActionDefinition
URLCheck - Class in
URLCheck() - Constructor for class
urlDecodePath(String) - Static method in class play.utils.Utils
urlEncode() - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Params
urlEncode(String) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
UrlEncodedParser - Class in
Parse url-encoded requests.
UrlEncodedParser() - Constructor for class
urlEncodePath(String) - Static method in class play.utils.Utils
URLs - Class in play.libs
URLs() - Constructor for class play.libs.URLs
useCustomRunner - Static variable in class play.test.PlayJUnitRunner
useDefaultMockMailSystem() - Static method in class play.Play
useMailSystem(MailSystem) - Static method in class play.libs.Mail
Through this method you can substitute the current MailSystem.
usePrecompiled - Static variable in class play.Play
user - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Request
HTTP Basic User
UserInfo() - Constructor for class play.libs.OpenID.UserInfo
username - Variable in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
usesJuli() - Static method in class play.Logger
Util - Annotation Type in play.mvc
Mark this method as simple utility method (not an action) that can't be automatically invoked by the router.
Utils - Class in play.utils
Generic utils
Utils() - Constructor for class play.utils.Utils
Utils.AlternativeDateFormat - Class in play.utils
Utils.Maps - Class in play.utils
for java.util.Map
UUID() - Static method in class play.libs.Codec


Valid - Annotation Type in
This bean must satisfy all checks.
valid(String, Object) - Static method in class
valid(Object) - Method in class
validateAndCreate() - Method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel
validateAndSave() - Method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel
Validation - Class in
Validation() - Constructor for class
validation - Static variable in class play.mvc.Controller
The current Validation object.
validation - Static variable in class play.mvc.WebSocketController
Validation.ValidationResult - Class in
Validation.Validator - Class in
ValidationPlugin - Class in
ValidationPlugin() - Constructor for class
ValidationResult() - Constructor for class
Validator(Annotation) - Constructor for class
ValidCheck - Class in
ValidCheck() - Constructor for class
validSignature(Document, Key) - Static method in class play.libs.XML
Check the xmldsig signature of the XML document.
value - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Cookie
Cookie value
value() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Header
First value
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum play.db.evolutions.EvolutionState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum play.libs.Crypto.HashType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum play.libs.OAuth.Error.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum play.libs.OAuth2.Error.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum play.libs.WS.Scheme
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum play.Play.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum play.templates.GroovyInlineTags.CALL
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum play.templates.TemplateParser.Token
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum play.test.PlayJUnitRunner.StartPlay
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum play.db.evolutions.EvolutionState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class play.i18n.Localized
values() - Static method in enum play.libs.Crypto.HashType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum play.libs.OAuth.Error.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum play.libs.OAuth2.Error.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum play.libs.WS.Scheme
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values - Variable in class play.mvc.Http.Header
Header value
values() - Static method in enum play.Play.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum play.templates.GroovyInlineTags.CALL
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum play.templates.TemplateParser.Token
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum play.test.PlayJUnitRunner.StartPlay
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verbose(String) - Method in class play.deps.HumanReadyLogger
verify() - Method in class play.libs.OpenID
version - Static variable in class play.Play
Framework version
VirtualFile - Class in play.vfs
The VFS used by Play!
virtualHost - Variable in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
The virtual host this request will use


w - Variable in class play.libs.Images.Captcha
wait2(F.Promise<A>, F.Promise<B>) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Promise
wait3(F.Promise<A>, F.Promise<B>, F.Promise<C>) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Promise
wait4(F.Promise<A>, F.Promise<B>, F.Promise<C>, F.Promise<D>) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Promise
wait5(F.Promise<A>, F.Promise<B>, F.Promise<C>, F.Promise<D>, F.Promise<E>) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Promise
waitAll(F.Promise<T>...) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Promise
waitAll(Collection<F.Promise<T>>) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Promise
waitAny(F.Promise<T>...) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Promise
waitEither(F.Promise<A>, F.Promise<B>) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Promise
waitEither(F.Promise<A>, F.Promise<B>, F.Promise<C>) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Promise
waitEither(F.Promise<A>, F.Promise<B>, F.Promise<C>, F.Promise<D>) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Promise
waitEither(F.Promise<A>, F.Promise<B>, F.Promise<C>, F.Promise<D>, F.Promise<E>) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Promise
waitFor(Future<?>) - Static method in class play.mvc.Controller
warn(String) - Method in class play.deps.HumanReadyLogger
warn(String, Object...) - Static method in class play.Logger
Log with WARN level
warn(Throwable, String, Object...) - Static method in class play.Logger
Log with WARN level
wasError - Variable in class
WebSocketClose() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Http.WebSocketClose
WebSocketController - Class in play.mvc
WebSocketController() - Constructor for class play.mvc.WebSocketController
WebSocketDisconnect - Exception in play.mvc.results
WebSocketDisconnect() - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.WebSocketDisconnect
WebSocketEvent() - Constructor for class play.mvc.Http.WebSocketEvent
WebSocketFrame(String) - Constructor for class play.mvc.Http.WebSocketFrame
WebSocketFrame(byte[]) - Constructor for class play.mvc.Http.WebSocketFrame
WebSocketInvocation(Map<String, String>, Http.Request, Http.Inbound, Http.Outbound, ChannelHandlerContext, MessageEvent) - Constructor for class play.server.PlayHandler.WebSocketInvocation
WebSocketInvoker - Class in play.mvc
WebSocketInvoker() - Constructor for class play.mvc.WebSocketInvoker
WebSocketResult - Exception in play.mvc.results
WebSocket Result support
WebSocketResult() - Constructor for exception play.mvc.results.WebSocketResult
where - Variable in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect
where(String...) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect
where() - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect
where(SqlSelect.Where...) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect
where(String...) - Method in class play.db.helper.SqlSelect.Where
whereIn(String, Object) - Static method in class play.db.helper.SqlQuery
willBeSaved - Variable in class play.db.jpa.JPABase
willBeValidated(Object) - Static method in class
willBeValidated(Object) - Method in class play.PlayPlugin
willBeValidated(Object) - Method in class play.plugins.PluginCollection
With - Annotation Type in play.mvc
Delegate interceptors.
withEncoding(String) - Static method in class play.libs.WS
Use thos method to get an instance to WS with diferent encoding
withEncoding(String) - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSWithEncoding
Use this method to get an instance to WS with different encoding
withinFilter(F.Function0<T>) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
withinFilter(F.Function0<Object>) - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin.TransactionalFilter
withinFilter(F.Function0<T>) - Method in class play.PlayPlugin.Filter
withTransaction(String, boolean, F.Function0<T>) - Static method in class play.db.jpa.JPA
Run a block of code in a JPA transaction.
withVirtualHost(String) - Method in class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
Sets the virtual host to use in this request
wrap(Future<V>) - Method in class play.utils.SmartFuture
write(File) - Method in class
A convenience method to write an uploaded item to disk.
write(byte[], File) - Static method in class play.libs.IO
Write binary data to a file
write(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class play.libs.IO
Copy an stream to another one.
write(InputStream, File) - Static method in class play.libs.IO
Copy an stream to another one.
write(CharSequence) - Method in class play.vfs.VirtualFile
writeChunk(Object) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Response
writeChunk(Http.Request, Http.Response, ChannelHandlerContext, HttpRequest, Object) - Method in class play.server.PlayHandler
writeContent(CharSequence, OutputStream) - Static method in class play.libs.IO
Write String content to a stream (always use utf-8)
writeContent(CharSequence, OutputStream, String) - Static method in class play.libs.IO
Write String content to a stream (always use utf-8)
writeContent(CharSequence, File) - Static method in class play.libs.IO
Write String content to a file (always use utf-8)
writeContent(CharSequence, File, String) - Static method in class play.libs.IO
Write String content to a file (always use utf-8)
writeResponse(ChannelHandlerContext, Http.Response, HttpResponse, HttpRequest) - Static method in class play.server.PlayHandler
WS - Class in play.libs
Simple HTTP client to make webservices requests.
WS() - Constructor for class play.libs.WS
WS.FileParam - Class in play.libs
WS.HttpResponse - Class in play.libs
An HTTP response wrapper
WS.Scheme - Enum in play.libs
WS.WSImpl - Interface in play.libs
WS.WSRequest - Class in play.libs
WS.WSWithEncoding - Class in play.libs
Internal class exposing all the methods previously exposed by WS.
WSAsync - Class in
Simple HTTP client to make webservices requests.
WSAsync() - Constructor for class
WSAsync.HttpAsyncResponse - Class in
An HTTP response wrapper
WSAsync.WSAsyncRequest - Class in
WSAsyncRequest(String, String) - Constructor for class
WSRequest() - Constructor for class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
WSRequest(String, String) - Constructor for class play.libs.WS.WSRequest
WSSSLContext - Class in
WSSSLContext() - Constructor for class
WSUrlFetch - Class in
Implementation of the WS interface based on Java URL Fetch API.
WSUrlFetch() - Constructor for class
WSUrlFetch.HttpUrlfetchResponse - Class in
An HTTP response wrapper
WSUrlFetch.WSUrlfetchRequest - Class in
WSUrlfetchRequest(String, String) - Constructor for class
WSWithEncoding(String) - Constructor for class play.libs.WS.WSWithEncoding


XML - Class in play.libs
XML utils
XML() - Constructor for class play.libs.XML
XPath - Class in play.libs
XPath for parsing
XPath() - Constructor for class play.libs.XPath


YAMLException - Exception in play.exceptions
YAMLException(ScannerException, VirtualFile) - Constructor for exception play.exceptions.YAMLException
YamlParser - Class in play.deps
YamlParser() - Constructor for class play.deps.YamlParser
YEAR - Static variable in class play.libs.CronExpression
years - Variable in class play.libs.CronExpression
yesno(Object, String[]) - Static method in class play.templates.JavaExtensions
YesSSLSocketFactory - Class in play.utils
SSL Sockets created by this factory won't check if certificates are signed with a root certificate (or chained from root)
YesSSLSocketFactory() - Constructor for class play.utils.YesSSLSocketFactory
YesSSLSocketFactory.YesTrustManager - Class in play.utils
YesTrustManager() - Constructor for class play.utils.YesSSLSocketFactory.YesTrustManager


zip(File, File) - Static method in class play.libs.Files


_(String) - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate
'_' should not be used as an identifier, since it is a reserved keyword from source level 1.8 on use GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate.__loadClass(java.lang.String) instead
_1 - Variable in class play.libs.F.E3
_1(A) - Static method in class play.libs.F.E3
_1 - Variable in class play.libs.F.E4
_1(A) - Static method in class play.libs.F.E4
_1 - Variable in class play.libs.F.E5
_1(A) - Static method in class play.libs.F.E5
_1 - Variable in class play.libs.F.Either
_1(A) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Either
_1 - Variable in class play.libs.F.T3
_1 - Variable in class play.libs.F.T4
_1 - Variable in class play.libs.F.T5
_1 - Variable in class play.libs.F.Tuple
_2 - Variable in class play.libs.F.E3
_2(B) - Static method in class play.libs.F.E3
_2 - Variable in class play.libs.F.E4
_2(B) - Static method in class play.libs.F.E4
_2 - Variable in class play.libs.F.E5
_2(B) - Static method in class play.libs.F.E5
_2 - Variable in class play.libs.F.Either
_2(B) - Static method in class play.libs.F.Either
_2 - Variable in class play.libs.F.T3
_2 - Variable in class play.libs.F.T4
_2 - Variable in class play.libs.F.T5
_2 - Variable in class play.libs.F.Tuple
_3 - Variable in class play.libs.F.E3
_3(C) - Static method in class play.libs.F.E3
_3 - Variable in class play.libs.F.E4
_3(C) - Static method in class play.libs.F.E4
_3 - Variable in class play.libs.F.E5
_3(C) - Static method in class play.libs.F.E5
_3 - Variable in class play.libs.F.T3
_3 - Variable in class play.libs.F.T4
_3 - Variable in class play.libs.F.T5
_4 - Variable in class play.libs.F.E4
_4(D) - Static method in class play.libs.F.E4
_4 - Variable in class play.libs.F.E5
_4(D) - Static method in class play.libs.F.E5
_4 - Variable in class play.libs.F.T4
_4 - Variable in class play.libs.F.T5
_5 - Variable in class play.libs.F.E5
_5(E) - Static method in class play.libs.F.E5
_5 - Variable in class play.libs.F.T5
__getMessage(Object[]) - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate
__loadClass(String) - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate
Load the class from Pay Class loader
__reverseWithCheck_absolute_false(String) - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate
__reverseWithCheck_absolute_true(String) - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate
__safe(Object, String) - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate
__safeFaster(Object) - Method in class play.templates.GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate
This method is faster to call from groovy than __safe() since we only evaluate val.toString() if we need to
_a(Map<?, ?>, Closure, PrintWriter, GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate, int) - Static method in class play.templates.FastTags
Generates a html link to a controller action
_authenticityToken(Map<?, ?>, Closure, PrintWriter, GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate, int) - Static method in class play.templates.FastTags
_ByteArrayOutputStream(int) - Constructor for class play.test.FunctionalTest._ByteArrayOutputStream
_cache(Map<?, ?>, Closure, PrintWriter, GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate, int) - Static method in class play.templates.FastTags
_contains(String) - Method in class play.mvc.Scope.Params
_currentReverse - Static variable in class play.mvc.Controller
Don't use this directly if you don't know why
_delete() - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPABase
_delete() - Method in interface play.db.Model
_doLayout(Map<?, ?>, Closure, PrintWriter, GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate, int) - Static method in class play.templates.FastTags
_else(int, GroovyInlineTags.CALL) - Static method in class play.templates.GroovyInlineTags
_elseif(int, GroovyInlineTags.CALL) - Static method in class play.templates.GroovyInlineTags
_embeddedImage(Map<?, ?>, Closure, PrintWriter, GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate, int) - Static method in class play.templates.FastTags
_error(Map<?, ?>, Closure, PrintWriter, GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate, int) - Static method in class play.templates.FastTags
_errorClass(Map<?, ?>, Closure, PrintWriter, GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate, int) - Static method in class play.templates.FastTags
_extends(Map<?, ?>, Closure, PrintWriter, GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate, int) - Static method in class play.templates.FastTags
_field(Map<?, ?>, Closure, PrintWriter, GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate, int) - Static method in class play.templates.FastTags
The field tag is a helper, based on the spirit of Don't Repeat Yourself.
_finally() - Method in class play.Invoker.Invocation
Things to do in all cases after the invocation.
_finally() - Method in class
_form(Map<?, ?>, Closure, PrintWriter, GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate, int) - Static method in class play.templates.FastTags
Generates a html form element linked to a controller action
_get(Map<?, ?>, Closure, PrintWriter, GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate, int) - Static method in class play.templates.FastTags
_if(int, GroovyInlineTags.CALL) - Static method in class play.templates.GroovyInlineTags
_ifError(Map<?, ?>, Closure, PrintWriter, GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate, int) - Static method in class play.templates.FastTags
_ifErrors(Map<?, ?>, Closure, PrintWriter, GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate, int) - Static method in class play.templates.FastTags
_ifnot(int, GroovyInlineTags.CALL) - Static method in class play.templates.GroovyInlineTags
_include(Map<?, ?>, Closure, PrintWriter, GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate, int) - Static method in class play.templates.FastTags
_init() - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Request
_javaWithCaching - Static variable in class play.utils.Java
_jsAction(Map<?, ?>, Closure, PrintWriter, GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate, int) - Static method in class play.templates.FastTags
_jsRoute(Map<?, ?>, Closure, PrintWriter, GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate, int) - Static method in class play.templates.FastTags
_key() - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPABase
_key() - Method in class play.db.jpa.Model
_key() - Method in interface play.db.Model
_lastKnownApplicationClassloaderState - Static variable in class play.utils.Java
_list(int, GroovyInlineTags.CALL) - Static method in class play.templates.GroovyInlineTags
_option(Map<?, ?>, Closure, PrintWriter, GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate, int) - Static method in class play.templates.FastTags
_received(Http.WebSocketFrame) - Method in class play.mvc.Http.Inbound
_render(Map<?, ?>, Closure, PrintWriter, GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate, int) - Static method in class play.templates.FastTags
_save() - Method in class play.db.jpa.JPABase
_save() - Method in interface play.db.Model
_saveAttachment() - Method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel
_set(Map<?, ?>, Closure, PrintWriter, GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate, int) - Static method in class play.templates.FastTags
_setupAttachment() - Method in class play.db.jpa.GenericModel
_verbatim(Map<?, ?>, Closure, PrintWriter, GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate, int) - Static method in class play.templates.FastTags
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 
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